Section 7.5: Crime and Place – Learning Resources

A Decorative Banner stating the title of this textbook: Fundamentals of Criminology by Adam J. McKee


Section 7.5 Overview

Section 7.5, “Crime and Place,” delves into the significant role that geographical contexts play in influencing crime patterns, rooted in the principles of environmental criminology. It examines how the design, use, and governance of spaces can impact criminal activities, suggesting that specific environmental characteristics and spatial management can either encourage or inhibit criminal behavior. Key elements such as physical layout, surveillance potential, accessibility, and social control within a locale are scrutinized for their effect on crime rates. This section highlights the importance of environmental and spatial considerations in developing effective crime prevention strategies, advocating for the modification of physical spaces to minimize opportunities for crime. “Crime and Place” emphasizes the value of place-based interventions in enhancing community safety, reinforcing the need to integrate environmental factors into criminological studies and practices for the creation of safer environments.

Section Level Student Learning Outcomes

  • SLO 1: Analyze the relationship between crime patterns and geographical locations, focusing on how specific places influence criminal behavior.
  • SLO 2: Apply principles of environmental criminology to identify how physical and spatial factors contribute to or deter crime.
  • SLO 3: Utilize crime mapping and hot spot analysis to identify areas of high criminal activity and develop targeted prevention strategies.
  • SLO 4: Implement effective place management strategies to enhance natural surveillance, reduce opportunities for crime, and foster community involvement in crime prevention.
  • SLO 5: Explore the role of technology and innovation in enhancing place-based crime prevention methods, balancing efficiency with ethical considerations.
Modification History

File Created:  02/15/2024

Last Modified:  02/19/2024


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