norm | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

A norm is an established standard of behavior shared by members of a community or society, guiding actions and expectations in social interactions.

Introduction to Norms

Imagine walking through a city where every street sign, every signal, invisibly guides the flow of human traffic—where to walk, when to stop, how to engage with others. This scenario mirrors the role of norms in society, invisible yet powerful guides that shape the way we interact, communicate, and live together. They are the unwritten rules that inform individuals what is considered acceptable and expected behavior within their social context.

The Essence of Norms

At the core of every norm lies the collective agreement of a group on the “dos” and “don’ts” of social behavior. They vary widely across cultures and social groups, reflecting the diverse values, beliefs, and practices of different communities. They serve to maintain order, promote social cohesion, and facilitate predictable interactions among members of a society.

Types of Norms

  • Folkways: These are everyday norms that dictate manners and customs. While not strictly enforced, they provide guidelines for polite and customary behavior.
  • Mores: These norms are considered vital to the moral fiber of a community, often underpinned by cultural or religious beliefs. Violations of mores are viewed seriously and can lead to significant social condemnation.
  • Laws: Formalized norms enforced by a governing body. Laws have specific sanctions and penalties for non-compliance, reflecting society’s strongest norms.

The Role in Society

Facilitating Social Order

Norms play a crucial role in facilitating social order and predictability. By setting clear expectations for behavior, norms help individuals navigate social situations, reducing conflicts and misunderstandings.

Shaping Identity and Belonging

Through the adoption and adherence to group norms, individuals signal their belonging to a community, shaping their social identity in the process. Norms define the boundaries of group membership, distinguishing “us” from “them.”

Promoting Social Cohesion

By encouraging behaviors that are in the group’s best interest, norms foster cooperation and cohesion within communities. They help align individual actions with collective goals, ensuring the smooth functioning of social life.

Challenges and Evolution

The Double-Edged Sword

While norms are essential for social harmony, they can also be sources of conflict and inequality. Norms that enforce discriminatory practices or suppress individual freedom can lead to social tension and calls for change.

Dynamic and Changing

Norms are not static; they evolve over time as societies change. Shifts in values, technological advances, and interactions with other cultures can all lead to the development of new ones or the modification of existing ones. The dynamic nature of norms reflects the ongoing negotiation of social values and practices.


In conclusion, norms are fundamental to the fabric of social life, providing the guidelines that help individuals navigate the complexities of social interactions. They reflect the collective values and priorities of a society, playing a pivotal role in maintaining social order, defining identity, and promoting cohesion. Understanding the function and impact of them is crucial for comprehending the subtle forces that shape human behavior and the development of social structures.

Norms, in their ubiquity and influence, underscore the intricate dance of individuality and conformity that characterizes human social life, reminding us of the importance of balance in fostering both social harmony and personal freedom.

References and Further Reading

[ Sociology Glossary ]

Modification History

File Created:  04/17/2024

Last Modified:  04/17/2024

This work is licensed under an Open Educational Resource-Quality Master Source (OER-QMS) License.


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