Selector > Numerical Data > More than Two Variables

Fundamentals of Social Statistics by Adam J. McKee

Question: Are you looking for relationships or predictions?

To determine the appropriate statistical method for analyzing more than two numerical variables, consider whether you are interested in understanding the relationships among the variables or making predictions based on them.


If your goal is to understand the relationships among multiple variables, select this option to explore methods that reveal how these variables interact with each other.

  • Correlation Matrix
    • Use a correlation matrix to examine the relationships between multiple variables. This tool provides a comprehensive overview of how each pair of variables is related, showing the strength and direction of these relationships. It’s particularly useful for identifying patterns and potential associations within your dataset.


If your goal is to make predictions based on multiple variables, select this option to explore methods that help forecast outcomes using several predictors.

  • Multiple Regression
    • Use multiple regression analysis to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the values of multiple independent variables. This method allows you to model and understand the influence of several factors simultaneously, making it ideal for complex data where multiple variables contribute to the outcome. Multiple regression helps determine each predictor’s relative importance and provides insights into how changes in the predictors affect the dependent variable.

Choose the option that best matches your analysis goal to proceed.

[ Selector > Numerical Data | Statistics Contents ]

Last Modified:  06/13/2024

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