Rule 12: Don’t Sweat the Sh*t You Can’t Shovel

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Life’s a carnival of flying hot dogs, rogue popcorn kernels, and the occasional vomit-inducing Tilt-a-Whirl ride. You can spend your days dodging flying fries and complaining about the sticky floors, or you can grab a napkin, shovel the inevitable crap that comes your way, and dance like nobody’s watching (because, trust me, they’re not). Because here’s the truth that smells like a five-day-old funnel cake: some things in this messy, glorious, dumpster-fire-of-a-world simply aren’t within your control. Obsessing over the cosmic stink bombs is a guaranteed one-way ticket to a self-inflicted headache.

Think of yourself as a life-hacking ninja, navigating the obstacle course of existence with a swagger of “been there, shoveled that.” The weather’s gonna throw tantrums like a toddler denied candy? Cool, grab an umbrella and wear cool clothes. Your boss is a raging egomaniac with the emotional stability of a goldfish on Red Bull? Sweet, invest in noise-canceling headphones and practice the art of the silent “Mm-hmm.” Your ex just posted a picture of them living their best life with somebody new? Fantastic, celebrate your escape from the circus and buy yourself that fancy karaoke machine you’ve been eyeing.

Because here’s the thing: obsessing over the stuff you can’t control is like trying to push back a tidal wave with a toothpick. It’s exhausting, futile, and frankly, pretty embarrassing. Instead, channel your inner zen dumpster diver and focus on the messes you can actually handle. Got a leaky faucet? Fix it. Feeling unfulfilled in your job? Start making moves towards that dream career. Relationships gone south? Dust yourself off and keep putting yourself out there. Remember, the only constant in this chaotic universe is change, and you, my friend, are the artist sculpting your own damn masterpiece.

Sure, there will be moments when the cosmic slingshot launches a particularly pungent pile of dung your way. It happens to the best of us. But instead of wallowing in the stench, remember Rule 12: Grab your shovel, clear the path, and keep moving. Don’t let the temporary setbacks stop you from building your own personal Disneyland, complete with fireworks and cotton candy dreams.

Here’s the breakdown of your life-hacking shovel kit:

1. Acceptance: The first step is acknowledging that some things are simply beyond your control. Accept the weather, the traffic, the occasional bout of existential dread. It’s not about liking it, it’s about understanding that getting angry at the rain won’t make the sun come out any faster.

2. Focus: Turn your gaze towards the things you can actually influence. Your thoughts, your actions, your choices – these are your personal shovel and pail. Use them to clean up the messes you can handle and build sandcastles that weather the storm.

3. Humor: Laughter is the ultimate shovel against the mountains of life’s crap. Find the absurdity in the situation, crack a joke at the universe’s expense, and turn frowns upside down (except when you’re at the DMV, because who can crack a joke at the DMV?).

4. Resilience: Life throws curveballs, it throws rotten tomatoes, it throws things you didn’t even know existed in the realm of throwables. But you, my friend, are a goddamn dodgeball champion. Bend, roll with the punches, and come back stronger than ever.

5. Action: Don’t just sit there with your shovel in your hand, waiting for the next pile of crap to land. Take action, even if it’s just baby steps. Make small changes, build new routines, chase your dreams with reckless abandon. Remember, a shovel used is a shovel that gets the job done.

So, throw off the shackles of worry, embrace the occasional splat of life’s unexpected, and remember: Rule 12 is your mantra, your battle cry, your cosmic middle finger to the universe. Don’t sweat the sh*t you can’t shovel, grab your tools, and build the damn palace you deserve. Because this, my friend, is your carnival, and you’re the only one who gets to decide what rides you take, what games you play, and how much cotton candy you eat. Now go forth and shovel, laugh, and dance like nobody’s watching, because frankly, they probably are, and who wouldn’t want to watch a life-hacking ninja in action?

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Last Modified: 01/24/2024

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