Crime | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

Crime is an action that breaks the law and is punishable by the government.

Understanding Crime

Crime is when someone does something that is against the law. Laws are rules that a country or community makes to protect its people and property. When someone breaks these rules, it is called committing a crime. Crimes can range from stealing a candy bar to more serious acts like burglary or murder.

Types of Crime

There are many different types of crimes, and they can be grouped into categories:

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes are when someone hurts or threatens to hurt others. Examples include assault, robbery, and murder. These crimes are taken very seriously because they directly harm people.

Property Crimes

Property crimes involve taking or damaging someone else’s property without permission. Burglary, theft, and vandalism are types of property crimes. Even though they might not physically hurt someone, they still cause harm and loss.

White-Collar Crimes

People in professional jobs usually commit white-collar crimes. These crimes, like fraud or embezzlement, involve taking money through deceit or trickery. They can be complex and sometimes involve lots of money.


With the rise of the internet, cybercrimes have become more common. These include hacking, identity theft, and online harassment. Cybercrimes can affect people all over the world and are challenging to solve.

Causes of Crime

Sociologists study why people commit crimes. There isn’t just one reason; it’s usually a mix of many factors:

  • Economic Reasons: Sometimes, people commit crimes because they need money or resources.
  • Social Influences: Peer pressure or the need to fit in with a group can lead someone to commit a crime.
  • Family Background: Growing up in a troubled family environment can increase the likelihood of committing a crime.
  • Personal Issues: Sometimes, personal problems or mental health issues can lead to criminal behavior.

The Impact of Crime

Crime affects not only the victim but also the community and the criminal. Victims can suffer physical injuries, emotional trauma, and financial loss. Communities with high crime rates may face lower property values and a decrease in residents’ quality of life. For the criminal, being caught can mean jail time, fines, and difficulty finding jobs in the future.

Preventing Crime

Preventing crime is important for keeping communities safe. Here are some ways societies try to prevent crime:

  • Education and Programs: Teaching kids about the consequences of crime and providing programs for at-risk youth can help reduce crime rates.
  • Community Policing: Having police officers work closely with communities can build trust and help stop crimes before they happen.
  • Security Measures: Using technology like cameras and alarms can deter people from committing crimes.


All in all, crime is a complex issue that affects everyone in society. By understanding the different types of crimes, what causes them, and their impacts, communities can work together to find solutions. Preventing crime is not only about enforcing laws but also about addressing the underlying issues that lead people to break those laws.

References and Further Reading

[ Sociology Glossary ]

Modification History

File Created:  06/14/2023

Last Modified:  02/04/2024

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