For Research and Statistics terms, see Doc’s Research Glossary instead of this one!
- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- San Diego Field Interrogation Study [Policing]
- Sanitation [Corrections]
- Santobello v. New York (1971) Read the Abridged Case
- Scarlet-Letter Punishment [Corrections]
- Scene Integrity [Investigations]
- Schall v. Martin (1984) Read the Abridged Case
- Schenck v. United States (1919)
- Schizophrenic
- School-Based Initiatives [Juvenile Justice]
- School-Based Prevention Programs [Juvenile Justice]
- School Resource Officer (SRO) [Policing]
- School-to-prison Pipeline
- Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) [Homeland Security]
- Scientific Method
- Scientific Jury Selection
- Scientific Police Management
- Scientific Research [Juvenile Justice]
- SCOTUS. See U.S. Supreme Court.
- Screening and Assessment Tools [Corrections]
- Search Incident to Arrest [Procedural Law]
- Search Warrant [Procedural Law]
- Second Amendment {of the Constitution of the United States}
- Secret Service [Policing]
- Securities [Criminal Law]
- Security [Corrections]
- Sedition [Criminal Law]
- Selection Biases [Corrections]
- Self-defense [Criminal Law]
- Sentence
- Sentencing
- Sentencing Disparity
- Sentencing Guideline
- Sentencing Hearing
- Sentencing Negotiations
- Sentencing Reform [Corrections]
- Sentencing Reform Act of 1984
- Sentencing Statute
- Separation of Powers
- Serious Games [Juvenile Justice]
- Service of Process
- Service Style {of Policing}
- Sequester {a jury}
- Severity {in Rational Choice Theory}
- Sex Offense (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- Sexual Abuse [Criminal Law]
- Sexual Battery [Criminal Law]
- Sexual Exploitation [Corrections]
- Shakedown [Corrections]
- Shelter [Juvenile Justice]
- Sheriff
- Sheriff’s Department
- Sheriff’s Deputies
- Shire
- Shire-reeve
- Shock Incarceration
- Shock Probation
- Simple Assault {FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports}
- Situational Factors [Juvenile Justice]
- Sixth Amendment {of the United States Constitution}
- Skill Acquisition [Juvenile Justice]
- Smuggling
- “Sneak and Peek” Search [Procedural Law]
- Social Capital [Corrections]
- Social Control [Criminology]
- Social Conflict Theories [Juvenile Justice]
- Social Debt [Sentencing]
- Social Development Theory [Criminology]
- Social Disadvantage [Corrections]
- Social Disorganization [Criminology]
- Social Disparities [Corrections]
- Social Ecology [Criminology]
- Social Exclusion [Corrections]
- Social Factors [Corrections]
- Social Impact Bonds [Corrections]
- Social Impact Investing [Corrections]
- Social Integration [Juvenile Justice]
- Social Isolation [Juvenile Justice]
- Social Justice
- Social Learning Theory [Criminology]
- Social Media Platforms [Juvenile Justice]
- Social Order
- Social-psychological Theory
- Social Process Theories [Juvenile Justice]
- Social Reintegration [Juvenile Justice]
- Social Skills Training [Corrections]
- Social Stigma
- Social Support [Juvenile Justice]
- Social Welfare Expenditures [Corrections]
- Social Worker [Juvenile Justice]
- Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) [Juvenile Justice]
- Socialist State [Corrections]
- Societal Impacts [Corrections]
- Societal Protection [Juvenile Justice]
- Socioeconomic Disparities [Corrections]
- Socioeconomic Factors [Juvenile Justice]
- Sociological Theories [Juvenile Justice]
- Sociopath. see Psychopath.
- Sodomy [Criminal Law]
- Software Piracy
- Solicitation [Criminal Law]
- Solid Evidence [Juvenile Justice]
- Solitary Confinement [Juvenile Justice]
- Somatotyping [Criminology]
- Sotomayor, Sonia {Justice}
- Special Education Services [Juvenile Justice]
- Special Populations [Corrections]
- Specific Deterrence. see also General Deterrence.
- Specialized Housing Units [Corrections]
- Specialized Units [Policing]
- Speedy Trial
- Speedy Trial Act of 1974
- Split Sentence
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder Engagement [Corrections]
- Stalking [Criminal Law]
- Standard of Proof. See also Reasonable Suspicion, Probable Cause, Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
- Standing [Procedural Law]
- Standing Mute
- Stare Decisis. (Legal Latin). see also Precedence.
- State-action Doctrine
- State Court Administrator
- State Court System
- State Departments of Corrections [Corrections]
- State Highway Patrol
- State Police
- State-use System
- State’s Attorney
- Static Factors [Juvenile Justice]
- Statistical Analyses [Juvenile Justice]
- Status Offender
- Status Offense
- Statute
- Statute of Limitations
- Statute of Winchester
- Statutory Law
- Statutory Rape
- Stay of Execution
- Stigmatization [Juvenile Justice]
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Stolen Property Offense
- Stop and Frisk [Procedural Law]
- Stranger Violence
- Strategic Policing
- Street Crime
- Strict Liability [Criminal Law]
- Structural Needs [Juvenile Justice]
- Structured Environment [Corrections]
- Structured Interviews [Juvenile Justice]
- Structured Sentencing
- Subculture of Violence
- Subornation of Perjury [Criminal Law]
- Subpoena
- Subpoena Duces Tecum
- Substance Use Disorders
- Substance Abuse
- Substance Abuse Treatment
- Substantial Capacity Test [Criminal Law]
- Substantial Federal Question [Procedural Law]
- Substantive Criminal Law. [Law]. See also Procedural Law.
- Supermale [Criminology]
- Super-Maximum-Security Prison
- Superpredator [Criminology]
- Supervised Probation
- Supervised Release
- Supervision [Juvenile Justice]
- Supervision Protocols [Corrections]
- Support Groups [Juvenile Justice]
- Support Network [Juvenile Justice]
- Support Services [Juvenile Justice]
- Supportive Housing [Corrections]
- Supremacy Clause
- Surveillance [Juvenile Justice]
- Surveillance Technologies [Corrections]
- Suspect
- Suspended Sentence
- Suspicionless Search [Procedural Law]
- Sustainable Corrections [Corrections]
- Sustaining the Petition [Juvenile Justice]
- System
- Systemic Biases [Corrections]
- Systemic Challenges [Juvenile Justice]
- Systemic Factors [Corrections]
- Systemic Inequalities [Juvenile Justice]
- Systemic Operations [Juvenile Justice]
- Systemic Racism [Corrections]
- Systemic reforms [Juvenile Justice]
- System-Induced Criminalization [Juvenile Justice]
- System-Level Change [Corrections]
- S.W.A.T. [Policing]
- Sworn Officer [Policing]
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