
The warriors are known as the Vokara. Their philosophy embraces both war and peace, focused on winning through mastery, strategy, and sometimes deception. “The Way of the Blade is the Way of No Way, and the Strategy of the Vokara is the Strategy of No Strategy. This is our highest secret.”

Virtues & Values: They serve the people, value honor and honesty, and wish to preserve peace but recognize that preparation for war is essential to maintaining it. They’re reluctant to spill blood but are shrewd and strategic in warfare.

Hierarchy: A family-like structure with full-fledged members known as “Kuyo” (brothers), the leader of a dojo (yet to be named) as an uncle, and the elected head known as “Grandfather.”

Travel & Training: The Vokara must travel for a period, studying tactics, strategy, and various weapons, aiming for mastery and wisdom.

Weapons: Their signature weapons are twin daggers, representing a balanced philosophy. They also wield spears in battle.

Symbols: The “eternal spiral” is a significant symbol for them, encompassing their martial and philosophical understanding.

Clothing & Armor: They wear loose, breathable garments made from natural materials like palm and linen, appropriate for their tropical island setting. They have signature bracers and breastplates made from sea turtle shells, resembling “dragon hide.”

Homeland: They hail from a tropical island, [similar to the Philippines], and are adept on both land and water.

Philosophy of Death: Influenced by Zen teachings, the Vokara’s approach to death may be accepting and serene, considering it a natural part of life and their warrior path.

Unique Aspects: They are masters of many weapons, but their twin daggers are special. Their clothing, made from palm fibers and other materials, connects them to their homeland. Their approach to warfare combines honor with strategic cunning.

“The Varakali Islands, a radiant archipelago strewn across the azure seas, are home to a people as diverse as the lands they inhabit. The Varakalians, bound by kinship and tradition, live in a delicate balance between nature and culture. Here, the way of life is sacred, the harmony between the islands cherished.

In the heart of Varakali, the Vokara stand as the steadfast guardians of this equilibrium. Masters of the Way of the Blade, they are the soul of the islands, protectors of peace, and embodiment of wisdom.

The Varakali Islands whisper stories of valor, serenity, and an eternal dance between land and sea. A place where the eternal spiral of the Vokara is not merely a symbol but the very essence of life itself.”

Reading People: Philosophy & Training

The Vokara believe that the battlefield is a mirror of the mind. They see warfare not only as a clash of arms but as a contest of wills, intentions, and personalities.

They cultivate a deep understanding of human nature, learning to recognize subtle cues, body language, tone of voice, and even the rhythm of breathing.

This skill is considered a fundamental part of their training, interwoven with their mastery of weaponry, tactics, and physical conditioning.


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Last Modified: 10/25/2023

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