formal style | Definition

Course: Statistics

The formal style in scientific writing refers to the use of precise, clear, and objective language to present research.

In research, especially social research, we need to communicate effectively. One way to do this is by using a formal style. Formal style is all about being clear, precise, and objective. It is the ‘voice’ used in academic papers, and it lets the reader know we’re serious about our research.

Clarity is Key

Above all, the formal style is clear. This means that we should choose words that accurately convey our meaning and avoid vague or confusing language. For example, a criminologist studying the reasons behind criminal behavior might write, “Our research suggests a strong correlation between childhood poverty and adult criminal behavior.” This sentence clearly states what the research found.

Precision Matters

Additionally, the formal style is precise. This means we should be specific about what we mean. This might involve using technical terms or ‘jargon.’ However, these should be defined clearly so the reader can understand. After all, we don’t want to leave our readers guessing what we mean. A social worker might write, “Our study indicates a significant reduction in depressive symptoms among participants who received Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a type of psychological treatment that helps individuals challenge and change unhelpful cognitive distortions and behaviors.” Here, CBT, a term of art in social work, is clearly defined for the reader.

Objectivity is Crucial

Formal style is also objective. This means that we should focus on the facts and data we have gathered rather than our own opinions or feelings. If, then, a political scientist was studying voting behavior, they might write, “Data shows that neither a person’s income nor their level of education solely determines their political leanings.” This sentence focuses on what the data shows, not what the scientist personally believes.

The Tone of Formal Style

Afterward, it’s also important to consider the tone when using a formal style. The tone should be professional, neither too casual nor too complicated. After all, the goal is to make the reader understand our research, not impress them with big words or casual lingo.

The Structure of Formal Style

The formal style also follows a specific structure. All in all, research papers begin with an introduction, then a methodology, results, a discussion, and finally, a conclusion. This helps the reader follow along and understand the progression of our work.

To summarize, the formal style is clear, precise, and objective. It uses a specific tone and follows a certain structure. It’s the ‘voice’ we use to tell our readers about our research in a way that is easy to understand and hard to misinterpret.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2023


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