For Research and Statistics terms, see Doc’s Research Glossary instead of this one!
- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- Qualitative Data [Juvenile Justice]
- Qualitative Methods
- Quantitative Data [Juvenile Justice]
- Quantum Theory And Crime [Criminology]
- Quasi-experimental Designs [Juvenile Justice]
- Quasi-Military Organization [Policing]
- Qutb v. Strauss (1993)
- Racial Discrimination
- Racial Disparities [Corrections]
- Racial Profiling
- Racism
- Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) [Criminal Law]
- Racketeering [Criminal Law]
- Radical Criminology. Also, Marxist Criminology and Critical Criminology.
- Raffaele Garofalo [Criminology]
- Ramifications [Juvenile Justice]
- Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [Juvenile Justice]
- Rape. [Criminal Law] See also Forcible Rape and Sexual Battery.
- Rape Shield Laws [Criminal Law]
- Rape Trauma Syndrome [Criminal Law]
- Rate
- Rated Capacity
- Rational Choice Theory
- Reaction Formation
- Reactive [Policing]
- Real Evidence
- Real-time Adjustments [Juvenile Justice]
- Real-time Tracking [Juvenile Justice]
- Reasonable Doubt
- Reasonable Doubt Standard. See Reasonable Doubt.
- Reasonable Force
- Reasonable Man Test. See Reasonable Person Test.
- Reasonable Person Test
- Reasonable Suspicion. See also Probable Cause.
- Rebuttable Presumption [Law]
- Rebuttal {in a Criminal Trial}
- Reception Facility
- Recidivism
- Recidivism rates [Corrections]
- Recidivist
- Recklessly {culpable mental state}
- Reconciliation
- Record
- Recreational Drug User
- Recreational Programs [Juvenile Justice]
- Reentry
- Reentry Circles [Corrections]
- Reentry Courts [Corrections]
- Reentry Instability [Corrections]
- Reentry Support Programs [Corrections]
- Reform [Juvenile Justice]
- Reform Era {of Policing}
- Reform initiatives [Juvenile Justice]
- Reformatory Movement [Corrections]
- Reformatory Style
- Regional Jail
- Regular Reporting [Corrections]
- Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation efforts [Corrections]
- Rehabilitation Model {of Corrections}
- Rehabilitation Strategies [Corrections]
- Rehabilitative Goals [Juvenile Justice]
- Rehnquist Court (1986 – 2005)
- Reincarceration Costs [Corrections]
- Reinforcement [Criminology]
- Reintegration
- Reintegration Movement [Corrections]
- Reintegration Programs [Corrections]
- Release on Recognizance (ROR)
- Remand [Law]
- Remedy [Law]
- Remote Hearings [Corrections]
- Remote Monitoring [Juvenile Justice]
- Reoffending [Juvenile Justice]
- Reporter [Legal Research]
- Reprieve
- Research
- Residential Burglary [Criminal Law]
- Residential Commitment
- Residential Treatment Center [Juvenile Justice]
- Residual Problems of Society [Policing]
- Resilience [Juvenile Justice]
- Resource Allocation [Corrections]
- Resource Scarcity [Corrections]
- Responsible Moral Agent
- Responsible Reintegration [Juvenile Justice]
- Responsivity Principle [Corrections]
- Restitution
- Restoration [Juvenile Justice]
- Restorative Justice
- Re-traumatization [Corrections]
- Retribution
- Retributive Justice
- Revenge
- Reversed [Law]
- Revocation [Corrections]
- Revocation Hearing
- Revolving Door Phenomenon [Corrections]
- Ricketts v. Adamson (1987) Read the Abridged Case
- Right to Counsel
- Right to a Public Trial
- Right to a Speedy Trial
- Right to a Trial by Jury
- Right to Access to the Courts
- Right to Assemble
- Right to be Free From Cruel and Unusual Punishment
- Right to Confront Witnesses
- Right to Counsel
- Right to Free Speech
- Right to Notice of Accusations
- Right to Privacy
- Right to Remain Silent
- Right to Free Exercise of Religion
- Right to Vote
- Risk Assessments [Juvenile Justice]
- Risk Factors [Juvenile Justice]
- Risk-Needs Responsivity (RNR) Model [Corrections]
- Riot. See Unlawful Assembly.
- Robbery (UCR)
- Robbery (law)
- Roberts, Justice John
- Roe v. Wade (1973)
- Root Cause Analysis [Corrections]
- Roper v. Simmons (2005) [Juvenile Justice]
- Rout. See Unlawful Assembly.
- Routine Activities Theory
- Rule of Law
- Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Rules of Evidence
- Runaway
[ A-B | C | D | E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-U | V-W-X-Y-Z ]