Section 6.5: Future Trends

Ethics and Cultural Competence By Jennifer M. Miller and Adam J. McKee.



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Section 6.5 examines the future trends and potential challenges in ethics within the criminal justice system. This forward-looking section explores how evolving technologies, societal changes, and global interactions are likely to influence ethical practices and frameworks. By analyzing predictions and emerging trends, students will gain insights into how they can prepare for and navigate the dynamic future landscape of criminal justice ethics.

Outline for Section 6.5: Future Trends

  1. Introduction to Emerging Trends (150 words)
    • Overview of the importance of staying abreast of future trends in criminal justice ethics.
    • Brief discussion on the impact of global and technological changes on ethical standards.
  2. Technology and Ethics (400 words)
    • Exploration of how advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence and big data, are reshaping ethical considerations in criminal justice.
    • Examples of both challenges and opportunities these technologies present for maintaining ethical practices.
  3. Globalization and Ethical Complexity (400 words)
    • Analysis of the effects of increased global interconnectedness on criminal justice ethics.
    • Discussion on the need for more comprehensive international ethical guidelines and cooperation.
  4. Shifts in Societal Attitudes (400 words)
    • Examination of how changes in public opinion and societal values are influencing ethical norms within criminal justice.
    • Potential scenarios where shifting attitudes could necessitate reforms in ethical practices.
  5. Sustainability and Ethical Responsibility (350 words)
    • Overview of the growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility in criminal justice operations.
    • Discussion of how these concerns integrate with ethical decision-making processes.
  6. Preparing for Future Ethical Challenges (600 words)
    • Strategies for educating and training criminal justice professionals to handle emerging ethical dilemmas.
    • Recommendations for adapting current ethical frameworks to accommodate future developments.
    • Case studies or hypothetical scenarios that illustrate potential future ethical challenges and suggested responses.
Modification History

File Created:  05/06/2024

Last Modified:  05/06/2024

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