For Research and Statistics terms, see Doc’s Research Glossary instead of this one!
- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- Aaron Beck
- Absconder
- Absconding [Juvenile Justice]
- Abuse in Corrections
- Abused Child
- Academic Achievement [Juvenile Justice]
- Academic Engagement [Juvenile Justice]
- Accessory After the Fact
- Accessory Before the Fact
- Accomplice
- Accountability [in the CJ system]
- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
- Acquittal
- Action [Law]
- Active Shooter
- Active Supervision
- Actual Possession
- Actus Reus (Legal Latin)
- Addict
- Addiction [Criminology]
- Addiction-prone Personality
- Adjudicating See Adjudicated.
- Adjudicated
- Adjudicated Delinquent
- Adjudication [Corrections]
- Adjudicatory Hearing
- Administration of Justice
- Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)
- Administrative Law
- Admissible
- Admission
- Adolescence [Juvenile Justice]
- Adolescents [Juvenile Justice]
- Adoption Studies [Criminology]
- Adrenal Glands [Criminology]
- Adult
- Adultery [Law]
- Adversarial System. Contrast with Inquisitorial System.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) [Juvenile Justice]
- Advocacy [Juvenile Justice]
- Advocacy efforts [Juvenile Justice]
- Advocacy Services [Criminology]
- Advocates [Corrections]
- Affidavit
- Affirmative Defense
- Affirmed
- Aftercare
- Aftercare Programs [Juvenile Justice]
- After-School Activities [Juvenile Justice]
- Age of Criminal Responsibility [Juvenile Justice]
- Age of Onset [Criminology]
- Agenda Fallacy [Criminology]
- Aggravated Assault (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- Aggravating Circumstances. See also Mitigating Circumstances.
- Aggregate Measures [Research]
- Aggression [Criminology]
- Aging Out [Criminology]
- Aging Prison Population [Corrections]
- Aggression Replacement Training (ART) [Juvenile Justice]
- AI Integration [Juvenile Justice]
- Aid and Abet [Criminal Law]
- AIDS. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
- Allegory of the Cave
- Alias
- Alibi
- Alienation [Criminology]
- Algorithmic Analysis [Juvenile Justice]
- Algorithmic Decision-Making [Corrections]
- Justice Samuel Alito
- Alter Ego Rule
- Alternative Sanctions. See also Intermediate Sanctions.
- Alternative Sentencing
- Amalgamation
- Amends [Juvenile Justice]
- American Bar Association (ABA)
- American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
- American Correctional Association (ACA)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [Corrections]
- Amicus Curiae
- Amygdala [Criminology]
- Androgens [Criminology]
- Anecdotal Evidence [Corrections]
- Anesthetics
- Anomie [Criminology]
- Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) [Criminology]
- Anxiety Disorders [Corrections]
- Appeal
- Appearance {in Court}
- Appellant
- Appellate
- Appellate Process [Juvenile Justice]
- Appellate Court
- Appellee
- Appropriations Clause
- Arbitrary [law]
- Arbitrary Actions [Corrections]
- Argersinger v. Hamlin (1972)
- Aristotle [Criminology]
- Arraignment
- Arrest
- Arrest Rate
- Arrest Report
- Arrest Warrant
- Arson (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- Arson [Criminal Law]
- Article III {of the United States Constitution}
- Article VI {of the United States Constitution}
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Ashurst-Sumners Act
- Asportation [Criminal Law]
- Assembly Line Justice
- Assault [Criminal Law]
- Asset Forfeiture
- Assets
- Assistant U.S. Attorney
- Atavism
- ATF. See Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
- Atkins v. Virginia (2002) Read the Abridged Case
- Attempt [Criminal Law]
- Attendant Circumstances [Criminal Law]
- Attorney
- Auburn System
- Augmented Reality (AR) [Corrections]
- August Vollmer
- Augustine Of Hippo [Criminology]
- Augustus, John
- Authoritarian Regime [Corrections]
- Authority (Political Philosophy) [Criminology]
- Automatism [Criminal Law]
- Automobile Patrol
- Automobile Search
- Backlog (Courts)
- Backlog (DNA)
- Bader Ginsburg, Justice Ruth
- Bail
- Bail Bond
- Bail Bond Agent
- Bailee [Criminal Law]
- Bailiff
- Bailor [Criminal Law]
- Bail Reform Act of 1984
- Bail Revocation
- Balancing Test
- Ballistics
- Ban-the-Box Initiatives
- Bandura, Albert [Criminology]
- Barron v. Baltimore (1833) Read the Abridged Case
- Batson v. Kentucky (1986) Read the Abridged Case
- Battered Person Syndrome
- Battered Woman’s Syndrome. see Battered Person Syndrome
- Battery [Criminal Law]
- Beccaria
- Becker, Howard [Criminology]
- BDU Battle Dress Uniform
- Beat [Policing]
- Behavioral Analytics [Juvenile Justice]
- Behavioral Conditioning
- Behavioral disorders [Juvenile Justice]
- Behavioral Interventions [Juvenile Justice]
- Behavioral Issues [Juvenile Justice]
- Behavioral Patterns [Juvenile Justice]
- Behavioral Regulation [Juvenile Justice]
- Behavioral Theory [Juvenile Justice]
- Behaviorism
- Bell v. Wolfish (1979) [Corrections]
- Bench Trial
- Bench Warrant
- Best Interest of the Child
- Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (BRD)
- Bifurcated Hearing [Juvenile Justice]
- Bifurcated Trial
- Big Five Personality Traits [Criminology]
- Bigamy [Criminal Law]
- Bill of Attainder
- Bill of Rights
- Bind Over
- Biological Criminology [Criminology]
- Biological Determinism [Criminology]
- Biological School
- Biological Theories
- Biometric Identification [Corrections]
- Biometric Sensors [Juvenile Justice]
- Biosocial [Criminology]
- Bioterrorism
- Blackledge v. Allison (1977) Read the Abridged Case
- Black Lives Matter
- Blackmail. See Extortion. [Criminal Law]
- Blackstone, Sir William
- Blakely v. Washington (2004) Read the Abridged Case
- Blockchain Technology [Corrections]
- Bivens Action
- Bobbies [Policing]
- Bobo Doll Experiment [Criminology]
- Booking
- Boot Camp
- Bordenkircher v. Hayes (1978) Read the Abridged Case
- Bounded Rationality [Criminology]
- Bounds v. Smith (1977) [Corrections]
- Bow Street Runners [Policing]
- Boykin v. Alabama (1969) Read the Abridged Case
- Brain Imaging [Criminology]
- Braithwaite, John [Criminology]
- Breach of the Peace [Criminal Law]
- Breed v. Jones (1975)
- Breyer, Stephen {Justice}
- Bribery [Criminal Law]
- Brief [Law / Legal Research]
- Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) [Juvenile Justice]
- Brockway, Zebulon [Corrections]
- Broken Windows Theory
- Brown v. Mississippi (1936)
- Budget Allocation [Corrections]
- Buffer [Juvenile Justice]
- Burden of Proof
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Bureau of Justice Assistance [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Bureau of Justice Statistics [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Bureaucratic Inefficiencies [Corrections]
- Burger Court (1969 – 1986)
- Burglary [FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports]
- Burglary [Criminal Law]
- Burnout [Corrections]
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