I was recently informed by Amazon’s KDP program that my practice of using KDP to print my OER texts was a violation of the User Agreement. They are profit-motivated and demand exclusivity. My actions did violate the Agreement, and my punishment was having my account deleted. I am in the process of finding a way to offer print copies of my texts, but for the foreseeable future, only my Introduction to Criminal Justice text will be available in print form. I apologize for this inconvenience. All of the free OER versions will remain available.
A major purpose of this site is to showcase my free criminal justice textbooks. These textbooks are released free of charge (as Open Educational Resources) on this site in electronic form. Many people still want paper books, but those can’t be offered for free. I have tried to offer print versions for the best price possible. Below is a list of my OER projects that are available via Amazon. Instructor and Student Resources (that I’ve managed to finish!) are available via the “Learning Resources” links in the online table of contents for each book.
Use the OER item in the menu at the top of this page to navigate to the free online version.
I am a member of the Amazon affiliates program, and any books purchased via the links on this site will help me in defraying the cost of maintaining it. If you plan to buy a paper copy, please use one of these links. Thank you for your support!
Fundamental Cases in Criminal Justice provides abridged, easily read Supreme Court cases designed to provide an overview of constitutional issues in American criminal justice. The traditional division of police, courts, and corrections is used, as well as a final section on juvenile justice. Designed to accompany an introductory course, confusing footnotes, headnotes, and legal citations have been removed.
Both Kindle and Print editions are available on Amazon.com.
Hi Dr. McKee,
I am a Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice. I’m teaching an Introduction to Criminal Justice class in the fall at Ventura College, in California. One of my colleagues uses your OER “Criminal Justice An Overview of the System.” He recommended your text to me. I ordered a hard copy of the text for review and have been reviewing the electronic copy. Unfortunately the electronic copy is the second edition and the hard copy is the first edition. If I decide to use the text, can I order the hard copy second editon online? Also I was looking for PowerPoints and test banks for the text but have been unable to find them. Are they available?
I regret that the second edition is not yet available in print. I hope to get that done in the late summer, so it wouldn’t be available to you for classes until the Spring term. I’ve found that in recent years, the vast majority of my students are very happy to read the free edition online anyway, so I’ve deemphasized the print editions. There are PowerPoints. You will find those by using the “learning resources” links in the Table of Contents page. I warn you that those are still from the first edition. I hope to get the Second edition versions posted on the site very soon.