Section 8.2: Different Types of Research Methods [Learning Resources]

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Section Overview

This Section provides a comprehensive examination of various research methodologies utilized in sociology, accentuating the significance of understanding their applicability and nuances in conducting sociological research. The section explicates quantitative research methods, which focus on numerical data analysis for statistical evidence and population generalizations. Qualitative research methods are also discussed, underlining their role in capturing the complexities of human behavior and social interactions. Furthermore, the section explores mixed-methods research that integrates quantitative and qualitative approaches, historical-comparative research that uncovers patterns and trends over time and cultures, action research that promotes community engagement in social change, and content analysis that reveals patterns and themes in various forms of communication. In essence, this section underscores the profound influence that a carefully selected research methodology can have on data validity, reliability, and the overall advancement of sociological knowledge.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

SLO 1: Students will understand the significance of diverse research methods in sociological studies and their specific applications.

SLO 2: Students will comprehend the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of quantitative and qualitative research methods, as well as their role in generating sociological knowledge.

SLO 3: Students will acknowledge the value of mixed-methods research in providing a comprehensive understanding of social phenomena and the functionality of historical-comparative research in tracking patterns and trends.

SLO 4: Students will recognize the role of action research in fostering community involvement in social change and content analysis in revealing communication patterns and themes.

SLO 5: Students will grasp the importance of a considered selection of research method based on the research question, desired depth of understanding, available resources, and its impact on data validity and reliability.

Modification History

File Created:  05/07/2023

Last Modified:  06/26/2023


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