Section 2.2: Identifying Vulnerabilities

Fundamentals of Crime Prevention by Adam J. McKee and Scott Bransford.




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  1. Introduction to Residential Vulnerabilities (200 words)


Introduce the focus of this section on identifying vulnerabilities in homes and neighborhoods.

Emphasize the importance of understanding these vulnerabilities to implement effective crime prevention strategies within the COP framework.

  1. Common Home Vulnerabilities (400 words)


Discuss typical vulnerabilities in residential properties that make them attractive targets for criminals:

Unsecured doors and windows

Poor lighting around the property

Lack of security systems (alarms, cameras)

Visibility of valuable items from outside

Explain how each vulnerability can be exploited by criminals and provide examples.

  1. Neighborhood Vulnerabilities (400 words)


Identify vulnerabilities at the neighborhood level that can increase the risk of residential crime:

Low levels of community cohesion and social ties

Poor street lighting and visibility

Lack of surveillance (both formal and informal)

High levels of foot traffic or transient populations

Discuss how these factors can create opportunities for crime and weaken community defenses.

  1. Analysis of Vulnerabilities Using the COP Framework (500 words)


Apply the COP framework to analyze residential and neighborhood vulnerabilities:

Reducing Motivated Offenders: Discuss how addressing socio-economic conditions and providing community programs can reduce the number of offenders.

Protecting Suitable Targets: Explain strategies to make homes less attractive, such as improved locks, security systems, and environmental design.

Enhancing Guardianship: Explore methods to increase the presence and effectiveness of guardians, including neighborhood watch programs and police patrols.

Provide examples of successful implementations of these strategies.

  1. Technological Vulnerabilities (300 words)


Discuss how advancements in technology can create new vulnerabilities, such as smart home devices being hacked or security systems being bypassed.

Explain the importance of securing technological devices and educating residents on cybersecurity practices.

  1. Community Involvement in Identifying Vulnerabilities (200 words)


Highlight the role of community involvement in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities.

Discuss the importance of community meetings, surveys, and collaborative efforts in enhancing residential security.

  1. Conclusion (100 words)


Summarize the key vulnerabilities discussed in the section.

Emphasize the importance of addressing these vulnerabilities through the COP framework to create safer residential areas.


Modification History

File Created:  05/18/2024

Last Modified:  05/18/2024

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