Reading Assignment for Section 6.5
Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 6.5: Applied Research.
What You Will Learn
In this section, you will comprehend the concept of applied research and its goal to effect positive change, understanding the critical role of program evaluation and the value of case studies. You’ll develop skills in setting up and executing case studies, including selecting subjects, conducting interviews, and identifying patterns in data. Additionally, you’ll learn the processes of program evaluation, including needs assessment, process evaluation, and outcome evaluation, to assess community programs effectively.
Student Learning Outcomes for Section 6.5
- SLO 1: Comprehend the concept of applied research and its goal to effect positive change through program evaluation and case studies.
- SLO 2: Develop skills in setting up and executing case studies, including subject selection, interviews, and data pattern identification.
- SLO 3: Learn the fundamental processes of program evaluation, including needs assessment, process evaluation, and outcome evaluation.
Modification History File Created: 07/25/2024 Last Modified: 07/25/2024
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