Section 6: Community-Based Drug Enforcement

Fundamentals of Drug Enforcement by Adam J. McKee and Scott Bransford.

Community-based drug enforcement emphasizes collaboration between law enforcement and the public to address the root causes of drug-related issues. Section 6 explores strategies that focus on preventing drug problems before they escalate, fostering trust between communities and law enforcement, and promoting more equitable approaches to drug enforcement. These methods aim to create safer environments while reducing harm and addressing social disparities.

We begin with Community Policing and Drug Enforcement (Section 6.1), examining how law enforcement agencies work closely with local communities to combat drug crime through proactive and relationship-based approaches. Next, we look at Drug Education and Prevention Programs (Section 6.2), which aim to reduce drug use through public awareness campaigns and school-based initiatives.

Problem-Oriented Policing (Section 6.3) focuses on identifying and solving underlying issues that contribute to drug crime, offering a more targeted approach to enforcement. We also cover Harm Reduction Strategies (Section 6.4), which aim to minimize the negative consequences of drug use without necessarily focusing on arrests or punishment.

Finally, we discuss Racial and Social Equity in Drug Enforcement (Section 6.5), addressing the disparities in how drug laws are enforced across different communities and exploring efforts to create more just and balanced enforcement practices. These initiatives are crucial for building trust and ensuring fairness in drug enforcement.

Modification History

File Created:  10/08/2024

Last Modified:  10/08/2024

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