Section 2.3: Target Hardening Measures

Fundamentals of Crime Prevention by Adam J. McKee and Scott Bransford.




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  1. Introduction to Target Hardening (200 words)


Introduce the concept of target hardening and its importance in crime prevention.

Explain how target hardening aligns with the COP framework by making homes less attractive to criminals.

  1. Physical Security Enhancements (500 words)


Discuss various physical security measures residents can implement:

Upgrading locks on doors and windows to high-security options.

Installing deadbolts, peepholes, and reinforced doors.

Using window bars, grilles, or shatterproof glass for vulnerable windows.

Explain the effectiveness of each measure and provide examples or case studies.

  1. Lighting and Visibility Improvements (400 words)


Emphasize the role of proper lighting in deterring crime:

Installing motion-sensor lights around the exterior of the home.

Ensuring entry points and dark areas are well-lit.

Using timers for indoor lights to give the appearance of occupancy.

Discuss the importance of maintaining clear sightlines by trimming bushes and trees.

  1. Security Systems and Surveillance (500 words)


Explore the benefits of modern security systems:

Installing alarm systems with monitoring services.

Using security cameras and video doorbells to monitor activity.

Incorporating smart home technology for remote surveillance and control.

Provide tips on choosing and maintaining security systems.

  1. Community-Based Target Hardening (300 words)


Highlight the importance of neighborhood cooperation in target hardening:

Forming or joining neighborhood watch programs.

Sharing information about suspicious activities with neighbors.

Coordinating with local law enforcement for community safety initiatives.

Discuss the impact of collective efforts on reducing crime opportunities.

  1. Behavioral and Procedural Measures (300 words)


Discuss simple behavioral changes that can enhance security:

Encouraging residents to always lock doors and windows, even when home.

Avoiding the display of valuable items that can be seen from outside.

Being cautious about sharing personal information on social media.

Explain the importance of establishing routines for security checks and maintaining vigilance.

  1. Conclusion (100 words)


Summarize the key target hardening measures discussed.

Emphasize the importance of integrating these strategies into daily routines to create a robust defense against crime.


Modification History

File Created:  05/18/2024

Last Modified:  05/18/2024

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