Anticipatory Socialization | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Anticipatory Socialization is preparing for future roles by practicing behaviors and adopting values associated with them.

Understanding Anticipatory Socialization

Think of anticipatory socialization as a dress rehearsal for a play. Before the big performance, actors practice their roles, get comfortable with their lines, and even wear their costumes to get into character. Similarly, anticipatory socialization is when people practice and learn about roles they expect to take on in the future. This could mean a student taking on leadership roles to prepare for a future career or someone learning about parenting before having a child.

How It Happens

Anticipatory socialization happens in various ways. It could be as formal as an internship where a student learns to be a professional in their chosen field. Or, it could be as informal as a young person watching and imitating their parents or mentors. The key is that individuals actively engage in behaviors and adopt values that prepare them for future roles in society.

The Importance of Anticipatory Socialization

This process is crucial because it helps people transition into new roles more smoothly. By practicing beforehand, individuals can reduce the uncertainty and anxiety that comes with change. It also ensures that people enter new phases of their lives with a better understanding of what’s expected of them, which can lead to more success and satisfaction.

Anticipatory Socialization in Action

In schools, anticipatory socialization can take the form of career days or internships, where students get a taste of professional life. In families, parents might teach their children about responsibilities they’ll have when they’re older, like managing money or taking care of a home.

Preparing for Changes

Anticipatory socialization is especially important during significant life changes, such as going to college, starting a new job, or becoming a parent. These roles come with new expectations and responsibilities, and getting a head start on learning about them can make the transition easier.

The Role of Media and Technology

Media and technology also play a big role in anticipatory socialization. Through movies, TV shows, and social media, people can learn about roles they aspire to, such as being an entrepreneur, an artist, or a community leader. This exposure can shape their ambitions and the way they prepare for their future.

Challenges and Considerations

While anticipatory socialization can be beneficial, it’s not without challenges. Sometimes, the roles people prepare for might change by the time they’re ready to step into them, due to societal changes or personal circumstances. Additionally, there’s the risk of adopting stereotypes or unrealistic expectations about certain roles.

Adapting to Reality

It’s important for individuals to remain flexible and adapt their learning as they get closer to assuming their new roles. Real-life experiences might differ from what they anticipated, requiring them to adjust their behaviors and expectations.


All things considered, anticipatory socialization is a vital process that helps individuals prepare for future roles in society. By practicing behaviors and adopting values associated with these roles, people can ease their transitions into new phases of life. Whether through formal education, family guidance, or media exposure, anticipatory socialization shapes how we approach our futures, making it an essential aspect of social development and personal growth.

References and Further Reading


Modification History

File Created:  06/14/2023

Last Modified:  01/25/2024

This work is licensed under an Open Educational Resource-Quality Master Source (OER-QMS) License.


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