- Parentheses are used to show acronyms: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Brackets are used to show a parent topic or organization: (ATF) [U.S. Dept. of Justice]
- Curly brackets are used to disambiguate terms: element {of a crime}
- Terms in black have not yet been defined, but are forthcoming.
Use your browser’s “find” feature to search the glossary. Google Chrome users can activate the search bar by pressing CTRL + F.
- a (symbol)
- A-B-A-B Design
- Action Research Studies
- alpha (symbol)
- Absolute Zero
- Adjusted Goodness of Fit (AGFI)
- Alpha Level
- Alternative Hypothesis
- Analysis {of the literature}
- Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
- Annotated Bibliography
- Anonymity {in research ethics}
- ANOVA Summary Table
- APA Style
- Applied Research
- Archival Data
- Assumptions (of statistical tests)
- Attribute (of a Variable)
- Audience {in scientific writing}
- Authority {as a method of knowing}
- Average
- b (symbol)
- Bell Curve
- Bias {in samples}
- Bimodal Distribution
- Binary
- Bivariate
- Bracketing {in qualitative research}
- Case Study
- Causal-comparative Research
- Causal Relationship
- Cell {in a spreadsheet}
- Census {in data collection}
- Chi-square {test statistic}
- Citation
- Clichés {avoid in scientific writing}
- Clinical Significance
- Closed-Ended Questions {in surveys}
- Cluster Sampling
- Coefficient of Determination
- Column
- Common Knowledge {in writing}
- Comparative Fit Index (CFI)
- Comparative Fit Indices
- Concept {in science}
- Conceptual Definition
- Confidence Interval
- Confidentiality {research ethics}
- Confounding {variable}
- Constant
- Construct {in science}
- Construct Validity
- Continuity {scientific writing}
- Continuous (variable)
- Control Group
- Control Variable
- Convenience Sampling
- Correlated Data (dependency)
- Correlation
- Correlation Coefficient
- Correlational Method
- Covariance
- Covariate
- Criterion Variable
- Cross-sectional Design
- Cross Tabulation
- Cumulative Percent
- Data
- Data Analysis ToolPak
- Deductive Research
- Dependent Groups
- Dependent Variable (DV)
- Descriptive Statistic
- Descriptive Research
- Direct Effect (in SEM)
- Direct Relationship
- Direction {of hypotheses}
- Directional Hypothesis
- Discrete (variable)
- Dispersion (variability)
- Distribution
- Double-headed Arrow {in path diagrams}
- Dummy Code
- Effect Size
- Eigenvalue
- Empirical
- Empirical Research
- Empirical Research Report
- Environmental Variable
- Equal {probability of being selected}
- Error Terms (in SEM)
- Ethnographic Studies
- Euphemisms {avoid in scientific writing}
- Experimenter Effects {threat to external validity}
- Ex Post Facto Research
- Exhaustive {variables}
- Excel
- Exogenous Variable (in SEM)
- Expected Frequency
- Experimental Group
- Experimental Research
- Exploratory Studies
- External Validity
- Extraneous Variables
- f (symbol)
- F statistic
- Face-to-face Questionnaire
- Factor Analysis
- Factor Score
- Factor Loading
- Fit Indices (SEM)
- Focus Group
- Formal Style {in scientific writing}
- Frequency (f)
- Function (in a spreadsheet)
- Funneling Questions {in surveys}
- Gap {in the literature}
- Gaussian Distribution
- General Linear Model (GLM)
- Generalization
- Goodness of Fit
- Goodness of Fit Index (GFI)
- Grounded Theory Studies
- Group Questionnaire
- Grouping Variable
- Hawthorne Effect {threat to external validity}
- Heterogeneous (variability)
- Higher-order Factor
- Historical Studies
- History {threat to internal validity}
- Holistic {in social research}
- Homogenous (variability)
- Homoscedasticity
- Hypothesis
- Idiom {avoid in scientific writing}
- Independent Group
- Independent Model (SEM)
- Independent Variable (IV)
- Independent {probability of being selected}
- Indicator Variables (SEM)
- Indirect Effect (SEM)
- Inductive Research
- Inference (statistical)
- Inferential Statistic
- Informal Observations
- Informed Consent {research ethics}
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) {research ethics}
- Instrumentation {threat to internal validity}
- Intensifiers {avoid in scientific writing}
- Interaction Effect
- Intercept (regression)
- Internal Validity
- Interquartile Range (IQR)
- Interval (scale of measurement)
- Interval Estimate
- Interview
- Introductory Words {in scientific writing}
- Inverse Relationship
- Jargon {avoid in scientific writing}
- Justification {of a study}
- Label [scientific concepts]
- Latent Construct
- Latent Variables
- Level (of a Variable)
- Likert Scale
- Line Graph
- Linear Relationship
- Literature Review
- Lived Experiences {in qualitative research}
- Longitudinal Design
- Logistic Regression
- Magnitude Estimation Scales {in surveys}
- Mailed Questionnaire
- Main Effect
- Margin of Error
- Matching (subjects)
- Matrix
- Maturation {threat to internal validity}
- Mean
- Mean Differences
- Measurement Model (SEM)
- Measurement Quality
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Variability
- Median
- Mesokurtic
- Methodological Articles
- Mode
- Models {in science}
- Model Specification Errors (in SEMs)
- Mortality {threat to internal validity}
- Mu (symbol)
- Multiple Comparison Tests
- Multiple Correlation
- Multiple Regression Analysis
- Multiple Treatment Interference {threat to external validity}
- Mutually Exclusive {variables}
- n (symbol)
- Narrative Data {in qualitative research}
- Naturalistic Observation
- Needs Assessments {in program evaluation}
- Negative Correlation
- Negative Relationship
- Negative Skew
- News or Opinion Articles
- Nominal
- Nondirectional Hypothesis
- Nonequivalent Control Group Design
- Nonexperimental Study
- Nonparametric Tests
- Nonprobability Sampling
- Non-recursive (models)
- Nonresponse Bias {in surveys}
- Nonspecific References {avoid in scientific writing}
- Normal Curve
- Normed Fit Index (NFI)
- Null Hypotheses
- Objectivity
- Observational Study
- Observed Frequency
- Observed Variables (SEM)
- Odds Ratio
- Omit Needless Words {scientific writing}
- One-group Pretest-posttest Design
- One-tailed Test
- One-shot Case Study
- One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
- Open-Ended Questions {in surveys}
- Operational Definition
- Operationalization
- Ordinal
- Ordinal Logistic Regression
- Outcome Evaluation {in program evaluation}
- Outlier
- Overgeneralizations [research methods]
- p (symbol)
- p-Value
- Paired Data (matching)
- Parameter
- Parametric
- Paraphrasing {in scientific writing}
- Parenthetical Citation
- Parsimony
- Parsimony Goodness of Fit Index (PGFI)
- Partial Regression Coefficients
- Participant Observation
- Passive Voice {avoid in scientific writing}
- Path Coefficients
- Path Diagram
- Pearson’s r
- Peer Review
- Percentage
- Percentile Rank
- Perfect Correlation
- Phenomenon
- Phenomenological Studies
- Physical Artifacts
- Placebo
- Plagiarism
- Platykurtic
- Point Estimate
- Popular Articles
- Population
- Population Correlation Coefficient
- Positive Correlation
- Positive Relationship
- Positive Skew
- Post Hoc Test
- Posttest
- Posttest-only Control Group Design
- Power (statistical)
- Predictor Variable
- Pre-experimental Design
- Pretest
- Pretest Posttest Control Group Design
- Primary Sources
- Probabilistic
- Probability Sampling
- Process Evaluation {in program evaluation}
- Program Evaluation [applied research]
- Proportion
- Qualitative Research
- Quantitative Research
- Quasi-experimental Design
- Questionnaire
- Quota Sampling
- Quotation {in scientific writing}
- r (symbol)
- R (symbol)
- r-squared (symbol)
- R-squared (symbol)
- Random Selection
- Random Assignment
- Range
- Ranking Scales {in surveys}
- Rate
- Rating Scales {in surveys}
- Ratio
- Raw Score
- Readability {in scientific writing}
- Recursive (models)
- Redundancy {avoid in scientific writing}
- Regression Analysis {statistical method}
- Regression to the Mean {threat to internal validity}
- Regression Coefficients
- Regression Equation
- Regression Line
- Reliability {in measurement}
- Reliability Coefficients
- Research Design
- Research Hypothesis
- Research Objective
- Research Purpose
- Response Rate
- Response Set Bias {in surveys}
- Review Articles
- Right to Service {research ethics}
- Risk of Harm {research ethics}
- Rotation (factor analysis)
- Row
- Sample
- Sample Correlation Coefficient
- Sampling Error
- Sampling Frame
- Saturated Model (SEM)
- Scales (Levels) of Measurement
- Scales {as composite measures}
- Scattergram
- Scatterplot
- Scholarly Articles
- Science
- Scientific Method
- Secondary Sources
- Selection {threat to internal validity}
- Selective Observations
- Semistructured Interviews
- Simple Random Sample
- Single-headed Arrow {in path diagrams}
- Single-subject Research Design
- Skewness
- Skewness Statistic
- Slang {avoid in scientific writing}
- Slope (regression)
- Social Science
- Solomon Four-group Design
- Sources to Avoid
- Split Questions {in surveys}
- Spread (variability)
- Spreadsheet
- Spurious Correlation
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Error of the Mean
- Standard Score
- Standardized Mean Difference Statistic (d)
- Standardized Scales
- Standardized Structural Coefficients (SEMs)
- Static Group Comparison Design
- Statistical Control
- Statistically Significant Difference
- Statistical Significance
- Statistics
- Stratified Sampling
- Structural Equation Model (SEM)
- Structural Regression Coefficients
- Structured Interview
- Structured Observations
- Summarizing {in scientific writing}
- Survey
- Symmetrical
- Synthesis {of the literature}
- Systematic Observation
- Systematic Sampling
- Test Statistic
- T-Score
- t-Test
- t-Test for Independent Groups
- Temporal Precedence
- Testing {threat to internal validity}
- Theoretical Articles
- Theoretical Definition
- Theory
- Threats to External Validity
- Threats to Internal Validity
- Threats to Validity
- Total Effect (SEM)
- Trade Articles
- Transformed Score
- Treatment {in experiments}
- Trendline
- True Experiment {true experimental designs}
- True Mean
- Tukey Honestly Significant Difference (HSD)
- Tukey Test
- Two-tailed Test
- Two-way ANOVA
- Type I Error
- Type II Error
- Unit of Measurement
- Unstructured Interviews
- Unstructured Observations
- Validity {in measurement}
- Variable
- Variance
- Voluntary Participation {research ethics}
- Way (in ANOVA)
- Wordy Expressions {avoid in scientific writing}
- X (symbol)
- x-axis
- Y’ (symbol)
- y-axis
- z-Score
Research FAQ
Experimental Design Questions
- What is an experimental research design?
- What are the 4 types of experimental research designs?
- What is an example of an experimental research design?
- Why use an experimental research design?
- Is experimental research qualitative or quantitative?
- What are the characteristics of experimental research?
- How do you use an experimental research design?
- What are the three key elements of experimental design?
- What does experimental research focus on?
- What is the simplest form of experimental research?
- What are the limitations of experimental research methods?
- What is the key to experimental design?