Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription VIII

River’s End – “Every river, however winding its path, finds its way to the ocean. So too must every plan, no matter how intricate, serve a single, unifying purpose.”

“River’s End” principle underscores that every river, regardless of the complexity of its course, inevitably finds its way to the ocean. In the same way, no matter how complex a plan may be, it should always serve a single, unifying purpose. Essentially, it emphasizes the importance of having a clear, overarching goal that guides all actions and decisions, just as the ocean is the guiding endpoint for a river.

Applying the Principle to Political Power

In the realm of political power, the “River’s End” principle underlines the need for a clear and defined objective that guides all political decisions and strategies. A political leader must ensure that all policies, no matter how varied or diverse they might be, ultimately contribute towards a common goal. This clear, shared purpose can unite supporters, streamline decision-making, and provide a sense of direction, much like the ocean directs the river’s course.

Historical Example

The strategic vision of Emperor Qin Shi Huang of China serves as a potent example of the “River’s End” principle. In his quest to unify China, every decision he made, every battle fought, and every policy enacted, served this singular purpose.

Despite various obstacles and the complexities involved in uniting several warring states, Qin Shi Huang remained committed to his goal. His policies, including standardized scripts, weights, measures, and even the construction of the Great Wall, were all driven by this unifying purpose. In 221 BC, his persistent focus on his overarching goal bore fruit when he succeeded in unifying China, becoming its first Emperor.

Qin Shi Huang’s relentless pursuit of a single, unifying goal, regardless of the winding path he took, beautifully illustrates the “River’s End” principle. It underlines the power of having a clear, guiding purpose that shapes all strategies and actions.

[Black Watch | Scrolls of ShunyaScroll of the Obsidian River]

Last Modified: 11/05/2023

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