Doc’s Things and Stuff


I’m Here For…

The Academic Stuff

OER Textbooks by Dr. Adam McKee

Reference Tools

Site Upgrade!

I’ve updated this site, and frequent users should note a performance increase! However, this is not without its drawbacks: The site structure has changed, and /WP should not be part of the URL anymore. If you get a “page not found” error, delete that part from the URL you are looking for, and you will be taken to the correct page.  I’ve done this for you using redirects, but if that doesn’t work, you know the culprit. My apologies for the inconvenience!

Instructors: You will want to update links in your LMS!

Other Stuff

  • The Fiction Stuff    [Notes and resources on writing speculative fiction]
  • Being Fat and Sick [Information on Health and Nutrition that I’m not qualified to write about]
  • Travel [Mostly related to the Philippines]
  • Adulting 101 – Some Rules For Life
Fun Facts About

As of 26 April 2024:

  • Total Pages: 4,000
  • Total Comments: 240
  • Unique Visitors in the past 28 days: 19,000
  • Our Most Popular Pages: Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System
  • Times People Found Us on Google (past 28 days): 1.5M

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