sociology | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Sociology is the scientific study of human society, including patterns of social relationships, social interaction, and culture.

Firstly, let’s understand what sociology is. In simple terms, sociology is the study of people in groups. It looks at how we behave when we’re around others, and how society influences that behavior. It’s like a magnifying glass for understanding the social world around us.

The Birth of Sociology

Sociology didn’t just pop up overnight. It developed over time, born from people’s desire to understand the complex world of human social interactions. French philosopher Auguste Comte is credited as the “father of sociology” for being the first to suggest that human society could be studied scientifically, just like nature.

What Do Sociologists Study?

What exactly do sociologists study? Both small and large groups. They might examine families, groups of friends, or classrooms. On a larger scale, they might study communities, organizations, or even entire countries. Whether it’s understanding why certain fashion trends become popular or why people from different backgrounds often have different opportunities, sociology can provide the answers.

Tools of Sociology

Sociologists use a variety of tools and methods in their research. They might conduct surveys to collect data, interview individuals to get personal stories, or observe social interactions directly. All these methods help sociologists gather the information they need to better understand society.


Afterward, you might wonder why is sociology important? It helps us understand the social forces that shape our lives, from our family interactions to the global issues we face. By understanding these forces, we can make informed decisions and promote social change.

Sociology and Social Change

Sociology isn’t just about understanding society. It’s also about improving it. Sociologists use their findings to highlight social problems and advocate for change. For instance, research on poverty can lead to policies to support those in need.

Famous Sociologists

Throughout history, many sociologists have left their mark. For example, Emile Durkheim helped establish sociology as a formal discipline, while W.E.B. Du Bois explored the intersection of race and society. These sociologists and others have shaped our understanding of the social world.


All in all, sociology is a fascinating field that helps us understand our social world. It studies human behavior in a social context, using scientific methods to uncover the patterns, trends, and complexities of society. By studying sociology, we can better understand ourselves, our social interactions, and the world around us.

Modification History

File Created:  06/14/2023

Last Modified:  04/14/2023

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