Cebu: A Passport Bro’s Paradise (Doc’s Passport Bro Score: 92)

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Cebu is a city in the Philippines that is known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant nightlife, and friendly locals. It is also a popular destination for expats, thanks to its low cost of living and its growing economy.



Proximity to Airports

Cebu is home to two international airports, Mactan-Cebu International Airport and Francisco B. Reyes Airport. This makes it easy for passport bros to get to and from the city. 5 out of 5

Internet Connectivity

Internet connectivity in Cebu is excellent. There are many providers to choose from, and speeds are generally fast. 5 out of 5

Public Transportation and Infrastructure

Public transportation in Cebu is not the best, but it is still functional. There are buses, jeepneys, and taxis available, and it is possible to get around the city without a car. 4 out of 5

English Language Accessibility

English is widely spoken in Cebu, so passport bros will have no trouble communicating with the locals. 8 out of 10

Availability of Emergency Services

Emergency services in Cebu are readily available. There are hospitals, clinics, and police stations throughout the city. 5 out of 5

Safety & Security

Cebu is a safe city, and passport bros should feel comfortable walking around at night. However, as with any city, it is important to be aware of your surroundings and take precautions. 8 out of 10

Expat Community & Services

There is a growing expat community in Cebu, and there are a number of services available to help expats adjust to life in the city. 3 out of 3

Cultural Activities & Entertainment

Cebu has a vibrant cultural scene, and there are always things to do in the city. There are museums, art galleries, theaters, and a number of other cultural attractions. There is also a lively nightlife scene in Cebu. 8 out of 10

Food, Dining & Social Scene

The food in Cebu is amazing, and there are a wide variety of restaurants to choose from. Passport bros will find everything from traditional Filipino cuisine to international fare. The social scene in Cebu is also very lively, and there are a number of bars, clubs, and other places to meet people. 4 out of 4


The climate in Cebu is tropical, with hot, humid summers and mild winters. Passport bros who are not used to hot weather may find the summers to be a bit too much. 4 out of 4

Women Willing to Date Foreigners

Women in Cebu are generally open to dating foreigners.  8 out of 10

Final Results

Doc’s Passport Bro Score: 92 out of 100 (A)

Overall, Cebu is a great city for passport bros. It has a lot to offer in terms of amenities, activities, and culture. The cost of living is also very low, making it a great option for those on a budget.

However, there are a few challenges that passport bros should be aware of before moving to Cebu. The traffic can be heavy, and the infrastructure is not as good as in some other countries. Additionally, the weather can be hot and humid for some people.

Overall, Cebu is a great city for passport bros who are looking for an affordable, exciting, and culturally rich place to live.

This evaluation is geared towards expats seeking affordable living arrangements and not those looking for vacation spots or other purposes.

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1 thought on “Cebu: A Passport Bro’s Paradise (Doc’s Passport Bro Score: 92)

  1. Totally agree that Cebu is a Passport Bro paradise, although I live in Thailand if I couldn’t be here for sure I would be in Cebu. Only thing I’d say is that it’s easy to find girls but to find true ladies they are as hard to find as any other country.

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