Behavior | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Behavior, in sociology, refers to the actions or reactions of individuals or groups in response to social situations or stimuli.

Let’s start at the beginning. What is behavior? This term can refer to anything an individual does in response to a situation, event, or stimulus. These actions can be deliberate, like choosing to study for a test, or they can be instinctual, like blinking when something gets too close to your eye. Whether it’s a person doing their homework or a group protesting for a cause, these are all examples of behavior.

Behavior in Sociology

So, how does sociology look at it? In sociology, it is often seen as a response to social factors. For example, if a child is raised in a peaceful family, their behavior might include non-aggressive actions. On the other hand, a child from a troubled background might behave aggressively. Thus, sociologists study this to understand how society and social situations influence individuals and groups.


There are many types that sociologists study. First, there’s conforming behavior, where individuals or groups follow the norms or rules of society. Then there’s deviant behavior, where individuals or groups act against these norms or rules. Both types are important to study because they help sociologists understand how and why people obey or break social rules.

Factors Influencing Behavior

Behavior isn’t random. Many factors influence how individuals and groups act. These include cultural norms, societal pressures, personal values, and even biological factors. Also, people’s behaviors can change based on different social situations or as they grow and learn.

Studying Behavior

Sociologists use various methods to study this. They might conduct interviews or surveys, observe people in their daily lives, or use historical and current data. These methods help sociologists not only study what occurs but also understand why they occur.

The Impact

After all, why does studying behavior matter? It shapes society, both now and in the future. By understanding people’s actions, sociologists can predict social trends, propose changes, and contribute to the betterment of society.


All in all, behavior is a fundamental aspect of sociology. It refers to how individuals or groups act in response to their social environment. By studying it, sociologists can better understand the workings of society and contribute to its improvement.

Modification History

File Created:  06/14/2023

Last Modified:  04/14/2023

This work is licensed under an Open Educational Resource-Quality Master Source (OER-QMS) License.

Open Education Resource--Quality Master Source License


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