Section 1.5: The COP System Overview

Fundamentals of Crime Prevention by Adam J. McKee and Scott Bransford.




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  1. Introduction to the COP System (200 words)

Briefly introduce the COP System as a unique approach to crime prevention.

Explain that COP stands for “Crime Opportunity Prevention,” emphasizing its basis in Routine Activities Theory (RAT).

  1. Components of the COP System (400 words)

Outline the three primary components of the COP System: reducing motivated offenders, protecting suitable targets, and enhancing capable guardianship.

Discuss how each component aligns with the key elements of RAT.

Provide a brief overview of how these components interact to form a cohesive strategy.

  1. Reducing Motivated Offenders (400 words)


Detail strategies to reduce the number of motivated offenders.

Discuss community programs, education initiatives, and economic opportunities aimed at reducing criminal motivations.

Explain how addressing underlying social issues can decrease the number of individuals inclined to commit crimes.

  1. Protecting Suitable Targets (400 words)

Describe measures to protect potential crime targets and make them less attractive to offenders.

Discuss physical security enhancements, public awareness campaigns, and technological solutions.

Provide examples of effective target hardening techniques and their impact on crime rates.

  1. Enhancing Capable Guardianship (400 words)

Explain the importance of capable guardianship in crime prevention.

Discuss various forms of guardianship, including law enforcement, private security, and community involvement.

Highlight strategies to increase the presence and effectiveness of guardians, such as neighborhood watch programs and environmental design improvements.

  1. Integration of RAT into the COP System (300 words)

Discuss how the COP System integrates the principles of RAT into a comprehensive crime prevention strategy.

Explain the synergy between reducing motivated offenders, protecting suitable targets, and enhancing guardianship.

Provide examples of how this integrated approach has been successfully implemented in different settings.

  1. Conclusion (100 words)

Summarize the key points discussed in the section.

Emphasize the effectiveness of the COP System in providing a structured and practical approach to crime prevention based on Routine Activities Theory.

Modification History

File Created:  05/18/2024

Last Modified:  05/18/2024

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