impression management | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Impression management is Goffman’s term for efforts to shape others’ perceptions of us.

Introduction to Impression Management

Imagine yourself as a curator of an art gallery, where the art is your own image, meticulously crafted and presented to the public. This is the essence of impression management, a concept introduced by sociologist Erving Goffman, describing how individuals curate and control the impressions they make on others in social interactions. It’s a strategic process of highlighting certain aspects of oneself while concealing others, all in an effort to be seen in a favorable light.

The Essence of Impression Management

At its core, impression management is about the presentation of self in everyday life. It involves a conscious or unconscious process of influencing the perception of others through the manipulation of information in social interactions. This process is akin to a performance, where social actors manage their appearance, manner, and discourse to create specific impressions in the eyes of their audience.

Techniques of Impression Management

  • Self-Presentation: Tailoring appearance and behavior to fit different social settings.
  • Selective Information Sharing: Controlling the flow of information to highlight desirable traits and downplay weaknesses.
  • Audience Segregation: Differentiating between social groups to present appropriate versions of oneself to each group.

The Role of Impression Management in Society

Navigating Social Interactions

Impression management plays a crucial role in social interactions, facilitating smooth communication and helping individuals to achieve personal or professional goals. It is employed in various contexts, from job interviews and workplace relations to social media and personal relationships.

Constructing Social Identity

Through impression management, individuals construct and negotiate their social identities. It reflects the fluid nature of identity, which adapts and changes based on social context and audience.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

Authenticity vs. Manipulation

A key challenge of impression management is balancing the desire to make favorable impressions with the need for authenticity. Overemphasis on managing impressions can lead to perceptions of inauthenticity or manipulation, potentially undermining trust and credibility.

The Impact of Digital Media

The rise of digital media and social networking has amplified the scope and complexity of impression management, creating new opportunities for self-presentation but also raising concerns about privacy, authenticity, and the psychological effects of constant self-monitoring.


In conclusion, impression management is a fundamental aspect of social interaction, reflecting the human desire to influence how we are perceived by others. While it serves practical and adaptive functions in society, it also invites reflection on the nature of authenticity, the construction of identity, and the ethical dimensions of social performance. In the theater of everyday life, impression management reminds us of the intricate dance between revealing and concealing, between being seen and choosing what is shown.

Impression management, with its strategic navigation of social perceptions, underscores the dynamic interplay between individual agency and social expectation, highlighting the performative aspects of social life and the ongoing construction of personal and social identity.

References and Further Reading

[ Sociology Glossary ]

Modification History

File Created:  04/18/2024

Last Modified:  04/18/2024

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