sampling error | Definition

Sampling error is the difference between a sample statistic and the true population value, caused by using a sample instead of the full population.

What Is Sampling Error?

In social science research, we often study a small part of a larger group. That smaller group is called a sample, and the larger group is the population. For example, we might survey 1,000 voters to learn how all registered voters in a country feel about a policy. When we use a sample, we do it because studying the whole population would be too costly, time-consuming, or even impossible.

However, because the sample only includes part of the population, there is always a chance that the results from the sample will be a little different from the results we would have gotten if we had studied everyone. That difference is called sampling error.

Understanding Sampling Error in Simple Terms

The Core Idea

Sampling error is not a mistake in the sense of doing something wrong. Instead, it is a natural and expected part of using samples in research. When we measure something in a sample—like the average income, the percentage of people who support a candidate, or the number of hours teenagers spend online—we call that a sample statistic.

But the sample statistic is only an estimate of the population parameter, which is the true value we would get if we measured the entire population. Sampling error is the difference between the sample statistic and the population parameter.


Let’s say the actual average income in a city is $50,000, but a researcher surveys 200 residents and finds an average of $48,500. That $1,500 difference is the sampling error.

If the researcher had selected a different 200 residents, the average income might have been $51,200 instead. This variation from sample to sample is expected. It’s part of what makes sampling error unavoidable.

Why Does Sampling Error Matter in Social Science?

Making Accurate Conclusions

Social scientists want to make conclusions about populations, not just about the people they study directly. That’s why it’s important to understand and control sampling error. If the error is too large, the results may be misleading.

For example, if a poll overestimates how many people support a new law due to sampling error, a government might believe the law is more popular than it really is. This could lead to poor decisions or public backlash.

Understanding Limits of Findings

Sampling error helps researchers set boundaries around their estimates. For example, when a survey says “45% of people support Policy A, plus or minus 3%,” that 3% reflects the estimated sampling error. It tells us that, based on the sample size and method, the real support in the population is likely between 42% and 48%.

This “plus or minus” number is often called the margin of error, and it is directly tied to sampling error.

What Causes Sampling Error?

Random Selection

Sampling error happens because different people have different opinions, experiences, or traits. Even if a researcher selects the sample completely at random, each random sample will include a slightly different mix of people. This natural variation causes the sample statistic to differ from the true population value.

Sample Size

Sample size plays a big role in the size of the sampling error. In general:

  • Larger samples lead to smaller sampling error.
  • Smaller samples lead to larger sampling error.

Why? Because the more people or cases you include, the closer the sample tends to match the population.

Think of flipping a coin. If you flip it 10 times, you might get 7 heads. That’s a big difference from the expected 5 heads. But if you flip it 1,000 times, you’ll probably get close to 500 heads. In the same way, larger samples give more stable and accurate results.

Population Variability

If a population is very diverse (for example, incomes range from $10,000 to $1,000,000), it’s harder for a small sample to reflect it accurately. This increases sampling error. On the other hand, if most people in a population are very similar, even a small sample might be quite accurate.

How Is Sampling Error Measured?

Standard Error

One way researchers describe sampling error is through the standard error. This is a statistic that tells us how much variation we can expect in a sample estimate just by chance. Standard error depends on both the sample size and the variability of the data.

The formula for standard error of the mean (simplified) is:

Standard error = standard deviation of the sample / square root of the sample size

While the exact math isn’t always necessary to know, understanding that standard error decreases as the sample size increases is very helpful.

Confidence Intervals

Researchers use the standard error to create confidence intervals—ranges that are likely to contain the true population value. A 95% confidence interval means we are 95% sure the population value lies within that range.

If a survey finds that 60% of respondents support a candidate, with a margin of error of ±4%, the confidence interval is 56% to 64%. That range reflects the uncertainty caused by sampling error.

Sampling Error vs. Sampling Bias

It’s important not to confuse sampling error with sampling bias. They are very different:

  • Sampling error is expected and occurs even with perfect random sampling.
  • Sampling bias happens when the sampling method is flawed—such as when certain groups are underrepresented or excluded.

For example, if a survey about public transportation is done only at a downtown train station, it may miss people who drive or bike. That’s sampling bias, not sampling error.

Bias introduces systematic error, while sampling error is random.

Reducing Sampling Error

Use a Larger Sample

One of the most effective ways to reduce sampling error is to increase the sample size. This doesn’t eliminate error completely, but it does make the sample more representative of the population.

Use Random Sampling

Random sampling methods, where every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected, help ensure that sampling error is truly random rather than biased.

Types of random sampling include:

  • Simple random sampling
  • Systematic sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling

Each method has strengths and weaknesses, but they all aim to give every unit in the population a fair chance of selection.

Stratified Sampling

When a population contains distinct subgroups, researchers can use stratified sampling to ensure each group is fairly represented. For example, a survey might separate respondents by age group or region before selecting individuals. This can reduce sampling error, especially when differences among subgroups are large.

Examples in Social Science Research

Political Science

A political scientist surveys 1,200 voters before an election and finds 52% support Candidate A. The margin of error is ±3%. That means the real support could be as low as 49% or as high as 55%. The difference between the sample result (52%) and the true value is the sampling error.


A sociologist wants to know the average number of hours teenagers spend on social media. They randomly select 500 teens and find an average of 3.2 hours per day. If the actual population average is 3.5 hours, the sampling error is 0.3 hours.


A psychologist is studying the average anxiety score among college students. Using a sample of 150 students, the average score is 18.7. If the true average in the student population is 19.1, the sampling error is -0.4.


An education researcher surveys 200 teachers to find the percentage who feel supported by their administrators. If the sample shows 68% and the real percentage is 70%, the sampling error is -2%.

Reporting Sampling Error in Research

Researchers often report sampling error as part of their findings. This adds transparency and helps others interpret the results accurately.

A typical research report might include phrases like:

  • “The results have a margin of error of ±2.5 percentage points at the 95% confidence level.”
  • “The standard error for the sample mean is 1.3.”
  • “Sampling error may affect the generalizability of the findings.”

Being honest about sampling error builds credibility and allows others to assess how confident they can be in the results.


Sampling error is a basic but important concept in social science research. It describes the natural difference between what a sample shows and what the whole population would show. It is not a flaw—it is an expected result of working with samples instead of entire populations.

By understanding what causes sampling error and how to reduce it, researchers can design better studies, interpret results more accurately, and communicate findings more clearly. While sampling error can never be eliminated entirely, using good sampling methods and adequate sample sizes helps keep it small and manageable.

Understanding sampling error helps researchers ask better questions, draw better conclusions, and make better decisions based on data.

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Last Modified: 03/27/2025

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