arbitrary actions | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

Arbitrary actions refer to decisions or actions taken without any logical reasoning, consistency, or fairness, often resulting in unjust outcomes within the corrections system.

Understanding Arbitrary Actions in Corrections

Definition of Arbitrary Actions

Arbitrary actions are decisions or behaviors made based on personal whims, biases, or unfounded judgment rather than on established rules, laws, or logical reasoning. In the context of corrections, these actions can manifest in various ways, such as inconsistent application of rules, unfair disciplinary measures, or biased treatment of inmates. Arbitrary actions undermine the principles of justice and fairness, leading to mistrust and a lack of respect for the correctional system.

Examples of Arbitrary Actions in Corrections

Inconsistent Rule Enforcement

One common example of arbitrary actions in corrections is the inconsistent enforcement of rules. Correctional officers may apply rules differently based on their personal biases or relationships with inmates. For instance, some inmates might receive harsher punishments for minor infractions, while others might get lenient treatment for similar or more severe violations. This inconsistency breeds resentment and undermines the authority of the correctional system.

Unfair Disciplinary Measures

Arbitrary disciplinary measures occur when punishments do not align with the severity or nature of the infraction. For example, an inmate might receive a severe penalty for a minor rule violation, such as losing privileges or being placed in solitary confinement for an extended period. Conversely, another inmate might receive a minimal or no penalty for a more serious offense. Such arbitrary actions can escalate tensions within the facility and lead to increased conflicts.

Biased Treatment

Biased treatment based on race, gender, ethnicity, or other personal characteristics is another form of arbitrary action. Inmates from certain backgrounds might face harsher treatment or be denied access to programs and services compared to others. This form of discrimination violates the principles of equality and fairness and can have long-term detrimental effects on inmates’ rehabilitation and reintegration prospects.

Impact of Arbitrary Actions on Inmates

Erosion of Trust

Arbitrary actions erode inmates’ trust in the correctional system and its authorities. When inmates perceive that decisions are made without fairness or consistency, they lose faith in the system’s ability to deliver justice. This mistrust can lead to increased resistance to rules and authority, making it more challenging to maintain order and discipline within the facility.

Mental Health Effects

The unpredictable and unfair nature of arbitrary actions can significantly impact inmates’ mental health. The stress and anxiety associated with not knowing how rules will be applied or how they will be treated can lead to heightened levels of fear, depression, and hopelessness. These mental health issues can exacerbate existing conditions and hinder inmates’ rehabilitation efforts.

Increased Conflict

Arbitrary actions often lead to increased conflict within correctional facilities. When inmates perceive that they or others are being treated unfairly, it can result in frustration, anger, and a sense of injustice. This can lead to disputes among inmates, as well as between inmates and staff, escalating tensions and potentially resulting in violence.

Addressing Arbitrary Actions in Corrections

Establishing Clear Policies and Procedures

One of the most effective ways to prevent arbitrary actions is to establish clear, consistent policies and procedures. Correctional facilities should have well-defined rules and regulations that are applied uniformly to all inmates. These policies should be communicated clearly to both staff and inmates, ensuring everyone understands the expectations and consequences of their actions.

Training and Accountability

Training correctional staff to recognize and avoid arbitrary actions is crucial. This training should include understanding the importance of fairness, consistency, and impartiality in decision-making. Additionally, implementing accountability measures, such as regular reviews and audits of disciplinary actions and decisions, can help ensure that staff adhere to established policies and procedures.

Promoting Transparency

Transparency in decision-making processes helps to build trust and reduce perceptions of arbitrariness. Correctional facilities can promote transparency by documenting and explaining the rationale behind disciplinary actions and other significant decisions. Providing a clear appeals process for inmates who believe they have been treated unfairly can also enhance transparency and accountability.

Encouraging Fair Treatment

Promoting a culture of fairness and respect within correctional facilities is essential. This involves treating all inmates with dignity, regardless of their background or the nature of their offense. Staff should be encouraged to interact with inmates in a respectful and unbiased manner, fostering an environment where fairness is prioritized.


Arbitrary actions in corrections undermine the principles of justice and fairness, leading to mistrust, mental health issues, and increased conflict among inmates. By establishing clear policies and procedures, providing training and accountability for staff, promoting transparency, and encouraging fair treatment, correctional facilities can address and prevent arbitrary actions. Ensuring that decisions and actions within the corrections system are based on consistent, logical, and fair principles is essential for maintaining order, promoting rehabilitation, and upholding the integrity of the justice system.

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Last Modified: 06/03/2024

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