Spearman Correlation Overview

Fundamentals of Social Statistics by Adam J. McKee

Path: Selector > Numerical Data > Two Variables > Dependent > Relationship > Spearman Correlation

Introduction to Spearman Correlation

Spearman correlation, also known as Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, is a non-parametric measure used to assess the strength and direction of the association between two ranked variables. This method is especially useful when the relationship between the variables is not linear or when the data do not meet the assumptions required for Pearson correlation. Spearman correlation is widely used in various fields, including social sciences, biology, and education, to evaluate the degree of monotonic relationship between variables. By selecting “Spearman Correlation” under the “Numerical Data,” “Two Variables,” “Dependent,” and “Relationship” categories, you are focusing on a method that helps to understand the relationship between two ranked variables based on their order rather than their specific values.

How Spearman Correlation Fits the Selection Categories

Numerical Data: Numerical data consists of values that can be measured and expressed as numbers. This type of data can be either discrete (countable, such as the number of students) or continuous (measurable, such as height or weight). Spearman correlation is suitable for numerical data that can be ranked or ordered.

Two Variables: When dealing with two numerical variables, Spearman correlation allows you to assess the degree to which these variables are associated based on their ranks. This helps in determining whether changes in the rank of one variable are associated with changes in the rank of another variable.

Dependent: Spearman correlation is used when the two variables being compared are related or dependent on each other, often arising from the same subjects or paired observations.

Relationship: The primary goal of Spearman correlation is to measure the strength and direction of the monotonic relationship between two ranked variables.

Key Concepts in Spearman Correlation

Correlation Coefficient (ρ or rs): The Spearman correlation coefficient, denoted as ρ (rho) or rs, quantifies the strength and direction of the monotonic relationship between two variables. The value of rs ranges from -1 to 1:

  • rs = 1 indicates a perfect positive monotonic relationship.
  • rs = -1 indicates a perfect negative monotonic relationship.
  • rs = 0 indicates no monotonic relationship.

Formula: The Spearman correlation coefficient is calculated using the following formula:

rs = 1 – (6 * Σd^2) / (n * (n^2 – 1))


  • rs is the Spearman correlation coefficient.
  • d is the difference between the ranks of corresponding variables.
  • n is the number of pairs of observations.


  • A positive value of rs indicates that as one variable increases, the other variable also tends to increase.
  • A negative value of rs indicates that as one variable increases, the other variable tends to decrease.
  • The closer the value of rs is to 1 or -1, the stronger the monotonic relationship.

Significance Testing: To determine if the observed correlation is statistically significant, a hypothesis test can be performed. The null hypothesis (H0) states that there is no monotonic relationship between the variables (rs = 0), while the alternative hypothesis (H1) states that there is a significant monotonic relationship (rs ≠ 0). The significance of the correlation can be assessed using a t-test with the following formula:

t = rs * sqrt((n – 2) / (1 – rs^2))


  • t is the test statistic.
  • rs is the Spearman correlation coefficient.
  • n is the sample size.

Assumptions of Spearman Correlation

The Spearman correlation relies on fewer assumptions than Pearson correlation, making it more robust in certain situations:

  1. The data should be at least ordinal (able to be ranked).
  2. The relationship between the variables should be monotonic, but not necessarily linear.
  3. The observations should be independent of each other.

Using Spearman Correlation in Excel

Excel provides tools for calculating Spearman correlation. Here are the steps to perform Spearman correlation in Excel:

  1. Prepare your data: Ensure your data is organized in two columns, one for each variable you are comparing.
  2. Rank the data: Rank the data in each column. This can be done using Excel’s RANK.AVG function to handle ties appropriately.
  3. Calculate the differences: Calculate the difference (d) between the ranks of the two variables for each pair of observations.
  4. Square the differences: Calculate the square of each difference (d^2).
  5. Sum the squared differences: Sum all the squared differences (Σd^2).
  6. Use the formula: Apply the Spearman correlation formula to calculate rs:

    rs = 1 – (6 * Σd^2) / (n * (n^2 – 1))

Alternatively, you can use the CORREL function on the ranks of the data to get the Spearman correlation coefficient directly:

  • Use the formula =CORREL(rank1, rank2), where rank1 and rank2 are the ranges for the ranks of the two variables.


Spearman correlation is a fundamental tool for measuring the strength and direction of the monotonic relationship between two ranked variables. By understanding the key concepts, assumptions, and how to perform the test in Excel, you can effectively use this method to gain insights into the relationships between variables. Mastering Spearman correlation enhances your ability to make data-driven decisions and draw meaningful conclusions from your data. Excel provides an accessible platform for performing Spearman correlation, making it a practical choice for many users.

[ Statistical Method Selector | Statistics Content ]

Last Modified:  06/13/2024

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