Section 4.3: Elements of a Literature Review   [Learning Resources]

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Reading Assignment for Section 4.3

Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 4.3: Elements of a Literature Review.

What You Will Learn

In this section, you’ll understand the purpose and organization of literature reviews in academic writing. You’ll learn how to start with a clear, focused problem area, utilize landmark and replication studies effectively, and leverage existing review articles to add unique value to your own review. You’ll develop skills in identifying and addressing gaps in the literature, justifying the importance of your study, and handling inconsistent results to provide a comprehensive view. Additionally, you’ll master writing a literature review with a clear structure, updated style guidelines, diverse sources, and balanced perspectives, while avoiding common mistakes.

Student Learning Outcomes for Section 4.3

  • SLO 1: Understand the purpose and organization of literature reviews in academic writing, including how to start with a clear, focused problem area, utilize landmark and replication studies effectively, and leverage existing review articles to add unique value and perspective to your own review.
  • SLO 2: Develop skills in identifying and addressing gaps in the literature, justifying the importance of your study within the current academic landscape, and handling inconsistent results and side issues to provide a comprehensive and balanced view of the subject matter.
  • SLO 3: Master the art of writing a literature review that maintains a clear structure, stays updated with style guidelines, diversifies source selection, and maintains relevance, while avoiding common mistakes and ensuring a balanced consideration of all significant perspectives.
Modification History

File Created:  07/25/2024

Last Modified:  07/25/2024

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