conditions of parole | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee
Course: Introduction

Conditions of parole are rules that parolees must follow in order to remain on parole, such as not using drugs and not associating with known felons.

Conditions of parole are a set of rules that individuals on parole must follow to remain in compliance with the terms of their release. These conditions are set by the parole board, and they can vary depending on the individual’s offense, past criminal history, and other factors. The goal of these conditions is to help the parolee successfully reintegrate into society while also ensuring public safety.

One common condition of parole is drug testing. Parolees may be required to submit to regular drug testing to ensure that they are not using illegal drugs. If a parolee tests positive for drugs, they may face consequences, such as being returned to prison or having their parole revoked. This condition is particularly important for individuals with a history of drug abuse, as drug use can increase the likelihood of recidivism.

Another common condition of parole is the requirement to attend drug or alcohol treatment programs. These programs can help individuals overcome addiction and develop coping mechanisms to avoid relapse. The parole board may also require parolees to attend anger management classes, counseling sessions, or other forms of therapy to help them address underlying issues that may have contributed to their criminal behavior.

Parolees may also be required to attend regular meetings with their parole officer. During these meetings, the parole officer will assess the parolee’s progress and determine whether they are complying with the terms of their parole. The parole officer may also provide guidance and support to the parolee, helping them develop a plan for their reintegration into society.

Other conditions of parole may include restrictions on travel or residence, a prohibition on owning or possessing weapons, and a requirement to maintain employment or attend school. Parolees may also be required to avoid contact with certain individuals, such as known felons or victims of their crimes. Violating any of these conditions can result in consequences, such as being returned to prison or having their parole revoked.

In addition to these conditions, many parolees may also face challenges such as finding employment, securing housing, and maintaining relationships with family and friends. These challenges can be particularly difficult for individuals who have been incarcerated for an extended period of time. The parole board and parole officers may provide support and resources to help parolees overcome these challenges and successfully reintegrate into society.

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Last Modified: 04/25/2023

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