For Research and Statistics terms, see Doc’s Research Glossary instead of this one!
- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- Early Intervention [Juvenile Justice]
- Ecological Factors [Criminology]
- Economic Burden [Criminology]
- Economic Disparities [Corrections]
- Economic Inequality [Criminology]
- Economic Metrics [Corrections]
- Economic Stability [Juvenile Justice]
- Economic Strain [Corrections]
- Educational Classes [Corrections]
- Educational and Vocational Training [Juvenile Justice]
- Educational Disruption [Juvenile Justice]
- Educational Equity [Juvenile Justice]
- Educational Programs [Corrections]
- Educational support [Juvenile Justice]
- Educational Trajectories [Juvenile Justice]
- Effectiveness {as a goal of criminal justice}
- Efficiency {as a goal of criminal justice}
- Ego (Freudian Concept) [Criminology]
- Eighth Amendment {to the United States Constitution}
- Electronic Evidence
- Electronic Monitoring [Corrections]
- Element {of a crime}
- Elmira Reformatory [Corrections]
- Embezzlement
- Embracery [Criminal Law]
- Emergency Search
- Emotional Distress [Criminology]
- Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional Regulation [Juvenile Justice]
- Empathy [Juvenile Justice]
- Empirical Criminology
- Employment Barriers [Corrections]
- Empirical Evidence
- Empirical Testability [Criminology]
- Empirical Validation [Criminology]
- Empirical Validity [Criminology]
- En Banc [Courts]
- Enlightenment Era
- English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) Programs [Juvenile Justice]
- Enrico Ferri [Criminology]
- Enterprise Liability [Criminal Law]
- Entrapment [Criminal Law]
- Entrenching [Juvenile Justice]
- Environmental Criminology
- Environmental Cues
- Environmental Design [Criminology]
- Environmental Stressors [Criminology]
- Equity {as an element of justice}
- Equity [Sentencing]
- Equity in Access [Corrections]
- Equal Access to Justice
- Equal Protection
- Equality {as an element of justice}
- Escobedo v. Illinois (1964)
- Espionage
- Estelle v. Gamble (1976)
- Ethical Considerations
- Ethical Principles [Corrections]
- Ethnic Heterogeneity [Criminology]
- Ethnocentric
- Ethnocentrism [Corrections]
- Eugenics Movement [Criminology]
- European Police Office (EUROPOL)
- Euthanasia
- Evidence
- Evidence-Based Practices [Juvenile Justice]
- Evidence-based sentencing [Corrections]
- Evidentiary Standard
- Exclusionary Rule
- Exculpatory Evidence
- Excusable Homicide
- Excuse [Criminal Law]
- Executive {as a branch of government}
- Executive Functioning [Criminology]
- Exigent Circumstances Exception [Procedural Law]
- Ex Parte
- Expected Utility Principle [Criminology]
- Expert Witness
- Exploitation [Juvenile Justice]
- Ex Post Facto Law
- Expungement [Corrections]
- External factors [Juvenile Justice]
- External Variables [Corrections]
- Extortion
- Extradition
- Extralegal Factors
- Eyewitness
- Eysenck’s Theory Of Personality [Criminology]
- Facilitation [Criminal Law]
- Facilitation Of Crime [Criminology]
- Facilitators [Juvenile Justice]
- Facility Administrator [Juvenile Justice]
- Factual Basis [Juvenile Justice]
- Fairness {as a goal of criminal justice}
- Fair Chance Hiring [Corrections]
- Fair Notice
- Fair Sentencing Act of 2010
- Fair Trial
- Fairness and Proportionality [Corrections]
- False Imprisonment [Criminal Law]
- False Pretense [Criminal Law]
- False Swearing [Criminal Law]
- Family Dynamics [Juvenile Justice]
- Family Engagement [Juvenile Justice]
- Family Environment [Juvenile Justice]
- Family Involvement [Juvenile Justice]
- Faretta v. California (1975) Read the abridged case.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Federal Court System
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) [Homeland Security]
- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Federal Probation and Parole Act [Corrections]
- Federal Public Defender
- Federal Question Jurisdiction
- Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure
- Federal Rules of Evidence
- Felon
- Felony
- Felony Murder Rule [Criminal Law]
- Felson, Marcus [Criminology]
- Feminist Criminology
- Fence
- Fetal Abuse [Criminal Law]
- Fifth Amendment {to the United States Constitution}
- Fighting Words [Constitutional Law]
- Filing {a criminal case in court}
- Financial Literacy [Corrections]
- Finder of Fact [Procedural Law]
- Fine
- First Amendment {to the United States Constitution}
- First Appearance
- Fixed Sentence. See Determinate Sentence.
- First Step Act of 2018 [Corrections]
- Flat Timed [Corrections Slang]
- Fleeing Felon [Procedural Law]
- Fleeting Targets Exception {to the Exclusionary Rule}
- Florence v. Burlington County (2012) [Corrections]
- Follow Up Investigation
- Foot Patrol [Policing]
- Forcible Entry and Detainer
- Forcible Rape (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- Forensic Anthropology
- Forensic Entomology
- Forensic Psychology [Criminology]
- Forensic Science
- Foreperson
- Forfeiture
- Forgery
- Fornication
- Fourteenth Amendment {to the Constitution of the United States}
- Fourth Amendment
- Fourth Waiver [Corrections]
- Fragmentation [Juvenile Justice]
- Frankpledge System
- Fraud
- Freedom of Assembly
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom of Religion
- Free Will [Criminology]
- Freud, Sigmund [Criminology]
- Frivolous Suit
- Frontal Lobe [Criminology]
- Frontline Workers [Juvenile Justice]
- Fruit of the Poisoned Tree Doctrine
- Full Privatization [Corrections]
- Functional Family Therapy (FFT) [Juvenile Justice]
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) [Criminology]
- Fundamental Rights
- Funding Challenges [Juvenile Justice]
- Funding Models [Corrections]
- Furman v. Georgia (1972) Read the Abridged Case
[ A-B | C | D | E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-U | V-W-X-Y-Z ]