Reading Assignment for Section 1.5: The COP System Overview
Read the following subsection from our online textbook: Section 1.5: The COP System Overview.
What You Will Learn
In this section, you will gain a comprehensive overview of the COP System, including its core principles and components. You will learn how the COP System aligns with Routine Activities Theory (RAT) and explore strategies to reduce the number of motivated offenders through community programs, education, and economic opportunities. Additionally, you will discover methods to protect suitable targets using physical security, awareness campaigns, and technology, and discuss ways to enhance capable guardianship through law enforcement, community involvement, and environmental design.
Student Learning Outcomes for Section 1.5
- SLO 1: Summarize the core principles and components of the COP System.
- SLO 2: Explain how the COP System aligns with Routine Activities Theory (RAT).
- SLO 3: Describe strategies to reduce motivated offenders, such as community programs, education, and economic opportunities.
- SLO 4: Identify methods to protect suitable targets, including physical security, awareness campaigns, and technology.
- SLO 5: Discuss ways to enhance capable guardianship, such as law enforcement, community involvement, and environmental design.
Modification History File Created: 05/18/2024 Last Modified: 07/10/2024
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