Reading Assignment for Section 3.2
Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 3.2: Variables.
What You Will Learn
In this section, you’ll understand the concept of variables in social science research, including the distinction between constants and variables and the role of notation in describing relationships. You’ll recognize the attributes and exclusive and exhaustive categories of variables. Additionally, you’ll comprehend the differences between independent and dependent variables, their roles in experimental design, and familiarize yourself with discrete and continuous variables. You’ll gain insights into latent and observable variables, understand the challenges in identifying indicators for latent variables, and learn how to use statistical methods for validating constructs.
Student Learning Outcomes for Section 3.2
- SLO 1: Understand the concept of variables in social science research, including the distinction between constants and variables, and the role of notation in describing relationships between variables, while recognizing the attributes, exclusive and exhaustive categories of variables.
- SLO 2: Comprehend the differences between independent and dependent variables, their roles in experimental design and treatment, and familiarize with discrete and continuous variables, learning their types, examples, and importance in research.
- SLO 3: Gain insights into latent and observable variables, understand the challenges in identifying indicators for latent variables, and the use of statistical methods for validating constructs, thereby enhancing the depth and explanatory power of social scientific research.
Modification History File Created: 07/25/2024 Last Modified: 07/25/2024
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