nature vs. nurture | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

Nature vs. nurture in criminology examines whether genetics (nature) or environment (nurture) plays a greater role in criminal behavior, influencing policies and theories.

Understanding the Nature vs. Nurture Debate in Criminology

The nature versus nurture debate is one of the most important discussions in criminology. It explores whether a person’s likelihood of engaging in criminal behavior is shaped more by their biological makeup or by their environment. Some criminologists argue that criminal tendencies are inherited, while others believe that upbringing, social influences, and life experiences play a larger role.

Both perspectives have shaped the development of criminological theories, crime prevention strategies, and rehabilitation approaches. Modern research often suggests that both genetic and environmental factors interact to influence criminal behavior, rather than one being solely responsible.

The Nature Perspective: Biological and Genetic Influences

The “nature” side of the debate argues that criminal behavior is primarily determined by biological and genetic factors. This perspective is based on studies in genetics, neuroscience, and psychology.

Early Biological Theories

One of the earliest biological explanations of crime came from Cesare Lombroso in the 19th century. He believed that criminals were “born” rather than “made” and that they had distinct physical characteristics, such as large jaws, high cheekbones, and asymmetrical faces. Lombroso’s theory, known as atavism, suggested that criminals were evolutionary throwbacks who were biologically predisposed to crime.

Although Lombroso’s ideas were later criticized, they influenced further studies on biological explanations of crime.

Genetic Theories of Criminal Behavior

Modern criminologists have examined genetic influences on crime, particularly through studies of twins and families. Twin studies compare identical twins (who share 100% of their genes) with fraternal twins (who share about 50% of their genes). Research has shown that identical twins are more likely to exhibit similar criminal behaviors than fraternal twins, suggesting a genetic component to criminality.

Adoption studies also provide insight. If adopted children’s criminal behavior is more similar to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents, this supports the idea of a genetic influence. Some studies suggest that children of criminal biological parents have a higher likelihood of engaging in crime, even when raised in non-criminal households.

The Role of Neurobiology

Brain structure and function also play a role in criminal behavior. Studies using brain imaging technology have found differences in the brains of violent criminals compared to non-criminals. The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for impulse control and decision-making, often shows reduced activity in criminals, particularly in those with antisocial personality disorder.

Additionally, neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine influence aggression and impulsivity. Low serotonin levels, for example, have been linked to increased aggression and violent behavior.

Hormonal and Physiological Factors

Testosterone, a hormone associated with aggression, has been studied in relation to crime. Some research suggests that higher testosterone levels may contribute to violent behavior. Additionally, physiological factors such as heart rate and arousal levels have been linked to antisocial behavior, with some studies indicating that individuals with lower resting heart rates may be more likely to engage in criminal activities.

The Nurture Perspective: Environmental and Social Influences

The “nurture” argument suggests that criminal behavior is largely shaped by environmental factors such as upbringing, peer influence, education, and socioeconomic status. This perspective is supported by various sociological and psychological theories.

Social Learning Theory

Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory argues that people learn behaviors, including criminal ones, by observing and imitating others. If individuals are exposed to crime in their families, communities, or peer groups, they may adopt these behaviors.

For example, children who grow up in homes with domestic violence, substance abuse, or criminal activity may learn that crime is a normal way of life. They are more likely to imitate these behaviors, especially if they see others benefiting from criminal acts.

Strain Theory

Robert Merton’s Strain Theory suggests that crime results from the pressure individuals feel when they cannot achieve socially accepted goals through legitimate means. When people experience economic hardship or lack educational opportunities, they may turn to crime as an alternative way to succeed.

For example, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who see wealth and success promoted in society but lack the means to achieve them legally may engage in theft, drug dealing, or fraud to reach their goals.

Differential Association Theory

Edwin Sutherland’s Differential Association Theory proposes that criminal behavior is learned through interactions with others. If someone is surrounded by people who engage in and justify criminal acts, they are more likely to adopt similar behaviors.

For example, a teenager growing up in a gang-dominated neighborhood may be influenced by peers who engage in violence, drug use, or theft. Over time, they may accept these behaviors as normal and participate in criminal activities themselves.

The Role of Family and Childhood Experiences

Family dynamics play a crucial role in shaping behavior. Studies have shown that children who experience neglect, abuse, or a lack of parental supervision are at a higher risk of engaging in criminal activities. On the other hand, strong family support and positive role models can reduce the likelihood of criminal behavior.

Early childhood education, social programs, and mentorship initiatives have been used to prevent crime by providing at-risk youth with better opportunities and guidance.

The Impact of Neighborhood and Socioeconomic Status

Community and socioeconomic conditions also influence crime rates. High-crime neighborhoods with limited access to education, employment, and social services create environments where crime becomes a survival strategy. In contrast, communities with strong social cohesion and economic stability tend to have lower crime rates.

The Broken Windows Theory, developed by James Q. Wilson and George Kelling, suggests that maintaining order in communities by addressing small crimes (like vandalism and loitering) can prevent more serious crimes. This theory emphasizes the impact of environmental conditions on criminal behavior.

The Interaction of Nature and Nurture in Criminal Behavior

While the debate between nature and nurture continues, most modern criminologists agree that criminal behavior results from a combination of biological and environmental factors. This is known as the biosocial perspective, which considers how genetic predispositions interact with environmental influences.

For example, a person may have a genetic predisposition toward impulsivity or aggression, but if they are raised in a supportive environment with strong social bonds, they may never engage in criminal behavior. Conversely, someone without a genetic predisposition may become involved in crime due to negative social influences, poverty, or lack of opportunities.

Implications for Criminal Justice Policies

Understanding the nature vs. nurture debate helps shape criminal justice policies, rehabilitation programs, and crime prevention strategies. If crime is primarily biological, interventions may focus on medical treatments, brain studies, or genetic counseling. If crime is mainly influenced by the environment, policies may emphasize education, social programs, and community development.

Many modern approaches integrate both perspectives. For example, juvenile justice programs often combine psychological assessments (nature) with community support and rehabilitation efforts (nurture) to reduce recidivism.


The nature vs. nurture debate in criminology explores whether genetics or the environment plays a greater role in criminal behavior. While early theories favored one side over the other, modern research suggests that both factors interact. Biological traits, such as brain function and genetics, can influence a person’s likelihood of committing crimes, but social and environmental factors, such as upbringing and economic conditions, also play a crucial role. Understanding this balance helps develop effective crime prevention and rehabilitation strategies.

[ Glossary ]

Last Modified: 03/02/2025


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