Section 2.3: Target Hardening Measures

Fundamentals of Crime Prevention by Adam J. McKee and Scott Bransford.

Target hardening refers to the process of strengthening the security of a property to make it less attractive and accessible to criminals. This crime prevention strategy involves implementing physical and technological measures to deter offenders and reduce the likelihood of successful criminal activities.

Reading Time: 13 minutes

Importance of Target Hardening

Target hardening is essential in crime prevention as it directly addresses the vulnerabilities that criminals exploit. By increasing the effort and risk associated with committing a crime, this strategy discourages potential offenders from targeting a property. Effective target hardening measures can significantly lower the rates of burglary, theft, and vandalism, thereby enhancing the overall safety and security of residential areas.

Alignment with the COP Framework

Target hardening aligns with the Crime Opportunity Prevention (COP) framework by focusing on protecting suitable targets. Within the COP framework, reducing motivated offenders, protecting suitable targets, and enhancing capable guardianship are key components. Target hardening specifically addresses the protection of suitable targets by making homes and properties more difficult to penetrate and less appealing to criminals.

By implementing measures such as reinforced doors and windows, advanced security systems, and strategic environmental design, communities can effectively deter criminal activities. This approach not only safeguards individual properties but also contributes to the broader goal of creating safer, more resilient neighborhoods.

๐Ÿ” Reflect

How can target hardening measures help reduce the attractiveness of homes to potential criminals, and why is this important for community safety?

Physical Security Enhancements

Implementing physical security measures is a crucial aspect of target hardening. By upgrading locks, reinforcing doors, and securing windows, residents can significantly reduce the risk of residential crime. Here, we discuss various physical security enhancements and their effectiveness.

Upgrading Locks on Doors and Windows

High-Security Locks: Upgrading to high-security locks, such as deadbolts and smart locks, can greatly enhance the security of doors and windows. High-security locks are designed to resist picking, bumping, and drilling, making it much harder for criminals to gain entry.

Effectiveness: High-security locks provide a robust first line of defense against break-ins. For example, a study conducted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte found that burglars are less likely to attempt entry when they encounter advanced locking mechanisms. Upgrading locks can deter opportunistic criminals looking for easy targets.

Case Study: In San Francisco, a neighborhood initiative encouraged residents to install high-security locks. Following the implementation, the area saw a 20% decrease in burglary rates, demonstrating the effectiveness of this simple yet impactful measure.

Installing Deadbolts, Peepholes, and Reinforced Doors

Deadbolts: Installing deadbolts on exterior doors adds an extra layer of security. Deadbolts are more resistant to forced entry compared to standard door locks.

Peepholes: Adding peepholes to doors allows residents to see who is outside without opening the door, enhancing safety by preventing unauthorized entry.

Reinforced Doors: Reinforcing doors with solid core materials or metal sheeting can prevent them from being easily kicked in or battered down.

Effectiveness: Deadbolts, peepholes, and reinforced doors significantly increase the difficulty of forced entry. The presence of these security features can deter criminals who prefer less resistant targets.

Example: In a high-crime area of Detroit, the installation of deadbolts and reinforced doors in a housing complex resulted in a noticeable drop in break-in attempts. The physical strength of these barriers made it much harder for intruders to enter homes undetected.

Using Window Bars, Grilles, or Shatterproof Glass

Window Bars and Grilles: Installing bars or grilles on windows, especially on ground floors or accessible windows, can prevent criminals from gaining entry even if the glass is broken.

Shatterproof Glass: Using shatterproof or impact-resistant glass for vulnerable windows adds an additional layer of protection. This type of glass is designed to withstand high impacts without breaking, making it difficult for intruders to gain access.

Effectiveness: Window bars, grilles, and shatterproof glass are highly effective in preventing entry through windows. These measures are particularly useful in deterring smash-and-grab tactics used by burglars.

Case Study: A residential area in Los Angeles experienced frequent break-ins through ground-floor windows. By installing window bars and shatterproof glass, the community saw a substantial reduction in such incidents. The barriers provided by these security enhancements made it nearly impossible for criminals to enter homes through windows.

Implementing physical security measures such as high-security locks, deadbolts, peepholes, reinforced doors, window bars, grilles, and shatterproof glass can significantly enhance residential security. Each of these measures increases the effort and risk for potential criminals, effectively deterring them from targeting well-protected homes. By adopting these physical security enhancements, residents can create a safer living environment and contribute to the overall security of their communities.

๐Ÿ” Reflect

How can physical security enhancements such as upgrading locks, reinforcing doors, and securing windows reduce the risk of residential crime and improve community safety?

Lighting and Visibility Improvements

Proper lighting plays a crucial role in deterring crime by increasing visibility and reducing the number of hiding spots for potential criminals. Effective lighting not only enhances security but also instills a greater sense of safety within the community. Here, we discuss various strategies for improving lighting and visibility around residential properties.

Installing Motion-Sensor Lights

Motion-Sensor Lights: Installing motion-sensor lights around the exterior of the home is an effective way to deter criminal activity. These lights automatically turn on when motion is detected, startling potential intruders and drawing attention to their presence.

Effectiveness: Motion-sensor lights provide a dynamic deterrent by illuminating dark areas as soon as movement is detected. This sudden burst of light can discourage burglars from attempting a break-in, as it increases their risk of being seen by neighbors or passing vehicles.

Example: A suburban neighborhood in Florida saw a 25% decrease in nighttime burglaries after residents installed motion-sensor lights around their homes. The unexpected illumination made it difficult for criminals to approach properties undetected.

Ensuring Entry Points and Dark Areas are Well-Lit

Well-Lit Entry Points: Ensuring that all entry points, such as doors and windows, are well-lit is essential for security. Proper lighting at these points makes it more challenging for intruders to break in without being noticed.

Lighting Dark Areas: Itโ€™s important to illuminate dark areas around the property, such as side alleys, backyards, and garages. These areas are often targeted by criminals looking for a concealed approach.

Effectiveness: Bright and consistent lighting at entry points and dark areas reduces the chances of unnoticed criminal activity. This enhanced visibility makes it harder for intruders to find cover and easier for residents and neighbors to spot suspicious behavior.

Example: In a densely populated urban area, installing bright lights around entry points and dark corners significantly reduced incidents of vandalism and trespassing, as the increased visibility deterred potential offenders.

Using Timers for Indoor Lights

Timers for Indoor Lights: Using timers to control indoor lights can create the appearance of occupancy even when residents are away. Lights that turn on and off at scheduled times can make it seem like someone is home, discouraging burglars from targeting the property.

Effectiveness: Timers create the illusion of activity within the home, deterring criminals who prefer unoccupied houses. This simple yet effective measure can prevent break-ins by making it difficult for intruders to determine if a home is empty.

Example: A community in New York implemented a campaign encouraging the use of timers for indoor lights during vacations. This initiative led to a noticeable drop in burglaries, as criminals were less likely to target homes that appeared occupied.

Maintaining Clear Sightlines

Trimming Bushes and Trees: Maintaining clear sightlines by trimming bushes and trees around the property is essential for visibility. Overgrown vegetation can provide cover for criminals, allowing them to approach homes undetected.

Effectiveness: Clear sightlines eliminate potential hiding spots and improve the overall visibility of the property. This not only deters criminal activity but also makes it easier for neighbors and passersby to monitor the area.

Example: A neighborhood in California experienced fewer break-ins after residents regularly trimmed their bushes and trees. The improved visibility made it harder for criminals to find concealment and easier for the community to spot suspicious activity.

By implementing these lighting and visibility improvements, residents can significantly enhance the security of their homes and contribute to a safer community.

๐Ÿ” Reflect

How can improving lighting and visibility around homes reduce the risk of criminal activity and enhance community safety?

Security Systems and Surveillance

Modern security systems offer a range of benefits that significantly enhance the safety and security of residential properties. These systems can deter potential criminals, provide real-time alerts, and offer valuable evidence in the event of a crime. Here, we explore the advantages of installing alarm systems, using security cameras and video doorbells, and incorporating smart home technology.

Installing Alarm Systems with Monitoring Services

Alarm Systems: Alarm systems are a fundamental component of home security. They can detect unauthorized entry, smoke, carbon monoxide, and other hazards. Modern alarm systems often come with monitoring services that alert homeowners and emergency responders in real-time.


  • Deterrence: The presence of an alarm system can deter criminals from attempting a break-in.
  • Immediate Response: Monitoring services ensure that authorities are promptly notified, reducing response times.
  • Peace of Mind: Homeowners can feel secure knowing their property is protected even when they are away.

Example: A study by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte found that 60% of convicted burglars would avoid homes with alarm systems, highlighting their deterrent effect.

Using Security Cameras and Video Doorbells

Security Cameras: Security cameras, including video doorbells, allow homeowners to monitor activity around their property. These devices can record footage, provide live video feeds, and send alerts when motion is detected.


  • Surveillance: Continuous monitoring helps keep an eye on the property, deterring potential intruders.
  • Evidence Collection: Recorded footage can be used as evidence in criminal investigations and insurance claims.
  • Remote Access: Homeowners can view live feeds and receive alerts on their smartphones, providing real-time situational awareness.

Example: In a neighborhood in Houston, the installation of video doorbells and security cameras resulted in a 50% reduction in package thefts, as the visible surveillance devices deterred would-be thieves.

Incorporating Smart Home Technology

Smart Home Technology: Integrating smart home technology into security systems allows for remote surveillance and control. Devices such as smart locks, smart lights, and smart alarms can be managed through smartphone apps, enhancing the convenience and effectiveness of home security.


  • Remote Control: Homeowners can lock/unlock doors, turn lights on/off, and arm/disarm alarms from anywhere.
  • Integration: Smart devices can work together to create automated security routines, such as turning on lights and starting cameras when motion is detected.
  • Customization: Smart home systems can be tailored to meet specific security needs, providing flexible and adaptive protection.

Example: A homeowner in Chicago integrated smart home devices, including cameras, locks, and lights, into a single app. The ability to control these devices remotely provided enhanced security and convenience, particularly when traveling.

Tips for Choosing and Maintaining Security Systems

Choosing Security Systems:

  1. Assess Needs: Determine specific security needs based on the property’s vulnerabilities and personal preferences.
  2. Research Options: Compare different systems and brands, focusing on features, reliability, and user reviews.
  3. Professional Installation: Consider professional installation to ensure that the system is set up correctly and optimally.

Maintaining Security Systems:

  1. Regular Updates: Keep firmware and software up-to-date to protect against vulnerabilities.
  2. Routine Checks: Test alarms, cameras, and sensors regularly to ensure they are functioning properly.
  3. Battery Management: Replace batteries in wireless devices periodically to avoid outages.
  4. Monitoring Service: Maintain an active monitoring service for real-time alerts and emergency response.

By choosing the right security system and maintaining it properly, homeowners can significantly enhance their protection against residential crime. Modern security systems, with their advanced features and capabilities, provide a robust and comprehensive solution for safeguarding homes and ensuring peace of mind.

๐Ÿ” Reflect

How can integrating modern security systems into homes enhance overall safety and deter potential criminals?

Community-Based Target Hardening

Importance of Neighborhood Cooperation in Target Hardening

Neighborhood cooperation is vital in strengthening the overall security of residential areas. By working together, residents can create a more vigilant and resilient community, making it harder for criminals to find opportunities for crime. Here are key ways neighborhood cooperation can enhance target hardening:

Forming or Joining Neighborhood Watch Programs

Neighborhood Watch Programs: These programs encourage residents to keep an eye on each otherโ€™s properties and report any suspicious activities. Being part of a neighborhood watch fosters a sense of collective responsibility and enhances the community’s ability to deter crime.

Impact: Active neighborhood watch programs have been shown to reduce crime rates significantly. For instance, in many communities, the presence of organized neighborhood watches has led to a notable decrease in burglaries and vandalism. The collective vigilance of residents creates an environment where criminals are less likely to operate.

Sharing Information About Suspicious Activities

Information Sharing: Regular communication between neighbors about suspicious activities or recent incidents can help everyone stay informed and alert. This can be facilitated through meetings, social media groups, or neighborhood apps.

Impact: When residents share information, they create a network of real-time alerts that can quickly identify and address potential threats. For example, if one homeowner notices unusual behavior and informs their neighbors, others can take precautionary measures or report it to authorities, potentially preventing a crime.

Coordinating with Local Law Enforcement

Community Safety Initiatives: Collaborating with local law enforcement agencies can enhance neighborhood security. Police can provide valuable resources, training, and support for community-based safety efforts.

Impact: Coordinated efforts with law enforcement can lead to more effective crime prevention strategies. For instance, in many areas, regular police patrols combined with community vigilance have led to a marked decrease in criminal activities. Law enforcement can also offer guidance on best practices for home security and emergency response.

Collective Efforts and Crime Reduction

Collective efforts in target hardening create a strong deterrent effect. When criminals see a united community actively working to prevent crime, they are less likely to target that area. The shared commitment to vigilance and cooperation enhances the overall safety and well-being of the neighborhood.

Example: In a suburban community in Arizona, the establishment of a neighborhood watch, coupled with regular information sharing and coordination with local police, resulted in a 30% reduction in residential crimes within a year. The visible presence of an organized and alert community made the area significantly less attractive to potential criminals.

By fostering neighborhood cooperation through watch programs, information sharing, and collaboration with law enforcement, communities can effectively harden targets and reduce crime opportunities, creating safer environments for all residents.

๐Ÿ” Reflect

How can community-based target hardening efforts contribute to reducing crime opportunities and enhancing neighborhood safety?

Behavioral and Procedural Measures

Simple Behavioral Changes to Enhance Security

Locking Doors and Windows: Encouraging residents to always lock doors and windows, even when at home, is a fundamental step in enhancing security. Many burglaries occur due to easy access provided by unlocked entry points. By consistently locking doors and windows, residents can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized entry.

Avoiding the Display of Valuable Items: Keeping valuable items out of sight is crucial. Items like electronics, jewelry, and cash should not be visible from windows. Displaying such items can tempt criminals and increase the likelihood of a break-in. Simple measures like closing curtains or blinds can help keep valuables hidden from prying eyes.

Caution on Social Media: Residents should be cautious about sharing personal information on social media. Posting details about vacations, new purchases, or daily routines can inadvertently provide criminals with information about when a home might be unoccupied or when valuable items are available. Encouraging a culture of privacy and discretion online can help protect against targeted crimes.

Establishing Routines for Security Checks

Routine Security Checks: Establishing a regular routine for security checks is essential for maintaining a secure environment. Residents should make it a habit to check that all doors and windows are locked before leaving the house or going to bed. Regularly testing alarm systems and ensuring that security cameras are functioning properly can also enhance overall security.

Maintaining Vigilance: Vigilance is key to preventing crime. Residents should be aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious activity to neighbors and local law enforcement. Simple actions like getting to know neighbors and looking out for each other can create a more secure and supportive community environment.

Example: A neighborhood in Atlanta implemented a “Lock It Up” campaign, encouraging residents to lock their doors and windows consistently. This simple behavioral change, combined with regular security checks, led to a 15% decrease in burglaries within six months.

Importance of These Measures

Behavioral and procedural measures are crucial because they create layers of defense that deter potential criminals. When residents develop routines for security checks and maintain vigilance, they contribute to a culture of safety and responsibility. These measures are simple yet effective ways to enhance security without significant financial investment.

Example: In a small town in Texas, residents formed a habit of closing blinds and keeping valuables out of sight. This behavioral change, along with increased caution on social media, resulted in fewer reports of theft and burglary, illustrating the effectiveness of these simple yet impactful measures.

By adopting these behavioral and procedural changes, communities can significantly enhance their security and create a safer environment for all residents.

๐Ÿ” Reflect

How can establishing routines for security checks and maintaining vigilance contribute to a safer residential environment?


Effective target hardening measures, including physical security enhancements, improved lighting and visibility, modern security systems, and community-based efforts, significantly reduce the risk of residential crime. Behavioral changes, such as consistently locking doors and windows, concealing valuables, and cautious social media use, further enhance security. Integrating these strategies into daily routines creates a robust defense against crime, fostering safer and more resilient communities. By adopting these comprehensive measures, residents can collectively deter criminal activities and enhance their overall sense of security.

๐Ÿ” Reflect

How can establishing routines for security checks and maintaining vigilance contribute to a safer residential environment?


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File Created:ย  05/18/2024

Last Modified:ย  07/08/2024

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