Contingency Management | Definition

Doc's CJ Glossary by Adam J. McKee

Contingency Management is a behavioral therapy that uses incentives and consequences to encourage desirable behaviors and reduce undesirable ones in correctional settings.

Understanding Contingency Management

Contingency Management (CM) is a type of behavioral therapy that employs a system of incentives and consequences to encourage positive behavior and reduce negative behavior. In the context of corrections, CM is used to promote compliance with rules, participation in rehabilitation programs, and overall positive behavior among inmates. This approach is based on principles of operant conditioning, where behaviors are shaped by their consequences.

Key Components of Contingency Management


Incentives are rewards given to inmates for displaying desirable behavior. These rewards can be tangible or intangible and are designed to reinforce positive actions.

  1. Tangible Rewards: Items such as snacks, additional recreation time, or privileges like access to a preferred activity.
  2. Intangible Rewards: Verbal praise, recognition, or certificates of achievement.


Consequences, or sanctions, are used to discourage undesirable behavior. These consequences must be fair, consistent, and proportionate to the behavior.

  1. Loss of Privileges: Removal of privileges such as recreation time or access to certain activities.
  2. Additional Duties: Assigning extra tasks or responsibilities as a form of consequence.

Monitoring and Feedback

Regular monitoring and feedback are essential components of CM. Inmates need to understand how their behaviors are being tracked and the impact of their actions.

  1. Behavior Monitoring: Keeping detailed records of inmate behavior to ensure accurate and fair administration of incentives and consequences.
  2. Feedback Mechanisms: Providing inmates with regular feedback on their behavior, helping them understand the connection between their actions and the resulting rewards or consequences.

Benefits of Contingency Management in Corrections

Behavior Modification

CM is effective in modifying behavior by reinforcing positive actions and discouraging negative ones. This leads to a more orderly and compliant inmate population.

  1. Positive Behavior Reinforcement: Consistently rewarding positive behavior encourages inmates to repeat those actions.
  2. Reduction in Negative Behavior: Applying fair and consistent consequences for negative behavior reduces the occurrence of such actions.

Enhanced Rehabilitation

CM supports rehabilitation by motivating inmates to participate in programs and activities that promote personal development and skill acquisition.

  1. Program Participation: Offering incentives for participation in educational, vocational, and therapeutic programs increases engagement.
  2. Skill Development: Encouraging participation in these programs helps inmates develop skills that are essential for successful reintegration into society.

Improved Facility Environment

By promoting positive behavior and reducing negative actions, CM contributes to a safer and more positive environment within the correctional facility.

  1. Safety: Reduced instances of violence and misconduct enhance the safety of both inmates and staff.
  2. Positive Atmosphere: A focus on rewarding positive behavior creates a more positive and supportive atmosphere within the facility.

Implementing Contingency Management

Establishing Clear Criteria

Clear criteria for what constitutes desirable and undesirable behavior must be established. These criteria should be communicated to all inmates and staff.

  1. Behavioral Expectations: Clearly define and communicate the behaviors that will be rewarded and those that will result in consequences.
  2. Consistency: Ensure that the criteria are applied consistently to all inmates to maintain fairness.

Training Staff

Staff training is crucial for the successful implementation of CM. Staff must understand the principles of CM and how to apply them effectively.

  1. Principles of CM: Training should cover the basic principles of operant conditioning and behavior modification.
  2. Application Techniques: Staff should be trained in the practical application of CM, including monitoring behavior, administering rewards and consequences, and providing feedback.

Developing Reward and Consequence Systems

A well-structured system of rewards and consequences must be developed. This system should be varied and meaningful to the inmates.

  1. Reward System: Create a diverse range of rewards that are desirable to inmates and can be feasibly provided by the facility.
  2. Consequence System: Develop a system of consequences that are fair, proportionate, and consistently applied.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Regular monitoring and evaluation are necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the CM program and to make adjustments as needed.

  1. Behavior Tracking: Implement a system for tracking inmate behavior and the administration of rewards and consequences.
  2. Program Evaluation: Regularly evaluate the CM program to assess its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

Challenges of Contingency Management

Resource Limitations

Implementing a CM program requires resources, including rewards and staff time for monitoring and administration. Resource limitations can impact the effectiveness of the program.

  1. Budget Constraints: Limited budgets may restrict the availability of tangible rewards.
  2. Staff Availability: Adequate staffing levels are necessary to monitor behavior and administer the CM program effectively.

Resistance to Change

Inmates and staff may resist the implementation of a new CM program, especially if it represents a significant change from existing practices.

  1. Inmate Buy-In: Gaining inmate buy-in is essential for the success of the program. Involving inmates in the development of the program can increase acceptance.
  2. Staff Support: Ensuring that staff understand the benefits of CM and are committed to its implementation is crucial.


Contingency Management is a powerful tool for promoting positive behavior and reducing negative actions within correctional facilities. By using a system of incentives and consequences, CM supports behavior modification, enhances rehabilitation efforts, and improves the overall environment of the facility. Successful implementation requires clear criteria, staff training, effective reward and consequence systems, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation.

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Last Modified: 06/03/2024

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