Scrolls of the Shunya

Greetings, esteemed reader,

I am Oswin, Scribe Extraordinaire, once of the Royal Library, now a humble servant to wisdom and knowledge. With humble pride and solemn reverence, I present my translation of the venerable “Scrolls of the Shunya.”

My tale with these sacred texts began during my scholarly pursuits into the enigmatic teachings of a mysterious sect known as “The Way of the Blade.” This elusive group, revered yet elusive, whispered about in the hushed corners of academies and courts alike, follows an intricate martial doctrine, seamlessly blending wisdom and warfare, strategy and spirituality.

While immersing myself in the musty tomes of the Royal Library, I chanced upon an encrypted manuscript. Years of dedicated study, coupled with many sleepless nights illuminated by naught but the flickering candlelight, revealed its secrets. It was an unassuming yet irreplaceable map to a hidden location, buried deep within the ancient texts. Compelled by an insatiable curiosity and duty to wisdom, I embarked on what would become the defining journey of my life.

Traversing treacherous mountains and enduring the unforgiving desert, I discovered an inconspicuous temple concealed within a dense forest, untouched by time. Therein lay our revered texts, the Scrolls of the Shunya, preserved by the dedicated guardians of The Way of the Blade. The sight of the age-old scrolls, their every line etched with the wisdom of an era long past, was a revelation, a moment that would etch itself into my soul forever.

The ‘Shunya,’ the Ancient Tongue denotation for ‘void’ or ’emptiness,’ is a profound philosophical concept, suggesting an unbounded realm of possibilities. As I pored over the texts, the scrolls revealed their truths, unfolding lessons in strategic thought and spiritual resilience, each scroll a ray of wisdom converging to form a radiant sun of knowledge.

Much like the dance of celestial bodies in the limitless expanse of the sky, these principles form an intricate rhythm of thought, a pattern of intellect, shaping not just combat, but life and existence itself. The teachings within these scrolls reach beyond the battlefield, echoing the eternal cycle of nature, resonating within our very being.

This translation is my humble attempt to bring these ancient teachings into our context, bridging the temporal and cultural chasm. I have endeavored to stay true to the spirit of the original texts while making them accessible to the modern reader.

May you embrace the Shunya, the void, and find wisdom and guidance within these scrolls. May they guide you, inspire you, and provide clarity in times of peace and turbulence alike. They have become my guiding star, and I hope they serve as yours as well.

In service to wisdom,


The Twelve Scrolls

Scroll of the Ebony Vale: This scroll concerns itself with understanding the nature of the battlefield, teaching the importance of geography and terrain.

Scroll of the Silent Winds: This scroll emphasizes the element of surprise and the value of stealth in warfare and conflict.

Scroll of the Shrouded Moon: This scroll teaches the importance of misinformation and deception, stressing the usefulness of spies and secrets.

Scroll of the Obsidian River: This scroll speaks about adaptability and fluidity in plans and strategies, much like the flow of a river.

Scroll of the Iron Mountain: This scroll advises on defensive strategies and the necessity of fortification and preparation.

Scroll of the Raven’s Cry: This scroll emphasizes the use of communication and signals during warfare, as well as their potential for misinformation.

Scroll of the Coiling Serpent: This scroll focuses on the art of strategic withdrawal and feigning weakness to lure enemies into traps.

Scroll of the Infernal Dawn: This scroll explains the importance of morale, the impact of psychological warfare, and how to incite fear and doubt in the enemy.

Scroll of the Twin Shadows: This scroll teaches the strategy of dividing your forces to create confusion, and the use of decoys and false targets.

Scroll of the Celestial Veil: This scroll highlights the importance of timing in all actions, both on a grand scale and in the heat of combat.

Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss: This scroll discusses the role of leadership and the qualities of a good commander, touching on the relationship between leaders and their followers.

Scroll of the Enduring Oak: This scroll focuses on the concept of resilience, addressing the inevitability of defeat and the importance of rising again stronger.

The Lesser Scrolls

Scroll of the Amber Pathway highlights the critical role of logistics and resource management in warfare, emphasizing the need for securing and maintaining supply lines.

Scroll of the Silver Concord: This scroll delves into the subtle art of diplomacy and alliance in warfare.

Scroll of the Golden Aegis 

Scroll of the Whispering delves into the art of manipulating an enemy’s perceptions and exploiting their fears and doubts, employing illusion and misdirection as strategic tools to disrupt and confound opponents.

The Scroll of the Woven Silk elucidates the delicate art of diplomacy and negotiation, teaching strategists the intricate dance of alliances and the importance of the pen alongside the sword in warfare.

The Scroll of the Healing Grove teaches the crucial art of post-conflict management, emphasizing healing, reconciliation, and peace-building as essential elements of victory, likening this process to the rejuvenating power of a healing grove after the storm of war.

The Scroll of the Just Scale underlines the significance of discipline, justice, and the rule of law within an army’s ranks during warfare, asserting that victory must be accompanied by honor, and demonstrating that the unity and morale of an army are fortified by fair treatment and respect for order.

The Scroll of the Azure Flame emphasizes the importance of developing, training, and managing specialized units and their roles in warfare, asserting that each unit, like a unique flame, has a distinct purpose and contribution to the larger blaze of conflict.

Scroll of the Woven Parchment emphasizes the importance of alliances, diplomacy, and negotiation in warfare, asserting that as threads intertwine to form a resilient parchment, harmonious alliances woven with respect, understanding, and mutual benefit form an unbreakable front in the face of adversity.

Scroll of the Forging Hammer stresses the importance of fostering creativity and embracing unconventional tactics in warfare, affirming that, like a smith with his hammer, shaping new ideas and approaches can forge the path to unexpected victories.

Scroll of the Tranquil Pond highlights the significance of strategic preparation, continuous training, and maintaining a state of readiness during times of peace, asserting that like a tranquil pond, beneath the calm surface, there should be a hub of activity preparing for potential conflicts.

Scroll of the Sheltering Baobab emphasizes the importance of non-combatant elements during warfare, asserting that like the nurturing baobab tree, we must provide shelter, respect, and a sense of community to those affected by the war’s ravages.

Scroll of the Whispering Winds emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting the enemy’s culture, asserting that like winds that cross all borders, knowledge and respect can transcend the lines drawn by conflict.

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Last Modified: 08/03/2023

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