Fundamentals of Drug Enforcement

Fundamentals of Drug Enforcement by Adam J. McKee and Scott Bransford.


The Table of Contents

The textbook is divided into eight chapters. Each chapter covers a different topic in Drug Enforcement. The chapters are as follows:

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**Section 1: Introduction to Drugs and Society

**Section 2: The Science of Drugs and Addiction

**Section 3: Drug Laws and Policies

**Section 4: Forensic Science in Drug Cases

**Section 5: Drug Enforcement Tactics

**Section 6: Community-Based Drug Enforcement

**Section 7: State, National, and International

Course Level SLOs
  • SLO 1:

Statement of Purpose

Welcome to Fundamentals of Drugs and Drug Enforcement, an open educational resource (OER) textbook designed to provide a comprehensive and engaging learning experience for students exploring the complexities of drug use, addiction, and law enforcement. This freely available online textbook incorporates modern educational practices, offering the unique advantage of immediate reader feedback to continually improve and refine the content.

Our goal is to offer a clear and accessible resource that equips students with a strong foundation in understanding drug-related issues, from the science of addiction to the intricacies of drug laws and enforcement strategies. By making this textbook freely available online, we ensure that learners from all backgrounds can access high-quality educational materials without financial barriers. The OER format also encourages active participation, allowing readers to provide feedback and contribute to the textbook’s ongoing development, fostering a collaborative learning experience.

Through the integration of real-life case studies, diverse perspectives, and the latest research, Fundamentals of Drugs and Drug Enforcement makes the study of drugs and law enforcement relevant and meaningful to students. This open textbook emphasizes active learning, providing numerous opportunities for students to engage with the material through critical thinking exercises, reflective activities, and real-world application scenarios.

The benefits of the free online OER format are significant. It eliminates financial barriers, making quality education accessible to all students. The digital format allows readers to access the textbook anytime and anywhere, offering flexibility and convenience for a modern learning environment.

As authors, we are committed to continuous improvement, actively seeking and incorporating reader feedback to enhance both the content and its educational impact. By providing an open platform for engagement and dialogue, we foster a community of learners who actively contribute to the ongoing development of Fundamentals of Drugs and Drug Enforcement.

Modification History

File Created:  10/08/2024

Last Modified:  10/08/2024


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