Absolute Poverty | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Absolute poverty is when a person lacks the basic needs to survive, like food and shelter.

Understanding Absolute Poverty

Absolute poverty is a serious issue around the world. It means not having enough to eat, no place to live, no clean water to drink, or enough clothes to wear. Think about it like this: if you’re in absolute poverty, you struggle every day just to stay alive.

Causes of Absolute Poverty

Many things cause absolute poverty. Some places have very little money and resources. Other times, disasters like floods or droughts take away what little people have. Also, wars and conflicts can destroy homes and make it hard to find food and water.

The Impact of Absolute Poverty

Living in absolute poverty is very tough. People can’t get good food, which makes them weak and sick. Kids might not go to school because they have to help their families or they don’t have a school nearby. This makes it hard for them to get better jobs later.

Fighting Absolute Poverty

Countries and organizations are working hard to help. They give food, build houses, and make sure there’s clean water. Education is also a big focus. They know that teaching people skills can help them get out of poverty.

Your Role

You might wonder, “What can I do?” Well, even small actions count. Learning about the issue is a start. Sharing what you know, helping out in community projects, or raising money can make a big difference.


All in all, absolute poverty is a big challenge. But by understanding it, knowing its causes, and seeing its impact, we can all help fight it. Remember, every little bit helps, and together, we can make a change.

References and Further Reading

Edward, P. (2006). The ethical poverty line: a moral quantification of absolute povertyThird World Quarterly27(2), 377-393.

Modification History

File Created:  06/14/2023

Last Modified:  01/25/2024

This work is licensed under an Open Educational Resource-Quality Master Source (OER-QMS) License.

Open Education Resource--Quality Master Source License


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