calling | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

A calling is a strong urge or sense of duty towards a particular career, vocation, or way of life.

Understanding Calling

Imagine waking up one day and feeling like you know exactly what you’re meant to do with your life. This feeling, like a powerful inner voice, guides you towards a certain path, whether it’s becoming a teacher, a doctor, or an artist. This is what it feels like to have a calling. It’s more than just deciding on a job; it’s a deep-seated conviction that you’re meant to pursue a particular role or activity that aligns with your values and passions.

The Nature of Calling

A calling often involves a sense of purpose or mission, making it feel different from a regular job or career choice. It’s about feeling drawn to a certain kind of work because it feels inherently right or because you believe it’s where you can make a significant impact. People describe their calling as something that gives their life meaning and fulfillment.

How People Discover Theirs

Discovering a calling can happen in many ways. For some, it’s a sudden realization or epiphany. For others, it’s a gradual process, developing over time as they learn more about themselves and the world. Life experiences, personal reflection, and sometimes challenges or obstacles can all play a part in uncovering one’s calling.

The Importance of a Calling

Having one can deeply influence a person’s life. It can shape career choices, guide personal decisions, and provide a sense of direction. When people follow their calling, they often feel more satisfied and engaged in their work because they see it as meaningful and important.


In the world of work, a calling can lead people to choose professions that are service-oriented or that align with their personal values. Teachers, healthcare professionals, artists, and activists, for example, might see their work not just as a job but as a calling. This doesn’t mean every job within these fields is a calling, nor does it mean callings only exist in these areas. Any work can be a calling if it holds deep personal significance.

Challenges of Pursuing a Calling

Following a calling isn’t always easy. Sometimes, a calling may lead to a path that’s less traveled, less secure, or less lucrative. There can be societal or familial pressures to choose a more conventional or “practical” career path. Overcoming these challenges requires conviction, resilience, and, sometimes, a willingness to make sacrifices.


All in all, a calling is a powerful force in many people’s lives, offering them a sense of purpose and direction. It’s about feeling compelled to pursue a particular path, not just for personal gain but often for the broader good. Whether through a profession, a cause, or a way of life, those who find and follow their calling contribute to the world in meaningful and impactful ways, driven by a deep-seated passion and commitment.

References and Further Reading


Modification History

File Created:  06/14/2023

Last Modified:  01/26/2024

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