Recipe: Easy French Bread

Easy French Bread is a simple yet delicious homemade bread with a crispy crust and a soft, fluffy interior. This recipe guides you through the process of making (sorta) authentic French bread with ease.

Ingredients List

  • 6-7 Cups of Flour
  • 2.5 Cups Warm Water (approximately 110°F)
  • 3 tsp. Active Yeast
  • 4 tsp. Sugar
  • 4 tsp. Salt
  • 1 Egg

Preparation Steps

Phase 1:

  1. Warm 2.5 cups of water to about 110°F.
  2. Place water in a mixing bowl and stir in sugar until dissolved.
  3. Add yeast, and wait about 20 minutes until you start to see foam. If there’s no foam, the yeast isn’t active and will not work.

Phase 2:

  1. Stir in 4 cups of flour and salt into the yeast mixture. Mix well.
  2. Gradually add an additional 2 cups of flour and mix well. If the dough is sticky, add enough flour to keep it from being sticky.
  3. Once the dough reaches the correct texture, cover the mixing bowl and allow the dough to rise for 30 minutes.

Phase 3:

  1. Roll out dough on a floured surface. Cut dough in half.
  2. Roll each half into a “newspaper” shape, folding edges under so that the upside is nice and smooth.
  3. Place both loaves on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Cover and allow to rise for about 20 minutes.
  4. Mix egg with 1 tbsp of water and whisk. Brush the egg wash on the loaves with a pastry brush.
  5. Make several diagonal relief cuts across the surface of each loaf.
  6. Bake in a preheated 375°F oven for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown. Properly cooked loaves will have a hollow sound when thumped on the bottom.
  7. Allow to cool completely before serving.

Preparation and Cooking Time

  • Total Time: Approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes

Serving Information

  • Makes: 2 loaves
  • Serve as a side with meals, or use for sandwiches and toast.

Tips or Variations

  • Experiment with adding herbs like rosemary or thyme to the dough for extra flavor.
  • For a crunchier crust, place a pan of water in the oven during baking to create steam.

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Last Modified: 12/18/2023
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