Selector > Mixed Data > Analyzing Relationships

Fundamentals of Social Statistics by Adam J. McKee

Question: What type of relationship analysis are you performing?

Consider whether you are focusing on regression analysis or classification to determine the appropriate statistical method for analyzing relationships in mixed data.


If your goal is to predict outcomes based on multiple variables, select this option to explore methods that model these relationships.

  • Multiple Regression
    • Use multiple regression analysis to predict the value of a dependent variable based on the values of multiple independent variables. This method allows you to model and understand the influence of several factors simultaneously. Multiple regression is ideal for datasets with mixed numerical and categorical variables, helping you determine the relative importance of each predictor and how changes in these predictors affect the outcome.


If your goal is to classify observations into categories based on multiple predictor variables, select this option to explore methods that help categorize your data.

  • Logistic Regression
    • Use logistic regression when your dependent variable is binary, to model the probability of an event occurring based on one or more predictor variables. This method is useful for classification problems where the outcome is categorical, such as predicting whether an individual will pass or fail based on various predictors. Logistic regression is suitable for mixed data, as it can handle both numerical and categorical predictors, providing insights into the likelihood of different outcomes.

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Last Modified:  06/13/2024

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