Jurisdiction and Venue

Fundamentals of Procedural Law by Adam J. McKee

As we delve further into the world of pretrial procedures, two essential concepts to grasp are jurisdiction and venue. Understanding these terms provides a foundational knowledge of the court’s authority and the location where a case is heard. In this section, we will discuss both jurisdiction and venue in detail, providing a clear understanding of their role in pretrial procedures.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Introduction to Jurisdiction and Venue

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s understand the terms jurisdiction and venue. Jurisdiction is the court’s power to decide a case. It’s about legal authority. Venue, on the other hand, relates to the geographical location where a case should be heard. It’s about the most appropriate place for a trial.

Understanding Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction is a fundamental concept in law, with two main aspects: personal jurisdiction and subject matter jurisdiction. Understanding each of these aspects is crucial to comprehending the court’s powers and the breadth of its authority.

Personal jurisdiction refers to the power that a court has over the individual, or the defendant, in a case. It’s the court’s authority to make a decision that the defendant legally must follow. The court must have this kind of power over the defendant for the case to proceed. In other words, the defendant must have some link or contact with the area where the court is located.

Subject matter jurisdiction, on the other hand, relates to the nature of the case itself. It is the court’s authority to hear and decide on the specific type of issue in dispute. For instance, a bankruptcy court will only have jurisdiction over bankruptcy cases, while a family court handles matters related to family law.

Both personal and subject matter jurisdiction must be present for a court to hear a case. Without either one, the court would lack the authority to make a ruling, and any decision it makes would be invalid. This requirement ensures the right court hears each case and that defendants are subject to rulings only by courts with proper authority over them.

Types of Jurisdiction

Jurisdiction is not a monolithic concept. Instead, it comes in various forms, each serving a specific purpose within the legal system. Today, we’ll talk about four types of jurisdiction: original, appellate, concurrent, and exclusive jurisdiction. Each type represents a unique facet of a court’s power to hear a case.

Let’s start with original jurisdiction. Original jurisdiction refers to the authority of a court to hear a case first, before any other court gets involved. This is the jurisdiction most commonly exercised by trial courts. These courts hear cases as they arise, witness testimony firsthand, and evaluate evidence presented by the parties involved.

Next, we have appellate jurisdiction. This term refers to the power of a court to review and possibly change what a lower court has decided. Appellate courts step in after a trial court has made a decision. They look at the legal aspects of the case, ensuring the law was correctly applied.

The third type of jurisdiction is concurrent jurisdiction. Here, more than one court could hear the case. For instance, some cases can be heard in either federal or state court. The parties involved in the case usually have a choice in where they want to go.

Finally, there’s exclusive jurisdiction. As the term implies, in these situations, only one court has the power to hear a case. For example, bankruptcy cases fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of federal bankruptcy courts.

Understanding these different types of jurisdiction is crucial for understanding how different courts interact and how cases move through the judicial system. Each type serves its purpose, ensuring cases are heard at the appropriate level and by the appropriate court.

Introduction to Venue

While jurisdiction is all about a court’s authority to hear a case, venue, on the other hand, deals with the most suitable geographical location for a trial. It may seem like a small detail, but the concept of venue is essential in ensuring a fair and just legal process.

Venue relates to the physical place where a trial is held. The idea is to hold the trial in a location that is fair and convenient for everyone involved. It’s about practicality and justice. After all, it wouldn’t be reasonable or efficient to ask a defendant or witnesses to travel hundreds of miles for a trial.

How is the venue determined? There are several factors to consider. One significant factor is where the crime took place. Generally, a case is heard in a court located in the area where the alleged crime occurred. This locality is considered the most appropriate and convenient place because it’s where the event unfolded, and potential evidence and witnesses are likely to be found.

Additionally, the residence of the parties involved might influence the venue. For instance, in civil cases, the lawsuit can often be filed in a court located in the area where the defendant lives. This venue is selected to ensure that the defendant can conveniently attend the trial.

In short, while jurisdiction concerns a court’s power, venue focuses on the most appropriate location for a trial. Both concepts work hand in hand to ensure justice is served in the most efficient and equitable manner possible.

Determining the Venue

Determining the venue depends on factors like where the alleged crime occurred, where the defendant resides, or where the witnesses are located. Parties sometimes engage in “forum shopping,” where they try to have their case heard in a venue they believe will be most favorable to them.

Changing the Venue

In certain circumstances, the venue can be changed. This usually happens when there’s a concern that the defendant won’t receive a fair trial in the current venue due to prejudice or public opinion. This process, known as a change of venue, involves a formal request to the court, which then decides based on the presented evidence.

Understanding these concepts of jurisdiction and venue is critical for grasping how pretrial procedures work. They dictate who can hear a case and where it can be heard, ensuring fairness and justice in the legal process.


Our discussion of pretrial procedures explored the critical concepts of jurisdiction and venue. Jurisdiction, referring to a court’s power to hear and decide a case, was unpacked into personal and subject matter jurisdiction. We discussed personal jurisdiction as the court’s power over the defendant and subject matter jurisdiction as the court’s authority over the case’s nature.

Further, we examined the different types of jurisdiction: original, appellate, concurrent, and exclusive. Original jurisdiction refers to a court’s authority to hear a case first, typically the role of trial courts. Appellate jurisdiction involves the power to review and possibly alter a lower court’s decision. Concurrent jurisdiction exists when more than one court can hear a case, and exclusive jurisdiction means only a single court has the power to hear a case.

We also elaborated on the concept of venue, which deals with the most suitable location for a trial. The venue is determined by factors such as the crime location and the residences of the parties involved. Importantly, we noted that a venue could be changed under certain circumstances to ensure a fair trial.

Both jurisdiction and venue are key to understanding pretrial procedures, playing a vital role in ensuring fairness and justice in the legal process.


Modification History

File Created:  08/08/2018

Last Modified:  07/27/2023

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