- Ph.D. in Administration of Justice, Emphasis in Policing and Research Methodology, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
- British Studies in Forensic Science, Kings College, London, England
- Canadian Studies in Forensic Science, Quebec, Canada
- M.A. in Criminal Justice, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
- British Studies in Criminal Justice, Kings College, London, England
- B.S. in Criminal Justice, Minors in Psychology and Forensic Science, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi
Work Experience
- 2002 – Present: Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Arkansas at Monticello
- 2014 – Present: Curriculum Designer, Course Designer, and Instructor, University of Arkansas System eVersity
- 2008 – 2014: Deputy Sheriff, Drew County, Arkansas (Part Time II)
- 2004 – Present: Auxiliary UAM Public Safety Officer
- 2001- 2002: Director, Mississippi Justice Statistical Analysis Center / Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice.
- 2000-2001: Graduate Research Fellow and Instructional Assistant, Department of Criminal Justice, University of Southern Mississippi
- 1999-2000: Graduate Research Fellow, College of Nursing, University of Southern Mississippi
- 1997-1998: Security Officer, The Wackenhut Corporation
Professional Certification and Training
- 2015 Course Developer Certification, University of Arkansas System eVersity
- 2012 Completed Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams (IS-317), U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- 2010 Completed Cultural Diversity, MidSOUTH Monticello
- 2008 Completed Communication Excellence in Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Institute.
- 2008 Completed Document Fraud Prevention & Identification Fraud. United States Attorney’s Office Law Enforcement Coordinating Committee, Eastern District of Arkansas.
- 2007 Completed Legislative Update for Law Enforcement, Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
- 2007 Completed 2007 Law Enforcement Summit, Office of Attorney General Dustin McDaniel.
- 2007 Awarded Certificate of Achievement for completion of the Emergency Management Institute’s Professional Development Series
- 2007 Completed Exercise Design [IS-00139] FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2007 Completed Developing and Managing Volunteers. [IS-00244] FEMA / Emergency Management Institute.
- 2006 Completed Decision Making & Problem Solving [IS-00241], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed Effective Communication [IS-00242], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed Leadership & Influence [IS-00240], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed Emergency Planning [IS-00235], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed National Response Plan (NRP), an Introduction [IS-00800], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents [IS-00200], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed Introduction to the Incident Command System, I-100 for Law Enforcement [IS-00100.LE], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed National Incident Management System (NIMS) an Introduction, [IS-00700], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2006 Completed Principles of Emergency Management [IS-00230], FEMA / Emergency Management Institute
- 2005 Completed Crime Scene Investigation, Criminal Justice Institute
- 2005 Completed ACIC/NCIC Level I Terminal Operations Training, Arkansas Crime Information Center
- 2005 Completed Methamphetamine Awareness, Identification, and Safety for First Responders, Criminal Justice Institute
- 2005 Completed Basic Crime Scene Processing, Criminal Justice Institute
- 2005 Completed Courtroom Testimony, Criminal Justice Institute
- 2005 Completed Managing the Interview and Interrogation Process, Criminal Justice Institute
- 2004 Certified Law Enforcement Instructor, Arkansas Commission on Law Enforcement Standards and Training (C.L.E.S.T.)
- 2004 Completed CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, American Red Cross
- 2004 Completed First Aid, American Red Cross
- 2004 Completed Arkansas Auxiliary Police Officer Training (A.L.E.T.A. Designed Course)
- 2004 Completed C.L.E.S.T. Mandated Racial Profiling Training, UAM DPS
- 2004 Completed OC Pepperspray Training (Contaminated with OC during Training), UAM DPS
- 2004 Completed Lt. Col. Dave Grossman’s Bulletproof Mind Critical Incident Training, Criminal Justice Institute
Undergraduate Courses Taught
- Criminology [classroom and online]
- Research Methodology [classroom and online]
- Seminar: Technology in Criminal Justice
- Comparative Criminal Justice Systems
- Criminal Law [classroom and online]
- Statistical Methods [classroom and online]
- Procedural Law [classroom and online]
- Juvenile Justice
- Public Management [classroom and online]
- Introduction to Criminal Justice [classroom and online]
- Criminal Investigation and Evidence
- Policing [classroom and online]
- Criminal Justice Ethics [classroom and online]
- Media and Crime
- Auxiliary/Part Time II Arkansas Law Enforcement Training Course
- Probation and Parole [online]
- Criminal Justice Field Study: England (2006, 2009, 2012)
- Criminal Justice Field Study: Ireland (2007, 2010, 2013)
- Criminal Justice Field Study: Scotland (2008, 2011, 2014)
- Seminar: Sexual Deviation
- Seminar: Emergency Management [Classroom and Online]
- Seminar: Torture and the State
- Seminar: Violence
- Seminar: Problem Oriented Policing [classroom and online]
- Seminar: Police Methods [classroom and online]
- Seminar: Alcohol and Criminal Justice
- Seminar: Homeland Security
- Seminar: Finance for Helping Professionals
Graduate Courses Taught
- Criminological Theories in Justice Administration (Online)
- Critical Issues in Homeland Security (Online)
- Criminal Justice Policy and Administration (Online)
- Research Methods (Online)
- Statistical Methods (Online)
- Capstone (Online)
- Advanced Statistical Methods (Online)
Current Research Interests
- Community Policing and Community Relations
- Law Enforcement Communication
- Police Culture in the Rural South
- Best Practices in Online Criminal Justice Education
Non-refereed Publications
McKee, A. J. (2018). Arkansas Concealed Carry: 2018 Guide for Citizens. Self-published.
McKee, A. J. (2018). Guardian Ethics: Bushido for Law Enforcement. Self-published.
McKee, A. J. (2018). Fundamentals of Market Investing. OER / Self-published.
McKee, A.J. (2018). Fundamentals of Social Statistics. OER / Self-published.
McKee, A.J. (2016). Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System. Bradenton, Florida: Booklocker.
McKee, A.J. (2015). Fundamental Cases in Criminal Justice: An Abridged Reader. Bradenton, Florida: Booklocker.
McKee, A.J. (2012). College International Study Trips: A Guide for Faculty Leaders. Kindle Direct Publishing.
McKee, A. J. (2007). Arkansas Criminal Law: A Guide for Enforcement. Bangor: Booklocker.
McKee, A. J. (2005). The National Incident-based Reporting System. The Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2005). The National Sheriffs’ Association. The Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2005). Search Warrants. The Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2005). Sheriffs. The Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2005). Stop and Frisk. The Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2005). Vehicle Searches. The Encyclopedia of Law Enforcement. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2002). Problem-oriented Policing. The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2002). Justice. The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Sage.
McKee, A. J. (2002). Broken Windows Theory. The Encyclopedia of Crime and Punishment. Sage.
McKee, A. J., Thompson, R. A. & Mallory, S. L. (2002). Information and Technology Capabilities of Mississippi Law Enforcement Agencies. Mississippi Statistical Analysis Center. Available: http://www.usm.edu/mssac/publications/information.7.31.2002.pdf
Peer Reviewed Publications
McKee, A. J. & Lewis, A. L. (2016). The New Community Policing: Developing a Partnership-based Theoretical Foundation. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 3 (3) (Article 5).
Lewis, A. McKee, A., & Walker, M. (2015) (under review). The New Community Policing: A
Strengths Perspective. Reflections: Narratives of Professional Helping Journal.
Jenkins, M., Lewis, A., & McKee, A. J. (2015). Increasing Critical Thinking Skills through Cross-Disciplinary Access for Education, Nursing, Criminal Justice, and Social Work. National Teacher Education Journal.
Mignor, D., Cadenhead, G. & McKee, A. J. (2002). High School Counselors’ Knowledge of Professional Nursing as a Career Option. Nursing Education Perspectives, 23, 86 – 88.
McKee, A. J. (2001). The Community Policing Evaluation Survey: Reliability, Validity, and Structure. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 25 (2), 199-207.
McKee, A. J. & Mallory, S. L. (2001). The GRE and undergraduate GPA: Predicting graduate GPAs in a criminal justice graduate program. Journal of Criminal Justice Education.
Morrow, R. H. & McKee, A. J. (1998). CGI scripts: A strategy for between-subjects experimental group assignment on the World-Wide Web. Behavior, Research Methods, & Computers, 30 (2), 306-308.
Professional Presentations
OPEN Symposium 2016 Panelist. University of Arkansas System. Little Rock (April, 2016).
Individualistic versus Collective Behavior: Speculations on Bridging the Theoretical Gap. Arkansas Sociological and Anthropological Association. Monticello (November, 2006).
Perceptions of Broken Windows: A Structural Exploration. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Washington, D. C. (April, 2001).
Ethical Misconduct and Officer Decertification: Does Higher Education Matter? With Stephen L. Mallory. Southern Criminal Justice Association. Baton Rouge (September, 2001).