For Research and Statistics terms, see Doc’s Research Glossary instead of this one!
- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- Gagnon v. Scarpelli (1973) Read the Abridged Case
- Gain Time
- Gamification [Juvenile Justice]
- Gaol
- Gender Disparities [Corrections]
- Gender-Responsive Programs [Corrections]
- Gender Sensitivity [Corrections]
- Gender-Specific Pathways [Corrections]
- Gene-Environment Interaction [Criminology]
- General Deterrence
- General Educational Development (GED) [Juvenile Justice]
- Generalizability [Criminology]
- General Youth Population [Juvenile Justice]
- Generational [Juvenile Justice]
- Genetic Determinism [Criminology]
- Genetic Markers [Criminology]
- Geofencing [Juvenile Justice]
- Geographic Divides [Juvenile Justice]
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) [Criminology]
- Get Tough Laws [Criminology]
- Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
- Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) Read the Abridged Case
- Ginsburg, Ruth Bader {Justice}
- Goldstein, Herman [Policing]
- Good-faith Exception [Procedural Law]
- Good Time
- Governmental Interference [Corrections]
- GPS Tracking [Juvenile Justice]
- Justice Neil Gorsuch
- Graduated Sanctions [Corrections]
- Graham v. Florida (2010) [Juvenile Justice]
- Graham v. Connor (1989) Read the Abridged Case
- Grand Jury
- Greek Philosophy [Criminology]
- Gregg v. Georgia (1976) Read the Abridged Case
- Grievous Bodily Harm [Criminal Law]
- Group Home
- Group Victimization [Criminology]
- Gross Negligence
- Guardian ad Litem [Juvenile Justice]
- Guilty But Mentally Ill (GBMI)
- Guilty Plea
- Guilty Verdict
- Habeas Corpus
- Habitual Offender
- Hacker
- Halfway Houses [Corrections]
- Hands-off Doctrine (Corrections)
- Hardened Criminal Fallacy [Criminology]
- Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) [Criminology]
- Harm {element of a crime}
- Harm Reduction [Corrections]
- Harrison Act
- Hate Crime
- Healthcare Access [Corrections]
- Healthcare Expenditures [Corrections]
- Hearing
- Hearsay
- Helling v. McKinney (1993) [Corrections]
- Henry McKay [Criminology]
- Heredity [Criminology]
- Hierarchical
- Hierarchy Rule (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- High-security facilities [Corrections]
- High Caseloads [Corrections]
- Holistic Approach
- Holt v. Hobbs (2015) [Corrections]
- Home Confinement
- Home-invasion Robbery
- Homicide
- Hot Products [Criminology]
- Hot Pursuit Search
- Hot Spot
- House Arrest. See Home Confinement.
- House of Refuge [Juvenile Justice]
- Houses of Correction [Corrections]
- Housing Instability [Corrections]
- Howard, John
- Hudson v. Palmer (1984) Read the Abridged Case
- Hue and Cry [Policing]
- Human Dignity
- Human Nature [Criminology]
- Human Rights
- Humane [Juvenile Justice]
- Hundred [Policing]
- Hung Jury
- Hypothesis
- Identity Theft
- Illegally Seized Evidence
- Illegal Search and Seizure
- Illicit [Juvenile Justice]
- Immanuel Kant [Criminology]
- Imminent Danger [Criminal Law]
- Imitation [Criminology]
- Impartial
- Impeachment
- Implicit Bias [Juvenile Justice]
- Imprisonment
- Impulsivity [Criminology]
- Inactive Supervision [Corrections]
- In Camera
- Incapacitation
- Incarceration
- Incest
- Inchoate Offense
- Incident-based Reporting
- Included Offense
- Incompetent to Stand Trial
- Incorrigibility
- Inculpatory Evidence
- Independent Counsel
- Independent Review [Corrections]
- Indeterminate Sentencing
- Index Crime. See Crime Index
- Index Offenses. See Crime Index
- Indictment
- Indigent Defendant
- Individual Factors [Corrections]
- Individual Racism
- Individual Rights
- Individual Rights Advocate
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) [Juvenile Justice]
- Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) [Juvenile Justice]
- Individualized Supervision [Corrections]
- Industrial Prison
- Inequities in Arrest Rates [Corrections]
- Inevitable Discovery Exception [Procedural Law]
- Infancy Defense
- Infanticide
- Inference [Criminal Law]
- Informal Diversion
- Informal Social Control [Criminology]
- Informant
- In Forma Pauperis
- Information {in charging a person with a crime}
- Informed Consent [Corrections]
- Informed decisions [Juvenile Justice]
- Infraction
- Infrastructure Maintenance [Corrections]
- Inherent Coercion {in police interrogations}
- Initial Appearance. See First Appearance.
- Injunction
- Inmate Classification [Corrections]
- Innovation (Strain Theory)
- Inquisitorial System
- In Re Gault (1967) Read the Abridged Case
- In Re Winship (1970) Read the Abridged Case
- Insanity Defense [Criminal Law]
- Insider Information
- Insider Trading [Criminal Law]
- Institutional Abuse [Corrections]
- Institutional Capacity
- Institutional Racism
- Intake
- Intake Officers [Juvenile Justice]
- Intake Process [Juvenile Justice]
- Integrated [Juvenile Justice]
- Integrated Software Systems [Juvenile Justice]
- Integrated Theories [Juvenile Justice]
- Integrated Treatment Approaches [Corrections]
- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) [Criminology]
- Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP)
- Intent [Criminal Law]
- Interactional Theory [Criminology]
- Inter Alia [Legal Latin]
- Interdiction
- Interdisciplinary Theory [Criminology]
- Intermediate Court of Appeals
- Intermediate Sanctions
- Internal Affairs
- Internal Validity [Juvenile Justice]
- International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
- Interpersonal Relationships [Juvenile Justice]
- INTERPOL Washington [U.S. Department of Justice]
- International Terrorism
- Interrogation
- Intervene [Juvenile Justice]
- Interventions [Corrections]
- Intervention Strategies [Juvenile Justice]
- Intoxication [Criminal Law]
- Investigator [Policing]
- Involuntary Intoxication [Criminal Law]
- Involuntary Manslaughter. See Manslaughter.
- Irresistible Impulse Test [Criminal Law]
- Islamic Law
[ A-B | C | D | E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-U | V-W-X-Y-Z ]