Section 1.3: Sociological Methods [Learning Resources]

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Section Overview

Sociologists use the sociological perspective and sociological methods to study all aspects of human behavior and understand our world. They use systematic research methods and either a scientific or interpretive approach to uncover insights into workplace patterns, family relationships, educational structures, and more. The sociological method involves empirical evidence and testing theories through systematic observation, measurement, and analysis. The interpretive framework focuses on understanding the subjective experiences of individuals and emphasizes the importance of context, culture, and social interaction. Through the use of these approaches, sociologists contribute to our understanding of society and its various components, such as environmental influences and patterns of behavior. The scientific method and the interpretive framework differ in their approaches to research, but both are valuable tools for sociologists seeking to understand human behavior and social interaction.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

SLO 1: Understanding Sociological Perspective: Students will learn to recognize the sociological perspective as a unique way to understand human behavior and societal patterns.

SLO 2: Application of Sociological Methods: Students will gain knowledge of the systematic research methods used in sociology, including their application in various social contexts like the workplace, family, and education.

SLO 3: Understanding Empirical Evidence and Theory Testing: Students will be able to explain the role of empirical evidence in sociological research and the process of testing theories through systematic observation, measurement, and analysis.

SLO 4: Grasping the Interpretive Framework: Students will understand the interpretive framework’s emphasis on subjective experiences, context, culture, and social interaction in sociological studies.

SLO 5: Comparing Research Approaches: Students should be able to compare and contrast the scientific method and the interpretive framework, understanding their unique contributions to the study of human behavior and social interaction.

Modification History

File Created:  05/07/2023

Last Modified:  06/26/2023


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