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- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
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- Machine Learning Algorithms [Juvenile Justice]
- Macrotheories [Criminology]
- Mafia
- Magistrate
- Magistrate Judge
- Magna Carta
- Major Crimes. See Part I Offenses. (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- Mala In Se (Legal Latin)
- Mala Prohibita (Legal Latin)
- Malice Aforethought [Criminal Law] See also Premeditation.
- Malicious Mischief [Criminal Law]
- Management Contracts [Corrections]
- Mandatory Minimum Sentences [Criminology]
- Mandatory Sentencing
- Mandela Rules [Corrections]
- Manslaughter [Criminal Law]
- Mapp v. Ohio (1961) Read the Abridged Case
- Marble Cake Federalism
- Marbury v. Madison (1803)
- Marginalized [Juvenile Justice]
- Marginalized Backgrounds [Corrections]
- Marital Rape [Criminal Law]
- Martin Luther [Criminology]
- Marvin Wolfgang [Criminology]
- MAOA Gene [Criminology]
- Maryland v. Garrison (1987)
- Maryland v. Wilson (1997) Read the Abridged Case
- Mass Incarceration [Corrections]
- Matched Groups [Juvenile Justice]
- Maximum-Security Prison [Corrections]
- Maximum Sentence
- Mayhem [Criminal Law]
- McCleskey v. Kemp (1987) Read the Abridged Case
- McKeiver v. Pennsylvania (1971) Read the Abridged Case
- Media Coverage [Juries]
- Media Influence
- Mediation
- Medical Emergencies
- Medical Model {of Corrections}
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) [Corrections]
- Medium-Security Prison [Corrections]
- Megan’s Law [Criminal Law]
- Mempa v. Rhay (1967) Read the Abridged Case
- Mens Rea (Legal Latin)
- Mental Disorders [Criminology]
- Mental Health [Juvenile Justice]
- Mental Health Conditions [Corrections]
- Mental Health Crisis [Policing]
- Mental Health Diversion Programs [Corrections]
- Mental Health Resources [Criminology]
- Mental Health Support [Criminology]
- Mental Health Treatment
- Mentally Ill Offenders [Corrections]
- Mentoring Programs [Juvenile Justice]
- Mentorship [Corrections]
- Mere Hunch {Procedural Law}
- Meta-Analysis [Corrections]
- Michael Gottfredson [Criminology]
- Michael Hindelang [Criminology]
- Microtheories [Criminology]
- John Stuart Mill [Utilitarianism]
- Miller v. Alabama (2012) [Juvenile Justice]
- Minimum-Security Prison [Corrections]
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) [Criminology]
- Miranda Rights [Procedural Law]
- Miranda Triggers [Procedural Law]
- Miranda v. Arizona (1966) Read the Abridged Case
- Miranda Warnings [Procedural Law] See Miranda Rights.
- Misdemeanant
- Misdemeanor
- Mistrial
- Misprision of Felony [Criminal Law]
- Misprision of Treason [Criminal Law]
- Mistake Defense [Criminal Law]
- Mistake of Fact [Criminal Law] See Mistake Defense.
- Mistake of Law [Criminal Law] See Mistake Defense.
- Mitigate [Juvenile Justice]
- Mitigating Circumstances [Criminal Law / Sentencing]
- Mixed Sentence [Corrections]
- M’Naghten Rule [Criminal Law]
- Model Penal Code (MPC) [Criminal Law]
- Models of Criminal Justice
- Models of Punishment
- Modern Jurisprudence [Corrections]
- Modify [Case Disposition]
- Monell v. Department of Social Services (1978) Read the Abridged Case
- Monetary Fine
- Money Laundering [Criminal Law]
- Montanye v. Haymes [Corrections]
- Monitoring Centers [Juvenile Justice]
- Montgomery v. Louisiana (2016) [Juvenile Justice]
- Moot [Procedural Law]
- Morality [Criminology]
- Morrissey v. Brewer (1972) Read the Abridged Case
- Mosaic Code
- Motion
- Motion for a New Trial
- Motion in Limine
- Motion to Suppress
- Motivated Offender [Criminology]
- Motivational Interviewing [Corrections]
- Motive
- Motor Vehicle Theft (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- Multiculturalism
- Multifaceted [Juvenile Justice]
- Multifactorial Approaches [Juvenile Justice]
- Multiethnic
- Multimodal Treatment for Drug Abuse (MTDA) [Corrections]
- Multiracial
- Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) [Juvenile Justice]
- Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) [Juvenile Justice]
- Municipal Court
- Murder [Criminal Law]
- Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter (FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports)
- Murphy v. Collier [Corrections]
- Mutual Pledge System
- Mutual Respect [Juvenile Justice]
- NAACP Legal Defense Fund [Corrections]
- Narcissism [Criminology]
- Narcoterrorism
- National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service (OJP) [U.S. Department of Justice]
- National Incident-based Reporting System (NIBRS) [FBI]
- National Institute of Corrections (FBOP) [U.S. Department of Justice]
- National Institute of Justice (OJP) [U.S. Department of Justice]
- National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) [Homeland Security]
- National Security Division (NSD) [Homeland Security]
- Nationalization
- Natural Law
- Nature vs. Nurture [Criminology]
- Necessity Defense [Criminal Law] See Lesser of Two Evils Defense.
- Needs of Society
- Neglected Child
- Negligence [Criminal Law]
- Negligent Manslaughter [FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports]
- Negotiation [Policing]
- Neighborhood Disadvantage
- Neurobiological Theories [Criminology]
- Neuroticism [Criminology]
- Neurotransmitters [Criminology]
- Neoclassical Criminology
- New Jersey v. TLO (1985)
- New Police. See London Metropolitan Police Force
- New York v. Quarles (1984) Read the Abridged Case
- Night Watch [Policing]
- Nix v. Williams (1984) Read the Abridged Case
- No-knock Warrant [Procedural Law]
- Nolle Prosequi (Legal Latin)
- Nolo Contendere (Legal Latin)
- Nonsystem Argument
- Non-deadly Force
- Non-Discrimination [Corrections]
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) [Juvenile Justice]
- North Carolina v. Alford (1970) Read the Abridged Case
- Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity [Criminal Law]
- Not Guilty Plea
- Not Me Fallacy [Criminology]
- Norms [Juvenile Justice]
- Nothing-works Doctrine
- No True Bill
- Objections [Law]
- Objectivity [Law / Research Methods]
- Objectively Reasonable [Law]
- Obscenity
- Obstruction of Justice
- Occupational Crime
- Oedipus Complex [Criminology]
- Offender
- Offender Accountability [Corrections]
- Offender-specific Treatment [Juvenile Justice]
- Offense
- Offense Known to Police [FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports]
- Office for Victims of Crime [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of the Associate Attorney General [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of Attorney Recruitment & Management [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of Health Affairs (OHA) [Homeland Security]
- Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) [Homeland Security]
- Office of the Deputy Attorney General [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of the Inspector General [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Office of Operations Coordination and Planning [Homeland Security]
- Office of Policy [Homeland Security]
- Office of the Pardon Attorney [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of the Solicitor General [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of Special Counsel [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office of Tribal Justice [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Office on Violence Against Women [U.S. Department of Justice]
- Officer Discretion [Corrections]
- Official Misconduct in Office [Criminal Law]
- Omission [Criminal Law]
- Online Grooming [Juvenile Justice]
- Open Fields Doctrine [Procedural Law]
- Opening Statement
- Operant Conditioning
- Operational Capacity
- Opinion {Judicial}
- Opportunity Theory [Criminology]
- Oral Argument {Courts}
- Order Maintenance [Policing]
- Ordinance [Law]
- Ordinary Crime
- Organized Crime
- Original Jurisdiction
- Oscar Newman [Criminology]
- Outcomes [Juvenile Justice]
- Outreach [Juvenile Justice]
- Overlapping Symptoms [Juvenile Justice]
- Over-Policing Fallacy [Criminology]
- Oversight Mechanisms [Corrections]
- Overturn [Law]
[ A-B | C | D | E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P | Q-R | S | T-U | V-W-X-Y-Z ]