self-fulfilling prophecy | Definition

Fundamentals of Sociology - Adam McKee and Scott Bransford

A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction or expectation that causes itself to come true due to the behavior it generates.

Understanding Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Definition and Explanation

A self-fulfilling prophecy is a sociological phenomenon where a belief or expectation, whether correct or incorrect, affects the outcome of a situation or the behavior of individuals in a way that causes the belief to become true. The term was coined by sociologist Robert K. Merton in 1948. This concept highlights how perceptions and beliefs can influence reality and behavior, creating a loop where the original belief perpetuates itself.

How It Works

The process begins with a prediction or expectation. This belief influences actions and behaviors that align with the expectation. As a result, these behaviors cause the expectation to manifest in reality, thus confirming the original belief. For instance, if a teacher believes a student is exceptionally bright, they may provide more attention and encouragement to that student. The student, receiving positive reinforcement, performs better academically, thereby fulfilling the teacher’s original expectation.

Examples in Different Contexts


In educational settings, self-fulfilling prophecies can significantly impact student performance. Teachers’ expectations about a student’s capabilities can influence their behavior towards the student, which in turn affects the student’s performance. High expectations often lead to higher performance, while low expectations can result in poorer outcomes.


In the workplace, managers’ expectations about employees can shape employees’ performance and attitudes. A manager who expects high performance from their team is likely to communicate this expectation, provide the necessary support, and recognize achievements, leading to improved performance. Conversely, low expectations can lead to neglect and lack of support, resulting in underperformance.

Social Interactions

Socially, self-fulfilling prophecies can affect interpersonal relationships and social dynamics. For example, if someone believes they are socially awkward, they might act nervously in social situations, causing others to perceive them as awkward, thus reinforcing the original belief.

The Role of Stereotypes

Stereotypes are a common source of self-fulfilling prophecies. Negative stereotypes about certain groups can lead to behaviors that reinforce those stereotypes. For example, if a stereotype suggests that a particular group is less competent, individuals from that group might face discrimination and lower expectations, which can hinder their opportunities and performance, thereby perpetuating the stereotype.

Implications for Society

Understanding self-fulfilling prophecies has important implications for addressing social inequalities and biases. By recognizing how expectations and beliefs influence behavior, interventions can be designed to counteract negative self-fulfilling prophecies. For example, training programs for teachers and employers can focus on the impact of expectations and encourage positive reinforcement to help break the cycle of negative self-fulfilling prophecies.

Strategies to Counteract Negative Prophecies

Awareness and Reflection

One of the first steps in counteracting negative self-fulfilling prophecies is awareness. Individuals and institutions must reflect on their beliefs and expectations and consider how these might influence their behavior towards others.

Setting Positive Expectations

Actively setting and communicating positive expectations can help create a supportive environment that fosters success. Encouragement and constructive feedback can boost individuals’ confidence and performance.

Challenging Stereotypes

Efforts to challenge and dismantle stereotypes are crucial. This can be achieved through education, inclusive policies, and promoting diversity. By creating an environment that values and respects all individuals, negative self-fulfilling prophecies can be reduced.

Providing Equal Opportunities

Ensuring equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of background, helps mitigate the impact of self-fulfilling prophecies. Access to resources, support, and fair treatment enables individuals to achieve their potential without being hindered by negative expectations.


The concept of a self-fulfilling prophecy underscores the power of beliefs and expectations in shaping reality. By understanding and addressing the mechanisms that drive self-fulfilling prophecies, individuals and societies can work towards creating a more equitable and supportive environment. Recognizing the influence of expectations is a step towards breaking the cycle of negative self-fulfilling prophecies and fostering positive outcomes for all.


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File Created:  06/11/2024

Last Modified:  06/11/2024

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