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- Criminal Justice
- Arkansas CHCL Instructor Directory
- Criminal Justice: An Overview of the System
- Criminal Justice | Appendix A: The Constitution of the United States
- Criminal Justice | Appendix B: The Bill of Rights
- Criminal Justice | Introduction to Chapter 1
- Criminal Justice | Introduction to Chapter 4
- Criminal Justice | Learning Resources | Section 1.1
- Fundamentals of Criminal Justice | Preface
- Introducción al Capítulo 1
- Introducción al Capítulo 2
- Introduction to Chapter 2
- Introduction to Section 3
- Introduction to Section 5: Courts and Sentencing
- Introduction to Section 6: Corrections
- Sección 1.1: El Sistema de Justicia Penal
- Sección 1.2: Roles en la Justicia Penal
- Sección 1.3: Definición y Medición del Delito
- Sección 1.4: El Proceso de Justicia Penal
- Sección 1.5: El Proceso de Justicia Penal (Continuación)
- Sección 2.1: Federalismo Dual
- Sección 2.2: La Política en la Justicia Penal
- Section 1.1: Major Components | Learning Resources
- Section 1.1: The Criminal Justice System
- Section 1.2: Roles, Objectives, and Limits in Criminal Justice | Learning Resources
- Section 1.2: Roles in Criminal Justice
- Section 1.3: Measuring Crime | Learning Resources
- Section 1.3: Defining and Measuring Crime
- Section 1.4: The Criminal Justice Process
- Section 1.4: The Criminal Justice Process | Learning Resources
- Section 1.5: The Criminal Justice Process (Continued)
- Section 1.5: The Criminal Justice Process (Continued) | Learning Resources
- Section 2.1: Dual Federalism
- Section 2.1: Dual Federalism | Learning Resources
- Section 2.2: Politics in Criminal Justice
- Section 2.2: Politics in Criminal Justice | Learning Resources
- Section 2.3: Policy and the Supreme Court
- Section 2.3: The Supreme Court | Learning Resources
- Section 2.4: The Civil Rights Revolution
- Section 2.4: The Civil Rights Revolution | Learning Resources
- Section 2.5: Theories of Punishment
- Section 2.5: Theories of Punishment | Learning Resources
- Section 3.1: Sources of Criminal Law
- Section 3.1: Sources of the Criminal Law | Learning Resources
- Section 3.2: Substantive Criminal Law
- Section 3.2: Substantive Criminal Law | Learning Resources
- Section 3.3: Elements of Crimes
- Section 3.3: Elements of Crimes | Learning Resources
- Section 3.4: Legal Defenses
- Section 3.4: Legal Defenses | Learning Resources
- Section 3.5: Substantive Offenses
- Section 3.5: Substantive Offenses | Learning Resources
- Section 4.1: Early History of Policing
- Section 4.1: Early History of Policing | Learning Resources
- Section 4.2: Structure and Nature of Policing | Learning Resources
- Section 4.2: The Nature of Policing
- Section 4.3: Police Methods
- Section 4.3: Police Methods | Learning Resources
- Section 4.4: Investigations and Specialized Units
- Section 4.4: Investigations and Specialized Units | Learning Resources
- Section 4.5: Legal Environment of Policing | Learning Resources
- Section 4.5: The Law and Policing
- Section 5.1: State and Federal Courts
- Section 5.1: State and Federal Courts | Learning Resources
- Section 5.2: Prosecution and Defense | Learning Resources
- Section 5.2: The Prosecution and Defense
- Section 5.3: Pretrial Process
- Section 5.3: Pretrial Process | Learning Resources
- Section 5.4: The Criminal Trial | Learning Resources
- Section 5.4: The Trial
- Section 5.5: Sentencing
- Section 5.5: Sentencing | Learning Resources
- Section 6.1: Jails
- Section 6.1: Jails | Learning Resources
- Section 6.2: Prisons
- Section 6.2: Prisons | Learning Resources
- Section 6.3: Prisoner’s Rights
- Section 6.3: Prisoner’s Rights | Learning Resources
- Section 6.4: Community Corrections
- Section 6.4: Probation | Learning Resources
- Section 6.5: Parole and the Law | Learning Resources
- Section 6.5: Probation, Parole, and the Law
- Section 7: Criminal Justice Theory
- Section 7.1: Classical Theories in Criminal Justice
- Section 7.1: Classical Theories in Criminal Justice | Learning Resources
- Section 7.2: Biological Theories of Crime
- Section 7.2: Biological Theories of Crime
- Section 7.2: Biological Theories of Crime | Learning Resources
- Section 7.3: Psychological Theories of Crime
- Section 7.3: Psychological Theories of Crime | Learning Resources
- Section 7.4: Sociological Theories of Crime
- Section 7.4: Sociological Theories of Crime | Learning Resources
- Section 7.5: Crime Science
- Section 7.5: Crime Science | Learning Resources
- Section 8: Special Issues in Criminal Justice
- Section 8.1: Mental Health and Criminal Justice
- Section 8.1: Mental Health and Criminal Justice | Learning Resources
- Section 8.2: Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
- Section 8.2: Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism | Learning Resources
- Section 8.3: White-Collar Crime
- Section 8.3: White-Collar Crime | Learning Resources
- Section 8.4: Trafficking
- Section 8.4: Trafficking | Learning Resources
- Section 8.5: Gangs and Organized Crime
- Section 8.5: Gangs and Organized Crime | Learning Resources
- Doc’s CJ FAQ
- Common Criminal Offenses
- Criminal Justice Career Advancement
- Criminal Justice Hiring Process
- Criminal Justice Professional Organizations
- Criminal Justice Specialties
- Criminology vs. Criminal Justice
- Degrees for Careers in Criminal Justice
- Differences Between Felonies, Misdemeanors, and Violations
- Diverse Career Paths in Criminal Justice
- Education Requirements in Criminal Justice Careers
- Essential Rights of Defendants in Court
- Essential Skills and Qualities for a Career in Criminal Justice
- Finding Job Opportunities in Criminal Justice
- Internships and Volunteer Opportunities in Criminal Justice
- Juvenile Justice System vs. Criminal Justice System
- Juvenile Rights in Criminal Proceedings
- Police Pursuits & Managing Risk
- Preventing Juvenile Delinquency: An Overview of Key Programs
- Purpose of Criminal Justice
- Role of Police Officers in the Criminal Justice System
- The Core Objectives of the Criminal Justice System Explained
- Types of Law Enforcement Agencies
- Understanding Alternative Sentencing Options
- Understanding Crime Classification
- Understanding Crime Investigation
- Understanding Inmate Rehabilitation Programs
- Understanding Police Brutality
- Understanding Prison Management
- Understanding Sentencing Factors in Criminal Justice
- Understanding the Criminal Justice System
- Understanding the Parole System
- Understanding the Purpose of Corrections in Criminal Justice
- Understanding the Structure of the U.S. Court System
- Unraveling the U.S. Trial Process
- What is criminal justice?
- Doc’s CJ Glossary
- “sneak and peek” search | Definition
- 1983 Lawsuit | definition
- Aaron Beck | Definition
- absconder | Definition
- absconding | Definition
- Abuse | Definition
- Abuse | Definition
- abused child | Definition
- academic achievement | Definition
- Academic Engagement | Definition
- accessory after the fact | Definition
- accessory before the fact | Definition
- accomplice | Definition
- accountability | Definition
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) | Definition
- acquittal | Definition
- action | Definition
- active shooter | Definition
- active supervision | Definition
- actual possession | Definition
- actus reus | Definition
- addict | Definition
- Addiction | Definition
- addiction-prone personality | Definition
- adjudicated | Definition
- adjudicated delinquent | Definition
- Adjudication | Definition
- adjudicatory hearing | Definition
- ADMAX | Definition
- administration of justice | Definition
- administrative law | Definition
- Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO) | Definition
- admissible | Definition
- admission | Definition
- Adolescence | Definition
- Adolescents | Definition
- adoption studies | Definition
- adrenal glands | Definition
- adult | Definition
- adultery | Definition
- adversarial system | Definition
- Adverse Childhood Experiences | Definition
- Advocacy | Definition
- Advocacy Efforts | Definition
- advocacy services | Definition
- Advocates | Definition
- affidavit | Definition
- affirmative defense | Definition
- affirmed | Definition
- After-school Activities | Definition
- aftercare | Definition
- Aftercare Programs | Definition
- age of criminal responsibility | Definition
- age of onset | Definition
- Agenda Fallacy | Definition
- aggravated assault (UCR) | Definition
- aggravating circumstances | Definition
- aggregate measures | Definition
- Aggression Replacement Training | Definition
- aging out | Definition
- Aging Prison Population | Definition
- AI integration | Definition
- aid and abet | Definition
- AIDS | Definition
- Albert Bandura | Definition
- Algorithmic Analysis | Definition
- algorithmic decision-making | Definition
- alias | Definition
- alibi | Definition
- alienation | Definition
- Allegory of the Cave | Definition
- Alter Ego Rule | Definition
- alternative sanctions | Definition
- alternative sentencing | Definition
- amalgamation | Definition
- Amends | Definition
- American Bar Association | Definition
- American Civil Liberties Union | Definition
- American Correctional Association (ACA) | Definition
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) | Definition
- amicus curiae | Definition
- Amy Coney Barrett (Justice) | Definition
- amygdala | Definition
- androgens | Definition
- anecdotal evidence | Definition
- anesthetics | Definition
- anomie | Definition
- Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) | Definition
- anxiety disorders | Definition
- appeal | Definition
- appearance | Definition
- appellant | Definition
- appellate | Definition
- appellate court | Definition
- Appellate Process | Definition
- appellee | Definition
- Appropriations Clause | Definition
- arbitrary | Definition
- arbitrary actions | Definition
- Argersinger v. Hamlin (1972) | Definition
- Aristotle | Definition
- arraignment | Definition
- arrest | Definition
- arrest rate | Definition
- arrest report | Definition
- arrest warrant | Definition
- arson (law) | Definition
- arson (UCR) | Definition
- Article III | Definition
- Article VI | Definition
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) | Definition
- Ashurst-Sumners Act | Definition
- asportation | Definition
- Assault (law) | Definition
- Assault (Simple) | Definition
- assembly line justice | Definition
- asset forfeiture | Definition
- assets | Definition
- Assistant U.S. Attorney | Definition
- atavism | Definition
- Atkins v. Virginia | Definition
- attempt | Definition
- attendant circumstances | Definition
- attorney | Definition
- Auburn System | Definition
- Augmented Reality (AR) | Definition
- August Vollmer | Definition
- August Vollmer | Definition
- Augustine of Hippo | Definition
- authoritarian regime | Definition
- Authority | Definition
- automatism | Definition
- automobile patrol | Definition
- automobile search | Definition
- backlog (DNA) | Definition
- backlog | Definition
- bail | Definition
- bail bond | Definition
- bail bond agent | Definition
- Bail Reform Act of 1984 | Definition
- bail revocation | Definition
- bailee | Definition
- bailiff | Definition
- bailor | Definition
- balancing test | Definition
- ballistics | Definition
- Ban-the-Box initiatives | Definition
- Barron v. Baltimore | Definition
- Batson v. Kentucky | Definition
- battered person syndrome | Definition
- battery (law) | Definition
- Battle Dress Uniforms (BDUs) | Definition
- beat | Definition
- Beccaria | Definition
- Behavioral Analytics | Definition
- behavioral conditioning | Definition
- Behavioral Disorders | Definition
- Behavioral Interventions | Definition
- Behavioral Issues | Definition
- Behavioral Patterns | Definition
- Behavioral Regulation | Definition
- Behavioral Theory | Definition
- behaviorism | Definition
- Bell v. Wolfish (1979) | Definition
- bench trial | Definition
- bench warrant | Definition
- best interests of the child | Definition
- beyond a reasonable doubt (BRD) | Definition
- bifurcated hearing | Definition
- bifurcated trial | Definition
- Big Five personality traits | Definition
- bigamy | Definition
- bill of attainder | Definition
- Bill of Rights | Definition
- bind over | Definition
- biological criminology | Definition
- biological determinism | Definition
- biological school | Definition
- Biological Theories | Definition
- biometric identification | Definition
- Biometric Sensors | Definition
- biosocial | Definition
- biosocial school | Definition
- bioterrorism | Definition
- Bivens action | Definition
- Black Lives Matter (BLM) | Definition
- Blackledge v. Allison | Definition
- Blakely v. Washington | Definition
- blockchain technology | Definition
- Bobbies | Definition
- Bobo Doll Experiment | Definition
- Booking | Definition
- booking | Definition
- boot camps | Definition
- Bordenkircher v. Hayes | Definition
- bounded rationality | Definition
- Bounds v. Smith (1977) | Definition
- Bow Street Runners | Definition
- Boykin v. Alabama | Definition
- brain imaging | Definition
- breach of the peace | Definition
- Breed v. Jones (1975) | Definition
- Breed v. Jones | Definition
- Brett Kavanaugh (Justice) | Definition
- bribery (law) | Definition
- brief | Definition
- Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT) | Definition
- Broken Windows Theory | Definition
- Brown v. Mississippi (1936) | Definition
- Brown v. Mississippi | Definition
- budget allocation | Definition
- Buffer | Definition
- burden of proof | Definition
- Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) | Definition
- Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) | Definition
- Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) | Definition
- bureaucratic inefficiencies | Definition
- Burger Court | Definition
- burglary (law) | Definition
- Burglary (UCR) | Definition
- Burnout | Definition
- California v. Greenwood (1988) | Definition
- California v. Greenwood | Definition
- calls for service | Definition
- capable guardianship | Definition
- capacity (prisons) | Definition
- capital offense | Definition
- capital punishment | Definition
- capricious | Definition
- career criminal | Definition
- Career Readiness | Definition
- carjacking | Definition
- carnal knowledge | Definition
- Carroll v. United States | Definition
- cartel | Definition
- case file | Definition
- case law | Definition
- Case Management | Definition
- Case Manager | Definition
- caseload (corrections) | Definition
- caseload | Definition
- Caseloads | Definition
- castration | Definition
- causation | Definition
- CCTV Cameras | Definition
- celerity | Definition
- certainty | Definition
- certiorari power | Definition
- Cesare Lombroso | Definition
- challenge for cause | Definition
- chambers | Definition
- Character Education | Definition
- charge | Definition
- charge to the jury | Definition
- charging document | Definition
- Check-ins | Definition
- chemistry of crime | Definition
- Chicago School | Definition
- child abuse | Definition
- Child Advocates | Definition
- Child Maltreatment | Definition
- child neglect | Definition
- childcare responsibilities | Definition
- Chimel v. California (1969) | Definition
- chronic health issues | Definition
- Cicero | Definition
- circuit court | Definition
- circumstantial evidence | Definition
- citation | Definition
- citizen’s arrest | Definition
- Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) | Definition
- city attorney | Definition
- Civic Engagement | Definition
- civil commitment | Definition
- civil death | Definition
- civil justice | Definition
- civil law | Definition
- civil liberties | Definition
- civil rights | Definition
- Civil Rights Act of 1964 | Definition
- Civil Rights Movement | Definition
- Civil Rights Revolution | Definition
- civil service | Definition
- civilian review board | Definition
- Clarence Thomas (Justice) | Definition
- Classical Conditioning | Definition
- Classical Criminology | Definition
- classical deterrence theory | Definition
- Classical School | Definition
- clear and present danger test | Definition
- clearance rate | Definition
- clemency | Definition
- clerk of the court | Definition
- Clifford Shaw | Definition
- closing arguments | Definition
- club drugs | Definition
- Co-occurring Disorders | Definition
- code | Definition
- Code of Hammurabi | Definition
- codification | Definition
- coercion | Definition
- Coffin v. U.S. (1895) | Definition
- cognitive abilities | Definition
- Cognitive Distortions | Definition
- cognitive limitations | Definition
- cognitive processing | Definition
- Cognitive Restructuring | Definition
- Cognitive Theory | Definition
- Cognitive-behavioral Apps | Definition
- cognitive-behavioral changes | Definition
- Cognitive-behavioral Interventions | Definition
- Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) | Definition
- Cohesion | Definition
- cohort (research) | Definition
- Collaborative Efforts | Definition
- collective efficacy | Definition
- colonial legacy | Definition
- Commentaries on the Laws of England | Definition
- commercial burglary (law) | Definition
- common good | Definition
- common law | Definition
- common law | Definition
- common law felonies | Definition
- common sense | Definition
- Communication Skills | Definition
- community cohesion | Definition
- community corrections | Definition
- community court | Definition
- community crime prevention | Definition
- community defender organizations | Definition
- Community Dynamics | Definition
- community engagement | Definition
- Community Integration | Definition
- Community Notification | Definition
- Community Oriented Policing (COP) | Definition
- Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office | Definition
- Community Panels | Definition
- Community Resistance | Definition
- Community Resources | Definition
- Community Safety | Definition
- community service | Definition
- Community-Based Alternatives | Definition
- Community-Based Interventions | Definition
- comparative criminology | Definition
- compelling state interest | Definition
- compensatory damages | Definition
- Competent Representation | Definition
- competent to stand trial | Definition
- complaint | Definition
- compliance and consent | Definition
- Compliance Monitoring | Definition
- complicity | Definition
- Comprehensive Evaluation | Definition
- computer crime | Definition
- computer virus | Definition
- concealed carry laws | Definition
- concurrence | Definition
- concurrent sentence | Definition
- concurring opinion | Definition
- Conditions of Confinement | Definition
- conditions of parole | Definition
- conditions of release | Definition
- condonation | Definition
- confidential informant | Definition
- Confidentiality | Definition
- confinement | Definition
- conflict model | Definition
- Conflict of Interest | Definition
- conflict perspective | Definition
- conflict resolution | Definition
- conflict theory | Definition
- Confrontation Clause | Definition
- congregate system | Definition
- Congress of the United States | Definition
- consecutive sentence | Definition
- consensus perspective | Definition
- consent of the governed | Definition
- consent search | Definition
- Consequences | Definition
- Consequentialism | Definition
- conservative | Definition
- conservative decisions | Definition
- consistency | Definition
- conspiracy | Definition
- constitution | Definition
- Constitution of the United States | Definition
- Constitutional Rights | Definition
- constitutive criminology | Definition
- constructive possession | Definition
- containment | Definition
- contempt (of court) | Definition
- context-specific measures | Definition
- Contingency Management | Definition
- Continuing Legal Education (CLE) | Definition
- Continuum of Responses | Definition
- Contributing Factors | Definition
- control group | Definition
- control theory | Definition
- controlled substance | Definition
- Controlled Substances Act | Definition
- conversion | Definition
- conviction | Definition
- cooperative federalism | Definition
- cooperative federalism | Definition
- Cooperative Processes | Definition
- Coping Mechanism | Definition
- Cornish and Clarke | Definition
- corporal punishment | Definition
- corporate crime | Definition
- corpus delicti | Definition
- correctional agency | Definition
- Correctional Facilities | Definition
- correctional institution | Definition
- correctional spending | Definition
- correctional system | Definition
- corrections | Definition
- corrections officer | Definition
- corroborating evidence | Definition
- corruption | Definition
- Cosa Nostra | Definition
- cost-benefit analysis | Definition
- Cost-effectiveness | Definition
- Cost-Effectiveness Analysis | Definition
- Cost-prohibitive | Definition
- counsel | Definition
- counseling | Definition
- counseling services | Definition
- count | Definition
- counterfeiting | Definition
- court | Definition
- court of general jurisdiction | Definition
- court of last resort | Definition
- court of limited jurisdiction | Definition
- court of record | Definition
- court order | Definition
- court probation | Definition
- Court Proceedings | Definition
- court reporter | Definition
- court-martial | Definition
- Court-ordered Conditions | Definition
- courtroom work group | Definition
- CRAVED model | Definition
- credit card fraud | Definition
- crime | Definition
- crime and place | Definition
- crime control model | Definition
- crime deterrence | Definition
- crime displacement | Definition
- Crime Index (UCR) | Definition
- crime mapping | Definition
- Crime Pattern Theory | Definition
- Crime Prevention Strategies | Definition
- Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) | Definition
- crime rate | Definition
- crime scene investigation | Definition
- Crime Triangle | Definition
- crime typologies | Definition
- crime victimization | Definition
- criminal | Definition
- criminal activity | Definition
- criminal behavior | Definition
- criminal code | Definition
- criminal decision-making | Definition
- criminal history | Definition
- criminal homicide (UCR) | Definition
- criminal investigation | Definition
- criminal justice | Definition
- Criminal Justice Act (CJA) | Definition
- criminal justice funnel | Definition
- criminal justice policies | Definition
- criminal justice system | Definition
- criminal law | Definition
- criminal negligence | Definition
- criminal procedure | Definition
- criminal proceedings | Definition
- criminal profiling | Definition
- criminal responsibility | Definition
- criminalist | Definition
- criminalistics | Definition
- Criminogenic Needs | Definition
- criminogenic needs | Definition
- Criminogenic Risks | Definition
- criminological theory | Definition
- criminology | Definition
- Crisis Intervention | Definition
- crowding-out effect | Definition
- Crowding-Out Effect | Definition
- cruel and unusual punishments | Definition
- Cruz v. Beto | Definition
- culpability | Definition
- culpable mental state | Definition
- culpable mental state | Definition
- Cultural Adaptation | Definition
- Cultural Barriers | Definition
- cultural bias | Definition
- Cultural Competency | Definition
- cultural defense | Definition
- Cultural Sensitivity | Definition
- cultural sensitivity | Definition
- Cumulative Effect | Definition
- Curfew Enforcement | Definition
- Curfews | Definition
- curtilage | Definition
- custody | Definition
- custody level | Definition
- cyber victimization | Definition
- Cyberbullying | Definition
- cybercrime | Definition
- cyberstalking | Definition
- cyberterrorism | Definition
- D.A.R.E. | Definition
- damages | Definition
- dark figure of crime | Definition
- Data Collection | Definition
- data encryption | Definition
- Data Security | Definition
- data-driven approaches | Definition
- Data-driven Methodologies | Definition
- date rape | Definition
- Daubert standard | Definition
- day fine | definition
- day fine | Definition
- de facto | definition
- de novo | definition
- de-escalation | Definition
- deadly force | Definition
- deadly weapon | Definition
- death penalty | definition
- death penalty | Definition
- death row | Definition
- debtor’s prisons | Definition
- Decarceration | Definition
- Decarceration Initiatives | Definition
- decentralized | Definition
- Decision Support Systems (DSS) | Definition
- decisions | Definition
- Declaration of Principles | Definition
- declaratory judgment | definition
- deconstructionist theory | Definition
- decriminalization | Definition
- defendant | Definition
- defense | Definition
- defense counsel | definition
- defensible space theory | Definition
- Dehumanization | Definition
- Dehumanization Risk | Definition
- deinstitutionalization | Definition
- deinstitutionalization | Definition
- Deliberate Indifference | Definition
- delinquency | Definition
- Delinquency Prevention | Definition
- delinquent | Definition
- delinquent act | Definition
- Delinquent Behavior | Definition
- delinquent child | Definition
- Delinquent Offenses | Definition
- Democratic Governance | Definition
- democratic society | Definition
- Denial | Definition
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS) | definition
- Dependency | Definition
- dependent and neglected children | Definition
- dependent and neglected children | Definition
- dependent child | Definition
- depraved heart murder | Definition
- Depression | Definition
- design capacity | Definition
- detainee | Definition
- detention | Definition
- detention center | Definition
- Detention Criteria | Definition
- detention hearing | Definition
- determinate sentencing | Definition
- Determinism | Definition
- deterrence | Definition
- deterrence fallacy | Definition
- Deterrence Theory | Definition
- Detoxification | Definition
- Developmental Differences | Definition
- Developmental Needs | Definition
- Developmental Psychology | Definition
- deviance | Definition
- diagnostic center | Definition
- Diathesis-Stress Model | Definition
- dichotomy of deviance | Definition
- Digital Citizenship | Definition
- digital divide | Definition
- digital footprint | Definition
- Digital Interventions | Definition
- Digital Literacy | Definition
- diminished capacity | Definition
- direct evidence | Definition
- directed patrol | Definition
- discharge | Definition
- Discharge Planning | Definition
- discovery | Definition
- discretion | Definition
- Discretion in Sentencing | Definition
- Discriminatory Policies | Definition
- discriminatory practices | Definition
- dismissal with prejudice | Definition
- dismissal without prejudice | Definition
- disorderly conduct | Definition
- Disparities | Definition
- disparities in incarceration rates | Definition
- disposition | Definition
- disposition hearing | Definition
- Dispositional Hearings | Definition
- Disproportionate Impact | Definition
- disproportionate minority confinement | Definition
- disproportionate minority contact | Definition
- Disproportionate Sentences | Definition
- disproportionately affected | Definition
- dispute-resolution center | Definition
- Disrupting | Definition
- Distorted Thinking | Definition
- distributive justice | Definition
- district attorney (D.A.) | Definition
- District Attorney’s Office v. Osborne | Definition
- Diverse Offender Populations | Definition
- diversion | Definition
- Diversionary Programs | Definition
- divine law | Definition
- DNA | Definition
- DNA profiling | Definition
- docket | Definition
- Doctrine | Definition
- Doctrine of Proportionality | Definition
- Doctrine of Proportionality | Definition
- Doe v. Renfrow (1981) | Definition
- DOJ Environment and Natural Resources Division | Definition
- DOJ Executive Office for Immigration Review | Definition
- Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) | Definition
- domestic terrorism | Definition
- domestic victimization | Definition
- domestic violence | Definition
- Dopamine | Definition
- double jeopardy | Definition
- Dramatic Fallacy | Definition
- drug | Definition
- drug abuse | Definition
- drug courts | Definition
- Drug Czar | Definition
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) | Definition
- drug enforcement unit | Definition
- drug offenses | Definition
- drug trafficking | Definition
- dual court system | Definition
- Dual Diagnosis | Definition
- dual federalism | Definition
- Dual Mandate | Definition
- Dual-system Youth | Definition
- due process | Definition
- Due Process Clause | Definition
- Due Process Model | Definition
- duress | Definition
- Durham Rule | Definition
- Durham v. United States (1954) | Definition
- dwelling house | Definition
- Dynamic Factors | Definition
- Dynamics | Definition
- Early Intervention | Definition
- ecological factors | Definition
- economic burden | Definition
- Economic Disparities | Definition
- economic inequality | Definition
- Economic Metrics | Definition
- Economic Stability | Definition
- Economic Strain | Definition
- educational and vocational training | Definition
- educational classes | Definition
- Educational Disruption | Definition
- Educational Equity | Definition
- educational programs | Definition
- Educational Support | Definition
- Educational Trajectories | Definition
- Edwin Lemert | Definition
- effectiveness | Definition
- efficiency | Definition
- ego | Definition
- Eighth Amendment | Definition
- electronic evidence | Definition
- electronic monitoring | Definition
- element (of crimes) | Definition
- Elmira Reformatory | Definition
- embezzlement | Definition
- embracery | Definition
- emergency search | Definition
- emotional distress | Definition
- Emotional Intelligence | Definition
- Emotional Regulation | Definition
- Empathy | Definition
- empirical criminology | Definition
- Empirical Evidence | Definition
- empirical testability | Definition
- empirical validation | Definition
- empirical validity | Definition
- Employment Barriers | Definition
- en banc | Definition
- English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) | Definition
- Enlightenment Era | Definition
- Enrico Ferri | Definition
- enterprise liability | Definition
- entrapment | Definition
- Entrenching | Definition
- environmental criminology | Definition
- Environmental Cues | Definition
- environmental design | Definition
- environmental stressors | Definition
- equal access to justice | Definition
- equal protection | Definition
- equality | Definition
- equity (in sentencing) | Definition
- equity | Definition
- Equity in Access | Definition
- Escobedo v. Illinois | Definition
- espionage | Definition
- Estelle v. Gamble | Definition
- Ethical Considerations | Definition
- Ethical Principles | Definition
- ethnic heterogeneity | Definition
- ethnocentric | Definition
- Ethnocentrism | Definition
- eugenics movement | Definition
- Europol | Definition
- euthanasia | Definition
- evidence | Definition
- Evidence-based Practices | Definition
- evidence-based sentencing | Definition
- evidentiary standard | Definition
- ex parte | Definition
- ex post facto law | Definition
- exclusionary rule | Definition
- exculpatory evidence | Definition
- excusable homicide | Definition
- excuse (defense) | Definition
- executive branch of government | Definition
- Executive Functioning | Definition
- Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA) | Definition
- exigent circumstances exception | Definition
- Expected Utility Principle | Definition
- expert witness | Definition
- Exploitation | Definition
- Expungement | Definition
- External Factors | Definition
- External variables | Definition
- extortion | Definition
- extradition | Definition
- extralegal factors | Definition
- eyewitness | Definition
- Eysenck’s theory of personality | Definition
- facilitation | Definition
- facilitation of crime | Definition
- Facilitators | Definition
- Facility Administrator | Definition
- factual basis | Definition
- Fair Chance Hiring | Definition
- fair notice | Definition
- Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 | Definition
- fair trial | Definition
- fairness | Definition
- fairness and proportionality | Definition
- false imprisonment | Definition
- false pretense | Definition
- false swearing | Definition
- Family Dynamics | Definition
- Family Engagement | Definition
- family environment | Definition
- Family Involvement | Definition
- Faretta v. California (1975) | Definition
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) | Definition
- Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) | Definition
- federal court system | Definition
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) | Definition
- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) | Definition
- Federal Probation and Parole Act | Definition
- federal public defender | Definition
- federal question jurisdiction | Definition
- Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure | Definition
- Federal Rules of Evidence | Definition
- felon | Definition
- felony | Definition
- felony murder rule | Definition
- feminist criminology | Definition
- fence | Definition
- fetal abuse | Definition
- Fifth Amendment | Definition
- fighting words | Definition
- filing | Definition
- financial literacy | Definition
- finder of fact | Definition
- fine | Definition
- First Amendment | Definition
- first appearance | Definition
- First Step Act | Definition
- flat timed | Definition
- Fleeing Felon Rule | Definition
- fleeting targets exception | Definition
- Florence v. Burlington County (2012) | Definition
- follow up investigation | Definition
- foot patrol | Definition
- forcible entry and detainer | Definition
- forcible rape (UCR) | Definition
- forensic anthropology | Definition
- forensic entomology | Definition
- forensic psychology | Definition
- forensic science | Definition
- foreperson | Definition
- forfeiture | Definition
- forgery (crime) | Definition
- fornication | Definition
- Fourteenth Amendment | Definition
- Fourth Amendment | Definition
- fourth waiver | Definition
- Fragmentation | Definition
- Frankpledge System | Definition
- fraud | Definition
- free will | Definition
- Freedom of Assembly | Definition
- Freedom of Expression | Definition
- Freedom of Religion | Definition
- frivolous suit | Definition
- frontal lobe | Definition
- Frontline Workers | Definition
- Fruit of the Poisonous Tree Doctrine | Definition
- full privatization | Definition
- Functional Family Therapy (FFT) | Definition
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) | Definition
- fundamental rights | Definition
- Funding Challenges | Definition
- funding models | Definition
- Furman v. Georgia | Definition
- Gagnon v. Scarpelli | Definition
- gain time | Definition
- Gamification | Definition
- gaol | Definition
- gender disparities | Definition
- gender sensitivity | Definition
- gender-responsive programs | Definition
- Gender-Specific Pathways | Definition
- Gene-Environment Interaction | Definition
- general deterrence | Definition
- General Educational Development (GED) | Definition
- general youth population | Definition
- Generalizability | Definition
- Generational | Definition
- genetic determinism | Definition
- genetic marker | Definition
- Geofencing | Definition
- Geographic Divides | Definition
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | Definition
- Get Tough Laws | Definition
- Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) | Definition
- Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) | Definition
- Ginsburg, Justice Ruth Bader | Definition
- good faith exception | Definition
- good time | Definition
- governmental interference | Definition
- GPS Tracking | Definition
- graduated sanctions | Definition
- Graham v. Connor | Definition
- Graham v. Florida (2010) | Definition
- grand jury | Definition
- Greek philosophy | Definition
- Greek philosophy | Definition
- Gregg v. Georgia (1976) | Definition
- grievous bodily harm | Definition
- gross negligence | Definition
- group home | Definition
- group victimization | Definition
- Guardian ad Litem (GAL) | Definition
- guilty but mentally ill | Definition
- guilty plea | Definition
- guilty verdict | Definition
- habeas corpus
- habeas corpus | Definition
- habitual offender | Definition
- hacker | Definition
- halfway houses | Definition
- hands-off doctrine | Definition
- hardened criminal fallacy | Definition
- Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) | Definition
- harm
- harm (element) | Definition
- harm reduction | Definition
- Harrison Act | Definition
- hate crime
- hate crime | Definition
- healthcare access | Definition
- healthcare expenditures | Definition
- hearing | Definition
- hearsay | Definition
- Helling v. McKinney (1993) | Definition
- Henry McKay | Definition
- Heredity | Definition
- Herman Goldstein | Definition
- hierarchical
- hierarchical | Definition
- Hierarchy Rule | Definition
- high caseloads | Definition
- high-security facilities | Definition
- holistic approach | Definition
- Holt v. Hobbs (2015) | Definition
- home confinement
- home confinement | Definition
- home-invasion robbery | Definition
- homicide | Definition
- hot products | Definition
- hot pursuit search
- hot pursuit search | Definition
- hot spot | Definition
- house of correction | Definition
- House of Refuge | Definition
- housing instability | Definition
- Howard Becker | Definition
- Hudson v. Palmer
- Hudson v. Palmer (1984) | Definition
- Hudson v. Palmer | Definition
- hue and cry
- hue and cry | Definition
- human dignity | Definition
- human rights | Definition
- humane | Definition
- hundred
- Hundred
- hundred | Definition
- hung jury
- hung jury | Definition
- hypothesis | Definition
- identity theft | Definition
- illegal search and seizure | Definition
- illegally seized evidence | Definition
- Illicit | Definition
- Imitation | Definition
- Immanuel Kant | Definition
- imminent danger
- imminent danger | Definition
- impartiality | Definition
- impeachment
- impeachment | Definition
- Implicit Bias | Definition
- imprisonment | Definition
- Impulsivity | Definition
- in camera | Definition
- in forma pauperis | Definition
- In Re Gault (1967) | Definition
- In Re Winship (1970) | Definition
- inactive supervision | Definition
- incapacitation | Definition
- incarceration | Definition
- incest | Definition
- inchoate offenses | Definition
- incident-based reporting | Definition
- included offense | Definition
- incompetent to stand trial | Definition
- Incorrigibility | Definition
- inculpatory evidence | Definition
- independent counsel | Definition
- independent review | Definition
- indeterminate sentencing | Definition
- indictment | Definition
- indigent defendant | Definition
- Individual Factors | Definition
- Individual Factors | Definition
- individual racism | Definition
- individual rights | Definition
- individual rights advocate | Definition
- Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) | Definition
- Individualized Supervision | Definition
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) | Definition
- industrial prison | Definition
- inequities in arrest | Definition
- inevitable discovery exception | Definition
- infancy defense | Definition
- inference | Definition
- informal diversion | Definition
- informal social control | Definition
- informant | Definition
- information | Definition
- informed consent | Definition
- Informed Decisions | Definition
- infraction | Definition
- infrastructure maintenance | Definition
- inherent coercion | Definition
- injunction | Definition
- inmate classification | Definition
- innovation | Definition
- inquisitorial system | Definition
- insanity defense | Definition
- insider information | Definition
- insider trading | Definition
- institutional abuse | Definition
- institutional capacity | Definition
- institutional racism | Definition
- intake | Definition
- Intake Officers | Definition
- intake process | Definition
- Integrated | Definition
- integrated software systems | Definition
- Integrated Theories | Definition
- integrated treatment | Definition
- Intelligence Quotient (IQ) | Definition
- intensive supervision probation (ISP) | Definition
- intent | Definition
- inter alia | Definition
- Interactional Theory | Definition
- interdiction | Definition
- interdisciplinary theory | Definition
- Intermediate Court of Appeals | Definition
- intermediate sanctions | Definition
- internal affairs | Definition
- Internal Validity | Definition
- international terrorism | Definition
- Interpersonal Relationships | Definition
- INTERPOL | Definition
- INTERPOL Washington | Definition
- interrogation | Definition
- Intervene | Definition
- Intervention Strategies | Definition
- Interventions | Definition
- intoxication | Definition
- Investigator | Definition
- involuntary intoxication (defense) | Definition
- involuntary intoxication | Definition
- irresistible impulse test | Definition
- Islamic Law | Definition
- J-SOAP-II | Definition
- J.D.B. v. North Carolina (2011) | Definition
- jail | Definition
- James Q.Wilson | Definition
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Definition
- Jeremy Bentham | Definition
- Jim Crow laws | Definition
- John Augustus | Definition
- John Braithwaite | Definition
- John Howard
- John Howard
- John Howard | Definition
- John Locke | Definition
- John Roberts (Justice) | Definition
- John Stuart Mill | Definition
- Johnson v. Avery (1969) | Definition
- judge | Definition
- judgment | Definition
- judgment suspending sentence | Definition
- judicial activism | Definition
- judicial diversion | Definition
- judicial independence | Definition
- judicial misconduct | Definition
- judicial officer | Definition
- judicial restraint | Definition
- judicial review | Definition
- judiciary | Definition
- Judiciary Staff | Definition
- jurisdiction | Definition
- Jurisdictional Differences | Definition
- jurisprudence | Definition
- jury | Definition
- jury instructions | Definition
- jury nullification | Definition
- jury panel | Definition
- jury selection | Definition
- just deserts | Definition
- justice | Definition
- Justice Anthony Kennedy | Definition
- Justice Elena Kagan | Definition
- justice model | Definition
- justice reform movements | Definition
- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg | Definition
- Justice Sonia Sotomayor | Definition
- Justice Stephen Breyer | Definition
- justifiable homicide | Definition
- justification (defense) | Definition
- justification (defense) | Definition
- juvenile | Definition
- juvenile court | Definition
- Juvenile Court Act of 1899 | Definition
- juvenile court judgment | Definition
- Juvenile Court Movement | Definition
- Juvenile Court Officers | Definition
- juvenile curfew | Definition
- juvenile delinquency | Definition
- juvenile delinquency | Definition
- Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Act of 1968 | Definition
- Juvenile Detention Center | Definition
- juvenile detention center | Definition
- juvenile disposition | Disposition
- juvenile gang fallacy | Definition
- juvenile incarceration | Definition
- Juvenile Justice | Definition
- juvenile justice agency | Definition
- Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) | Definition
- juvenile justice landscape | Definition
- juvenile justice system | Definition
- Juvenile Offenders | Definition
- juvenile petition | Definition
- Kansas City Preventive Patrol Experiment | Definition
- Katz v. United States (1967) | Definition
- Kent v. United States (1966) | Definition
- kidnapping (law) | Definition
- kidnapping (UCR) | Definition
- kin policing | Definition
- Knapp Commission | Definition
- knock and announce requirement | Definition
- knowingly | Definition
- Knowingly and Voluntarily | Definition
- Kyllo v. United States (2001) | Definition
- labeling theory | Definition
- landmark case | Definition
- larceny | Definition
- larceny by trick | Definition
- Larceny-theft (UCR) | Definition
- law | Definition
- Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) | Definition
- Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) | Definition
- law enforcement officer (LEO) | Definition
- Lawrence v. Texas (2003) | Definition
- lay witness | Definition
- Layer Cake Federalism | Definition
- Learning Theory Principles | Definition
- lease system | Definition
- legacy of inequity | Definition
- Legal Assistance | Definition
- legal capacity | Definition
- legal cause | Definition
- legal certainty | Definition
- Legal Frameworks | Definition
- Legal Guardians | Definition
- legal positivism | Definition
- legal reform | Definition
- legal representation | Definition
- Legal Rights | Definition
- Legal Services | Definition
- legal system | Definition
- Legalistic Style of Policing | Definition
- legalization | Definition
- Legislative Changes | Definition
- Legislature | Definition
- less-than-lethal | Definition
- lesser included offense | Definition
- lesser of two evils (defense) | Definition
- Leviathan | Definition
- lex talionis | Definition
- liberal | Definition
- liberal decisions | Definition
- life course perspective
- life course perspective | Definition
- Life Without Parole (LWOP) | Definition
- Lifestyle-Exposure Theory | Definition
- limited educational opportunities | Definition
- line officer | Definition
- local government | Definition
- local police department | Definition
- Location Data | Definition
- Logical Consistency | Definition
- London Metropolitan Police Force | Definition
- long-term investment | Definition
- longitudinal studies | Definition
- low self-control | Definition
- lower court | Definition
- M’Naghten Rule | Definition
- Machine Learning Algorithms | Definition
- Macrotheories | Definition
- mafia | Definition
- magistrate | Definition
- Magistrate Judge | Definition
- Magna Carta | Definition
- mala in se | Definition
- mala prohibita | Definition
- malice aforethought | Definition
- malicious mischief | Definition
- management contracts | Definition
- mandatory minimum sentences | Definition
- mandatory sentencing | Definition
- Mandela Rules | Definition
- manslaughter | Definition
- MAOA gene | Definition
- Mapp v. Ohio (1961) | Definition
- Marble Cake Federalism | Definition
- Marbury v. Madison (1803) | Definition
- Marbury v. Madison | Definition
- Marcus Felson | Definition
- Marginalized | Definition
- Marginalized Backgrounds | Definition
- marital rape | Definition
- Martin Luther | Definition
- Marvin Wolfgang | Definition
- Maryland v. Garrison (1987) | Definition
- Maryland v. Wilson | Definition
- mass incarceration | Definition
- Matched Groups | Definition
- maximum sentence | Definition
- maximum-security prison | Definition
- mayhem | Definition
- McCleskey v. Kemp (1987) | Definition
- McKeiver v. Pennsylvania (1971) | Definition
- media coverage | Definition
- Media Influence | Definition
- mediation | Definition
- medical emergencies | Definition
- medical model | Definition
- Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) | Definition
- medium-security prison | Definition
- Megan’s Law | Definition
- Mempa v. Rhay (1967) | Definition
- mens rea | Definition
- mental disorders | Definition
- Mental Health | Definition
- mental health conditions | Definition
- mental health crises | Definition
- mental health diversion programs | Definition
- mental health resources | Definition
- mental health support | Definition
- mental health treatment | Definition
- mentally ill offenders | Definition
- Mentoring Programs | Definition
- Mentorship | Definition
- mere hunch | Definition
- Meta-analysis | Definition
- Michael Gottfredson | Definition
- Michael Hindelang | Definition
- Microtheories | Definition
- Miller v. Alabama (2012) | Definition
- minimum-security prison | Definition
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) | Definition
- Miranda rights | Definition
- Miranda triggers | Definition
- Miranda v. Arizona | Definition
- misdemeanant | Definition
- misdemeanor | Definition
- misprision of felony | Definition
- misprision of treason | Definition
- mistake (defense) | Definition
- mistrial | Definition
- Mitigate | Definition
- mitigating circumstances | Definition
- mixed sentence | Definition
- Model Penal Code (MPC) | Definition
- models of criminal justice | Definition
- models of punishment | Definition
- modern jurisprudence | Definition
- modify | Definition
- Monell v. Department of Social Services | Definition
- monetary fine | Definition
- money laundering | Definition
- Monitoring Centers | Definition
- Montanye v. Haymes (1976) | Definition
- Montgomery v. Louisiana (2016) | Definition
- moot | Definition
- Morality | Definition
- Morrissey v. Brewer (1972) | Definition
- Mosaic Code | Definition
- Motion | Definition
- Motion for a New Trial | Definition
- motion for a new trial | Definition
- motion in limine | Definition
- motion to suppress | Definition
- motivated offender | Definition
- Motivational Interviewing (MI) | Definition
- motive | Definition
- Motor Vehicle Theft (UCR) | Definition
- Multi-Systemic Therapy (MST) | Definition
- Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) | Definition
- multiculturalism | Definition
- multiethnic | Definition
- Multifaceted | Definition
- Multifactorial Approaches | Definition
- Multimodal Treatment for Drug Abuse (MTDA) | Definition
- multiracial | Definition
- municipal court | Definition
- murder (law) | Definition
- Murder and Nonnegligent Manslaughter | Definition
- Murphy v. Collier (2019) | Definition
- Mutual Pledge System | Definition
- Mutual Respect | Definition
- NAACP | Definition
- NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) | Definition
- Narcissism | Definition
- Narcoterrorism | Definition
- National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) | Definition
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service | Definition
- National Incident-based Reporting System (NIBRS) | Definition
- National Institute of Corrections | Definition
- National Institute of Justice | Definition
- National Protection and Programs Directorate | Definition
- National Security Division (NSD) | Definition
- nationalization | Definition
- nationalization | Definition
- natural law | Definition
- nature vs. nurture | Definition
- needs of society | Definition
- neglected child | Definition
- negligence | Definition
- Negligent manslaughter | UCR Definition
- negotiation | Definition
- neighborhood disadvantage | Definition
- Neil Gorsuch (Justice) | Definition
- neoclassical criminology | Definition
- neurobiological theories | Definition
- neuroticism | Definition
- neurotransmitters | Definition
- New Jersey v. TLO (1985) | Definition
- New York v Quarles (1984) | Definition
- night watch | Definition
- Nix v. Williams (1984) | Definition
- no true bill | Definition
- no-knock warrant | Definition
- nolle prosequi | Definition
- nolo contendere | Definition
- non-deadly force | Definition
- non-discrimination | Definition
- Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) | Definition
- nonsystem argument | Definition
- Norms | Definition
- North Carolina v. Alford (1970) | Definition
- not guilty by reason of insanity | Definition
- not guilty plea | Definition
- Not Me Fallacy | Definition
- nothing works doctrine | Definition
- O.W. Wilson | Definition
- objections | Definition
- objectively reasonable | Definition
- objectivity | Definition
- obscenity | Definition
- obstruction of justice | Definition
- occupational crime | Definition
- OCDETF | Definition
- Oedipus complex | Definition
- offender | Definition
- offender accountability | Definition
- Offender-specific Treatment | Definition
- offense | Definition
- offense known to police | Definition
- Office for Victims of Crime | Definition
- Office for Victims of Crime | Definition
- Office of Attorney Recruitment & Management | Definition
- Office of Diversion | Definition
- Office of Health Affairs (OHA) | Definition
- Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) | Definition
- Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention | Definition
- Office of Operations Coordination and Planning | Definition
- Office of Policy | Definition
- Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) | Definition
- Office of Special Counsel | Definition
- Office of the Associate Attorney General | Definition
- Office of the Deputy Attorney General | Definition
- Office of the Inspector General | Definition
- Office of the Pardon Attorney | Definition
- Office of the Solicitor General | Definition
- Office of Tribal Justice | Definition
- Office on Violence Against Women | Definition
- officer discretion | Definition
- official misconduct in office | Definition
- omission | Definition
- Online Grooming | Definition
- open fields doctrine | Definition
- opening statement | Definition
- Operant Conditioning | Definition
- operational capacity | Definition
- opinion | Definition
- opportunity theory | Definition
- oral argument | Definition
- order maintenance | Definition
- ordinance | Definition
- ordinary crime | Definition
- organized crime | Definition
- original jurisdiction | Definition
- Oscar Newman | Definition
- Outcomes | Definition
- Outreach | Definition
- Over-Policing Fallacy | Definition
- Overlapping Symptoms | Definition
- oversight mechanisms | Definition
- overturn | Definition
- pandering | Definition
- panel | Definition
- paradigm shift | Definition
- pardon | Definition
- parens patriae | Definition
- Parent Training Programs | Definition
- Parenting Styles | Definition
- parish | Definition
- parliament | Definition
- parole | Definition
- parole board | Definition
- parole eligibility | Definition
- parole officer | Definition
- parole revocation | Definition
- parole supervision | Definition
- parole supervisory caseload | Definition
- parole violation | Definition
- parolee | Definition
- paroling authority | Definition
- Parsons v. State (1887) | Definition
- part I offenses | Definition
- part II offenses | Definition
- Participant Attrition | Definition
- particularity requirement | Definition
- partisan politics | Definition
- Paternalistic | Definition
- Peace Officer Standards and Training | Definition
- peacemaking criminology | Definition
- peer influence | Definition
- Peer Mentoring | Definition
- Peer Pressure | Definition
- peer support | Definition
- peer support programs | Definition
- Pell v. Procunier (1974) | Definition
- penal code | Definition
- penitence | Definition
- penitent | Definition
- penitentiary | Definition
- Pennsylvania System | Definition
- peremptory challenge | Definition
- performance metrics | Definition
- Perjury | Definition
- perpetrator | Definition
- Perpetuation | Definition
- personal biases | Definition
- personal victimization | Definition
- petit jury | Definition
- petit treason | Definition
- petition | Definition
- petition for a writ of certiorari | Definition
- petty offense | Definition
- phenomenological criminology | Definition
- Philosophy | Definition
- phishing | Definition
- phrenology | Definition
- physical dependence | Definition
- physical evidence | Definition
- Pilot Studies | Definition
- Pinkerton Rule | Definition
- Pivotal Roles | Definition
- plain view doctrine | Definition
- plaintiff | Definition
- Plato | Definition
- plea | Definition
- plea bargain | Definition
- pleadings | Definition
- police | Definition
- police brutality | Definition
- police corruption | Definition
- police courts | Definition
- police discretion | Definition
- police ethics | Definition
- police management | Definition
- police misconduct | Definition
- police officer | Definition
- police professionalism | Definition
- police subculture | Definition
- police union | Definition
- police use of force | Definition
- police working personality | Definition
- Police-community Relations (PCR) | Definition
- policing | Definition
- policy | Definition
- Policymakers | Definition
- Political Era | Definition
- political ideologies | Definition
- Political Inertia | Definition
- political rights | Definition
- politicized | Definition
- politics | Definition
- polygraph testing | Definition
- Positive Behavior Support (PBS) | Definition
- Positive Pathways | Definition
- positive reinforcement | Definition
- Positive School Culture | Definition
- Positive Transformations | Definition
- Positivist School | Definition
- posse comitatus | Definition
- possession | Definition
- post-conviction | Definition
- post-disposition hearing | Definition
- postconviction remedy | Definition
- postmodern criminology | Definition
- Postpartum Depression Syndrome | Definition
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | Definition
- Potential for Bias | Definition
- Powell v. Alabama (1932) | Definition
- Power of the Purse | Definition
- ppsychological profiling | Definition
- pre-post comparison | Definition
- precedent | Definition
- Predictive Analytics | Definition
- Predispose | Definition
- predisposition report | Definition
- preliminary hearing | Definition
- preliminary investigation | Definition
- premeditation | Definition
- premenstrual syndrome (PMS) | Definition
- prenatal care | Definition
- preponderance of the evidence | Definition
- presentence investigation report | Definition
- Presentence Report | Definition
- presentment | Definition
- presumption | Definition
- presumption of innocence | Definition
- presumptive sentencing | Definition
- Pretrial Conference | Definition
- pretrial detainees | Definition
- pretrial detention | Definition
- pretrial discovery | Definition
- pretrial diversion programs | Definition
- pretrial motions | Definition
- pretrial release | Definition
- Pretrial Services | Definition
- Pretrial Services Officers | Definition
- prevention strategies | Definition
- preventive patrol | Definition
- primary aggressor | Definition
- primary deviance | Definition
- principal | Definition
- principal in the first degree | Definition
- prison | Definition
- prison argot | Definition
- prison capacity | Definition
- prison commitment | Definition
- prison industrial complex | Definition
- Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) | Definition
- prison overcrowding | Definition
- prison programs | Definition
- Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) | Definition
- prison subculture | Definition
- prisoner | Definition
- prisonization | Definition
- Privacy Infringement | Definition
- Privacy Laws | Definition
- privacy rights (corrections) | Definition
- Privacy Settings | Definition
- private corrections | Definition
- Private Prison | Definition
- private prison | Definition
- Private Protective Services (PPS) | Definition
- private security | Definition
- privatization | Definition
- pro bono publico | Definition
- pro bono representation | Definition
- Pro se | Definition
- proactive | Definition
- probable cause | Definition
- probation | Definition
- probation officer | Definition
- probation revocation | Definition
- Probation Supervision | Definition
- probation termination | Definition
- probation violation | Definition
- probation workload | Definition
- probationary period | Definition
- probationer | Definition
- problem analysis triangle | Definition
- problem-oriented policing | Definition
- Problem-solving | Definition
- procedural criminal law | Definition
- procedural defense | Definition
- Procedural Due Process | Definition
- procedural justice | Definition
- Professional Development | Definition
- profit motives | Definition
- Program Effectiveness | Definition
- Program Evaluation | Definition
- program fidelity | Definition
- Progressive Era | Definition
- property bond | Definition
- property crime | Definition
- property crimes | Definition
- Prosecute | Definition
- prosecution agency | Definition
- prosecutor | Definition
- prosecutorial discretion | Definition
- Prosocial Behaviors | Definition
- Prosocial Skills | Definition
- prostitution | Definition
- Protective Factors | Definition
- protective order | Definition
- psychoactive substance | Definition
- psychoanalysis | Definition
- Psychoanalytic Theory | Definition
- psychological dependence | Definition
- psychological manipulation | Definition
- psychological school | Definition
- Psychological Testing | Definition
- Psychological Theories | Definition
- Psychological Trauma | Definition
- psychologist | Definition
- psychopathology | Definition
- psychopaths | Definition
- psychosexual development | Definition
- Psychosis | Definition
- psychotherapy | Definition
- PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) | Definition
- public assistance programs | Definition
- Public Awareness Campaigns | Definition
- Public Benefits | Definition
- public corrections | Definition
- public defender | Definition
- public defender agency | Definition
- public dialogue | Definition
- Public Opinion Influence | Definition
- public order | Definition
- Public Safety | Definition
- Public Safety Department | Definition
- public safety exception | Definition
- public trust | Definition
- public-order advocate | Definition
- Public-private partnerships (PPPs) | Definition
- punishment | Definition
- punishment theory | Definition
- Punitive Approach | Definition
- punitive damages | Definition
- purposely | Definition
- purposely | Definition
- Qualitative Data | Definition
- qualitative methods | Definition
- Quantitative Data | Definition
- quantum theory and crime | Definition
- Quasi-experimental Designs | Definition
- quasi-military organization | Definition
- Qutb v. Strauss (1993) | Definition
- racial discrimination | Definition
- racial disparities | Definition
- racial profiling | Definition
- racism | Definition
- Racketeer Influenced & Corrupt Organizations (RICO) | Definition
- racketeering | Definition
- radical criminology | Definition
- Raffaele Garofalo | Definition
- Ramifications | Definition
- Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) | Definition
- rape (law) | Definition
- rape shield laws | Definition
- Rape Trauma Syndrome (RTS) | Definition
- Rate | Definition
- rated capacity | Definition
- Rational Choice Theory | Definition
- Re-traumatization | Definition
- reaction formation | Definition
- reactive | Definition
- real evidence | Definition
- Real-time adjustments | Definition
- Real-time Tracking | Definition
- reasonable doubt | Definition
- Reasonable Force | Definition
- reasonable person test | Definition
- reasonable suspicion | Definition
- rebuttable presumption | Definition
- rebuttal | Definition
- reception facility | Definition
- recidivism | Definition
- recidivism rates | Definition
- Recidivist | Definition
- recklessly | Definition
- reconciliation | Definition
- record | Definition
- recreational drug user | Definition
- Recreational Programs | Definition
- reentry | Definition
- reentry circles | Definition
- reentry courts | Definition
- reentry instability | Definition
- reentry support programs | Definition
- Reform | Definition
- Reform Era | Definition
- Reform Initiatives | Definition
- reformatory movement | Definition
- Reformatory Style | Definition
- regional jail | Definition
- regular reporting | Definition
- rehabilitation | Definition
- rehabilitation efforts | Definition
- rehabilitation model | Definition
- rehabilitation strategies | Definition
- Rehabilitative Goals | Definition
- Rehnquist Court | Definition
- reincarceration costs | Definition
- Reinforcement | Definition
- reintegration | Definition
- reintegration movement | Definition
- reintegration programs | Definition
- release on recognizance (ROR) | Definition
- remand | Definition
- remedy | Definition
- remote hearings | Definition
- Remote Monitoring | Definition
- Reoffending | Definition
- reporter | Definition
- reprieve | Definition
- research | Definition
- residential burglary (law) | Definition
- residential commitment | Definition
- residential treatment center | Definition
- residual problems of society | Definition
- Resilience | Definition
- resource allocation | Definition
- resource scarcity | Definition
- responsible moral agent | Definition
- Responsible Reintegration | Definition
- Responsivity Principle | Definition
- restitution | Definition
- Restoration | Definition
- restorative justice | Definition
- retribution | Definition
- retributive justice | Definition
- revenge | Definition
- Reversed | Definition
- revocation | Definition
- Revocation Hearing | Definition
- revolving door phenomenon | Definition
- Ricketts v. Adamson (1987) | Definition
- Right to a Public Trial | Definition
- Right to a Speedy Trial | Definition
- Right to a Trial by Jury | Definition
- right to access to the courts | Definition
- right to assemble | Definition
- right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment | Definition
- Right to Confront Witnesses | Definition
- right to counsel | Definition
- right to free exercise of religion | Definition
- right to free speech | Definition
- Right to Notice of Accusations | Definition
- Right to Privacy | Definition
- right to remain silent | Definition
- right to vote | Definition
- Risk Assessments | Definition
- Risk Factors | Definition
- Risk-Needs-Responsivity (RNR) Model | Definition
- robbery (law) | Definition
- Robbery (UCR) | Definition
- Roe v. Wade | Definition
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA) | Definition
- Roper v. Simmons | Definition
- Routine Activities Theory (RAT) | Definition
- rule of law | Definition
- rules of criminal procedure | Definition
- Rules of Evidence | Definition
- rules of evidence | Definition
- runaway | Definition
- Samuel Alito (Justice) | Definition
- San Diego Field Interrogation Study | Definition
- Sanitation | Definition
- Santobello v. New York (1971) | Definition
- Scarlet Letter punishment | Definition
- scene integrity | Definition
- Schall v. Martin (1984) | Definition
- Schenck v. United States (1919) | Definition
- schizophrenic | Definition
- School Resource Officer (SRO) | Definition
- School-based Initiatives | Definition
- School-based Prevention Programs | Definition
- school-to-prison pipeline | Definition
- Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) | Definition
- scientific jury selection | Definition
- scientific method | Definition
- Scientific Police Management | Definition
- Scientific Research | Definition
- screening and assessment tools | Definition
- search incident to arrest | Definition
- search warrant | Definition
- Second Amendment | Definition
- Secret Service | Definition
- securities | Definition
- security | Definition
- sedition | Definition
- selection bias (corrections) | Definition
- self-defense | Definition
- sentence | Definition
- sentencing | Definition
- sentencing disparity | Definition
- sentencing guidelines | Definition
- sentencing hearing | Definition
- sentencing negotiations | Definition
- sentencing reform | Definition
- Sentencing Reform Act of 1984 | Definition
- sentencing statute | Definition
- separation of powers | Definition
- sequester | Definition
- Serious Games | Definition
- Service of Process | Definition
- service style | Definition
- severity | Definition
- sex offenses | Definition
- sexual abuse | Definition
- sexual battery (law) | Definition
- sexual exploitation | Definition
- shakedown | Definition
- shelter | Definition
- sheriff | Definition
- Sheriff’s Department | Definition
- sheriff’s deputies | Definition
- shire | Definition
- shire-reeve | Definition
- shock incarceration | Definition
- shock probation | Definition
- Sigmund Freud | Definition
- simple assault | Definition
- Sir William Blackstone | Definition
- Situational Factors | Definition
- Sixth Amendment | Definition
- Skill Acquisition | Definition
- smuggling | Definition
- social capital | Definition
- Social Conflict Theories | Definition
- social control | Definition
- social debt | Definition
- social development theory | Definition
- social disadvantage | Definition
- social disorganization theory | Definition
- social disparities | Definition
- social ecology | Definition
- social exclusion | Definition
- social factors | Definition
- social impact bonds (SIBs) | Definition
- social impact investing | Definition
- Social Integration | Definition
- Social Isolation | Definition
- social justice | Definition
- Social Learning Theory | Definition
- Social Media Platforms | Definition
- social order | Definition
- Social Process Theories | Definition
- Social Reintegration | Definition
- social skills training | Definition
- social stigma | Definition
- Social Support | Definition
- social welfare expenditures | Definition
- social worker | Definition
- Social-emotional Learning (SEL) | Definition
- Social-psychological Theory | Definition
- socialist state | Definition
- societal impacts (corrections) | Definition
- Societal Protection | Definition
- socioeconomic disparities | Definition
- Socioeconomic Factors | Definition
- Sociological Theories | Definition
- sodomy | Definition
- software piracy | Definition
- solicitation | Definition
- solicitation | Definition
- Solid Evidence | Definition
- Solitary Confinement | Definition
- somatotyping | Definition
- Special Education Services | Definition
- special populations | Definition
- Specialized Housing Units (SHUs) | Definition
- specialized units | Definition
- specific deterrence | Definition
- Speedy Trial Act of 1974 | Definition
- split sentence | Definition
- stakeholder | Definition
- stakeholder engagement | Definition
- Stalking | Definition
- Standard of Proof | Definition
- standing | Definition
- Standing Mute | Definition
- stare decisis | Definition
- state court administrator | Definition
- state court system | Definition
- State Departments of Corrections | Definition
- State Highway Patrol | Definition
- state police | Definition
- State-action doctrine | Definition
- state-use system | Definition
- state’s attorney | Definition
- Static Factors | Definition
- Statistical Analyses | Definition
- status offender | Definition
- status offense | Definition
- statute | Definition
- Statute of Limitations | Definition
- Statute of Winchester | Definition
- statutory law | Definition
- statutory rape | Definition
- stay of execution | Definition
- Stigmatization | Definition
- Stockholm syndrome | Definition
- stolen property offense | Definition
- Stop and Frisk | Definition
- stranger violence | Definition
- strategic policing | Definition
- street crime | Definition
- strict liability | Definition
- Structural Needs | Definition
- structured environment | Definition
- Structured Interviews | Definition
- structured sentencing | Definition
- subculture of violence | Definition
- subornation of perjury | Definition
- Subpoena | Definition
- Subpoena Duces Tecum | Definition
- substance abuse | Definition
- Substance Abuse Treatment | Definition
- substance use disorders (SUDs) | Definition
- substantial capacity test | Definition
- Substantial Federal Question | Definition
- substantive criminal law | Definition
- super-maximum-security prison | Definition
- supermale | Definition
- Superpredator | Definition
- supervised probation | Definition
- Supervised Release | Definition
- Supervision | Definition
- Supervision Protocols | Definition
- support group | Definition
- support network | Definition
- Support Services | Definition
- supportive housing | Definition
- Supremacy Clause | Definition
- Surveillance | Definition
- surveillance technologies (corrections) | Definition
- suspect | Definition
- suspended sentence | Definition
- suspicionless search | Definition
- sustaining the petition | Definition
- SWAT | Definition
- sworn officer | Definition
- System | Definition
- System-Induced Criminalization | Definition
- System-Level Change | Definition
- systemic biases | Definition
- Systemic Challenges | Definition
- systemic factors (correction) | Definition
- Systemic Inequalities | Definition
- Systemic Operations | Definition
- systemic racism | Definition
- Systemic Reforms | Definition
- Tailored Assessments | Definition
- Tailored Interventions | Definition
- Tamper Alerts | Definition
- team policing | Definition
- technical violation | Definition
- Technological Dependency | Definition
- teen court | Definition
- Teleconferencing | Definition
- Telehealth | Definition
- Tennessee v. Garner (1985) | Definition
- terrorism | Definition
- Terry v. Ohio (1968) | Definition
- Testimonial Evidence | Definition
- testimony | Definition
- The Republic | Definition
- theft | Definition
- theory | Definition
- therapeutic communities | Definition
- Therapeutic Court Models | Definition
- Three Branches of Government | Definition
- three strikes laws | Definition
- Time-series Analyses | Definition
- tithing | Definition
- tithingman | Definition
- tort | Definition
- total institutions | Definition
- town hall meeting | Definition
- traffic control | Definition
- Traffic Court | Definition
- traffic unit | Definition
- training school | Definition
- Transcript | Definition
- transfer to adult court | Definition
- transformative justice | Definition
- transitional housing | Definition
- transitional justice | Definition
- transnational crime | Definition
- transparency | Definition
- Transportation Security Administration (TSA) | Definition
- Trauma Exposure | Definition
- trauma-informed approaches | Definition
- trauma-informed care | Definition
- Trauma-informed Lawyering | Definition
- Trauma-informed Teaching | Definition
- Trauma-related Disorders | Definition
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) | Definition
- treason | Definition
- Treatment Fidelity | Definition
- treatment plan | Definition
- trespass | Definition
- Trial | Definition
- trial by jury | Definition
- trial by jury | Definition
- Trial Court | Definition
- trial de novo | Definition
- trial judge | Definition
- tribal police | Definition
- truancy | Definition
- Truancy Prevention | Definition
- Truth in Sentencing | Definition
- Turf Wars | Definition
- Turner v. Safley (1987) | Definition
- U. S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division | Definition
- U.S. Attorney General | Definition
- U.S. Attorneys | Definition
- U.S. Census Bureau | Definition
- U.S. Circuit Courts | Definition
- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) | Definition
- U.S. Courts of Appeal | Definition
- U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) | Definition
- U.S. Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Program | Definition
- U.S. Department of Justice Criminal Division | Definition
- U.S. District Courts | Definition
- U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) | Definition
- U.S. Marshals Service | Definition
- U.S. Parole Commission | Definition
- U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC) | Definition
- U.S. Supreme Court | Definition
- U.S. v. Leon (1984) | Definition
- U.S. v. Salerno (1987) | Definition
- unbiased | Definition
- unconditional release | Definition
- unconstitutional | Definition
- Unconstitutional | Definition
- under color of law | Definition
- underlying causes | Definition
- undisciplined child | Definition
- Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) | Definition
- United States Coast Guard (USCG) | Definition
- United States Code | Definition
- United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP) | Definition
- United States Secret Service (USSS) | Definition
- United States v. Drayton (2002) | Definition
- United States v. Leon (1984) | Definition
- unlawful assembly | Definition
- uphold | Definition
- Upjohn Co. v. United States (1981) | Definition
- urban psychosis | Definition
- USA PATRIOT Act of 2001| Definition
- use of force | Definition
- utilitarian perspectives | Definition
- Utilitarianism | Definition
- vagrancy | Definition
- vandalism | Definition
- Venue | Definition
- Verdict | Definition
- vicarious liability | Definition
- vice | Definition
- victim | Definition
- victim assistance program | Definition
- victim impact statement | Definition
- Victim Precipitation Theory | Definition
- victim safety | Definition
- victim-blaming | Definition
- Victim-offender Mediation | Definition
- Victimless Crime | Definition
- victimology | Definition
- vigilantism | Definition
- Violation | Definition
- violator | Definition
- Violence Against Women Act | Definition
- violence prevention | Definition
- violent crime | Definition
- virtual educational programs | Definition
- Virtual Reality (VR) | Definition
- visible crime | Definition
- Vocational Trainer | Definition
- vocational training | Definition
- void for vagueness | Definition
- Voir Dire | Definition
- voluntary intoxication | Definition
- voluntary sentencing guidelines | Definition
- vulnerability to harm | Definition
- waiver | Definition
- Walnut Street Jail | Definition
- War on Drugs | Definition
- warden | Definition
- Warden v. Hayden (1967) | Definition
- warehousing | Definition
- Warrant | Definition
- Warren Court | Definition
- watch and ward | Definition
- Watchman Style | Definition
- weapons offense | Definition
- Weeks v. United States (1914) | Definition
- Weems v. United States (1910) | Definition
- Welfare Model | Definition
- Wharton Rule | Definition
- white-collar crime | Definition
- Wickersham Commission | Definition
- wilderness camp | Definition
- Wilkerson v. Utah (1878) | Definition
- Wilkinson v. Austin (2005) | Definition
- Williams v. Florida (1970) | Definition
- Wilson v. Layne (1999) | Definition
- Wilson v. Seiter (1991) | Definition
- Witness | Definition
- Wolf v. Colorado (1949) | Definition
- Wolff v. McDonnell (1974) | Definition
- Wolff v. McDonnell (1974) | Definition
- women’s prison | Definition
- work release program | Definition
- work-release centers | Definition
- workhouse | Definition
- workplace victimization | Definition
- Writ | Definition
- Writ of Certiorari | Definition
- Youth Advocate | Definition
- Youth Development | Definition
- Youth Service Bureaus | Definition
- youthful offender | Definition
- Zebulon Brockway | Definition
- zero-tolerance policies | Definition
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: A – B
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: D
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: G – H – I
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: T – U
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: C
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: E – F
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: J – K – L
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: M – N – O
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: P
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: Q – R
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: S
- Doc’s CJ Glossary: V-W-X-Y-Z
- Doc’s Research Glossary & FAQ
- A-B-A-B design | Definition
- absolute zero | Definition
- Action Research Studies | Definition
- Adjusted Goodness of Fit (AGFI) | Definition
- alpha level | Definition
- alternative hypothesis | Definition
- Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) | Definition
- annotated bibliography | Definition
- anonymity | Definition
- ANOVA Summary Table | Definition
- APA Style | Definition
- applied research | Definition
- archival data | Definition
- assumptions | Definition
- attribute | Definition
- audience | Definition
- authority | Definition
- average | Definition
- bell curve | Definition
- Benefits of Using an Experimental Research Design
- bias | Definition
- bimodal distribution | Definition
- binary | Definition
- bivariate | Definition
- bracketing | Definition
- case study | Definition
- causal relationship | Definition
- causal-comparative research | Definition
- cell | Definition
- census | Definition
- Chi-square test | Definition
- citation | Definition
- clichés | Definition
- Clinical significance | Definition
- closed-ended questions | Definition
- cluster sampling | Definition
- coefficient of determination | Definition
- column | Definition
- common knowledge | Definition
- Comparative Fit Indices | Definition
- conceptual definition | Definition
- confidence interval | Definition
- confidentiality | Definition
- confounding variable | Definition
- constant | Definition
- construct | Definition
- construct validity | Definition
- continuity (scientific writing) | Definition
- continuous variable | Definition
- control group | Definition
- control variable | Definition
- convenience sampling | Definition
- correlation | Definition
- correlation coefficient | Definition
- correlational method | Definition
- covariance | Definition
- covariate | Definition
- criterion variable | Definition
- cross tabulation | Definition
- cross-sectional design | Definition
- cumulative percent | Definition
- data | Definition
- Data Analysis ToolPak | Definition
- deductive research | Definition
- dependent groups | Definition
- dependent variable | Definition
- descriptive research | Definition
- descriptive statistics | Definition
- direct effects | Definition
- direct relationship | Definition
- direction | Definition
- directional hypothesis | Definition
- discrete | Definition
- dispersion | Definition
- distribution | Definition
- double headed arrow | Definition
- dummy code | Definition
- effect size | Definition
- eigenvalue | Definition
- empirical | Definition
- empirical research | Definition
- empirical research report | Definition
- environmental variable | Definition
- equal probability of selection | Definition
- error terms | Definition
- ethnographic studies | Definition
- euphemisms | Definition
- ex post facto research | Definition
- Example of Experimental Research Design
- Excel | Definition
- exhaustive variables | Definition
- exogenous variable | Definition
- expected frequency | Definition
- experimental group | Definition
- experimental research | Definition
- Experimental Research: A Quantitative Research Method
- experimenter effects | Definition
- exploratory studies | Definition
- Exploring Experimental Research Design
- external validity | Definition
- extraneous variables | Definition
- F statistic | Definition
- face-to-face questionnaire | Definition
- factor analysis | Definition
- factor loading | Definition
- factor score | Definition
- fit indices | Definition
- focus group | Definition
- formal style | Definition
- frequency | Definition
- function | Definition
- funneling questions | Definition
- Funneling Questions in Surveys | Definition
- Gap in the Literature | Definition
- gap in the literature | Definition
- Gaussian Distribution | Definition
- Gaussian distribution | Definition
- general linear model (GLM) | Definition
- General Linear Model (GLM) | Definition
- Generalization | Definition
- Generalization | Definition
- Goodness of Fit | Definition
- goodness of fit | Definition
- Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) | Definition
- grounded theory studies | Definition
- group questionnaire | Definition
- grouping variable | Definition
- Hawthorne Effect | Definition
- Heterogeneous | Definition
- Higher-order Factor | Definition
- historical studies | Definition
- History | Definition
- Holistic | Definition
- Homogeneous | Definition
- Homoscedasticity | Definition
- Hypothesis | Definition
- idiom | Definition
- Independent | Definition
- independent group | Definition
- independent model | Definition
- independent variable (IV) | Definition
- indicator variables | Definition
- Indirect Effect | Definition
- inductive research | Definition
- Inference | Definition
- inferential statistics | Definition
- informal observations | Definition
- informed consent | Definition
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) | Definition
- Instrumentation | Definition
- Intensifiers | Definition
- interaction effects | Definition
- intercept | Definition
- internal validity | Definition
- Interquartile Range (IQR) | Definition
- interval estimate | Definition
- interval scale | Definition
- interview | Definition
- introductory words | Definition
- inverse relationship | Definition
- Jargon | Definition
- Justification | Definition
- Kurtosis | Definition
- Label | Definition
- latent construct | Definition
- latent variables | Definition
- level of a variable | Definition
- Likert scale | Definition
- line graph | Definition
- linear relationship | Definition
- Literature Review | Definition
- lived experiences | Definition
- logistic regression | Definition
- longitudinal design | Definition
- magnitude estimation scales | Definition
- mailed questionnaire | Definition
- main effect | Definition
- margin of error | Definition
- Matching | Definition
- matrix | Definition
- Maturation | Definition
- mean | Definition
- mean differences | Definition
- measurement model | Definition
- measurement quality | Definition
- measures of central tendency | Definition
- measures of variability | Definition
- median | Definition
- Mesokurtic | Definition
- methodological articles | Definition
- Mode | Definition
- model | Definition
- model specification errors | Definition
- mortality | Definition
- Mu | Definition
- multiple comparison tests | Definition
- multiple correlation | Definition
- Multiple Regression Analysis | Definition
- multiple treatment interference | Definition
- mutually exclusive | Definition
- n | Definition
- narrative data | Definition
- naturalistic observation | Definition
- needs assessments | Definition
- negative correlation | Definition
- negative relationship | Definition
- negative skew | Definition
- News or Opinion Articles | Definition
- Nominal | Definition
- non-recursive models | Definition
- nondirectional hypothesis | Definition
- Nonequivalent Control Group Design | Definition
- nonexperimental study | Definition
- nonparametric tests | Definition
- nonprobability sampling | Definition
- nonresponse bias | Definition
- nonspecific references | Definition
- Normal Curve | Definition
- Normed Fit Index (NFI) | Definition
- Null Hypothesis | Definition
- Objectivity | Definition
- observational study | Definition
- Observed Frequency | Definition
- Observed Variables | Definition
- odds ratio | Definition
- omit needless words | Definition
- one-group pretest-posttest design | Definition
- one-shot case study | Definition
- one-tailed test | Definition
- One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) | Definition
- open-ended questions | Definition
- operational definition | Definition
- Operationalization | Definition
- Ordinal | Definition
- ordinal logistic regression | Definition
- outcome evaluation | Definition
- outlier | Definition
- overgeneralizations | Definition
- p | Definition
- p-value | Definition
- paired data | Definition
- parameter | Definition
- parametric | Definition
- paraphrasing | Definition
- parenthetical citation | Definition
- Parsimony | Definition
- Parsimony Goodness-of-Fit Index (PGFI) | Definition
- partial regression coefficients | Definition
- participant observation | Definition
- passive voice | Definition
- path coefficients | Definition
- path diagram | Definition
- Pearson’s r | Definition
- peer review | Definition
- Percentage | Definition
- percentile rank | Definition
- perfect correlation | Definition
- phenomenological studies | Definition
- phenomenon | Definition
- physical artifacts | Definition
- placebo | Definition
- plagiarism | Definition
- platykurtic | Definition
- point estimate | Definition
- popular articles | Definition
- Population | Definition
- population correlation coefficient | Definition
- positive correlation | Definition
- positive relationship | Definition
- positive skew | Definition
- post hoc test | Definition
- posttest | Definition
- posttest-only control group design | Definition
- power | Definition
- pre-experimental design | Definition
- predictor variable | Definition
- pretest | Definition
- pretest-posttest control group design | Definition
- primary sources | Definition
- Probabilistic | Definition
- probability sampling | Definition
- process evaluation | Definition
- program evaluation | Definition
- proportion | Definition
- qualitative research | Definition
- quantitative research | Definition
- quasi-experimental design | Definition
- questionnaire | Definition
- quota sampling | Definition
- quotation | Definition
- r | Definition
- R | Definition
- r-squared | Definition
- random assignment | Definition
- random selection | Definition
- range | Definition
- ranking scales | Definition
- rate | Definition
- rating scales | Definition
- ratio | Definition
- raw score | Definition
- readability | Definition
- recursive models | Definition
- redundancy | Definition
- regression | Definition
- regression coefficients | Definition
- regression equation | Definition
- regression line | Definition
- regression to the mean | Definition
- reliability | Definition
- reliability coefficients | Definition
- research design | Definition
- research hypothesis | Definition
- research objective | Definition
- research purpose | Definition
- response rate | Definition
- response set bias | Definition
- review articles | Definition
- right to service | Definition
- Risk of Harm | Definition
- rotation | Definition
- row | Definition
- sample | Definition
- statistics | Definition
- true experimental design | Definition
- Tukey Test | Definition
- Types of Experimental Research Designs
- Ethics
- Fixing American Policing
- Chapter 1: Is Policing Broken?
- Chapter 10: Principles
- Chapter 11: Policy Prescriptions
- Chapter 2: Towards a Better Way
- Chapter 3: Community Partnerships
- Chapter 4: Problem Solving
- Chapter 5: Procedural Fairness
- Chapter 6: Proscribed Scope
- Chapter 7: Protection
- Chapter 8: Professionalism
- Chapter 9: Purpose
- Preface
- Fundamental Cases in Criminal Justice
- Atkins v. Virginia (2002) 536 U.S. 304
- Barron v. Baltimore (1833) 32 U.S. 243
- Batson v. Kentucky (1986) 476 U.S. 79
- Blackledge v. Allison (1977) 431 U.S. 63
- Blakely v. Washington (2004) 542 U.S. 296
- Bordenkircher v. Hayes (1978) 434 U.S. 357
- Boykin v. Alabama (1969) 395 U.S. 238
- Breed v. Jones (1975) 421 U.S. 519
- Caroll v. United States (1925) 267 U.S. 132
- Chimel v. California (1969) 395 U.S. 752
- District Attorney’s Office v. Osborne (2009) 557 U.S. 52
- Furman v. Georgia (1972) 408 U.S. 238
- Gagnon v. Scarpelli (1973) 411 U.S. 778
- Gideon v. Wainwright (1963) 372 U.S. 335
- Gregg v. Georgia (1976) 428 U.S. 153
- Hudson v. Palmer (1984) 468 U.S. 517
- In Re Gault (1967) 387 U.S. 1
- In Re Winship (1970) 397 U.S. 358
- Mapp v. Ohio (1961) 367 U.S. 643
- Maryland v. Wilson (1997) 519 U.S. 408
- McCleskey v. Kemp (1987) 481 U.S. 279
- McKeiver v. Pennsylvania (1971) 403 U.S. 528
- Mempa v. Rhay (1967) 389 U.S. 128
- Miranda v. Arizona (1966) 384 U.S. 436
- Monell v. Department of Social Services (1978) 436 U.S. 658
- Morrissey v. Brewer (1972) 408 U.S. 471
- New York v. Quarles (1984) 467 U.S. 649
- Nix v. Williams (1984) 467 U.S. 431
- North Carolina v. Alford (1970) 400 U.S. 25
- Powell v. Alabama (1932) 287 U.S. 45
- Ricketts v. Adamson (1987) 483 U.S. 1
- Santobello v. New York (1971) 404 U.S. 257
- Schall v. Martin (1984) 467 U.S. 253
- Tennessee v. Garner (1985) 471 U.S. 1
- Terry v. Ohio (1968) 392 U.S. 1
- United States v. Drayton (2002) 536 U.S. 194
- United States v. Leon (1984) 468 U.S. 897
- United States v. Salerno (1987) 481 U.S. 739
- Warden v. Hayden (1967) 387 U.S. 294
- Weeks v. United States (1914) 232 U.S. 383
- Williams v. Florida (1970) 399 U.S. 78
- Wolf v. McDonnell (1974) 418 U.S. 539
- Guardian Ethics: Bushido for Law Enforcement
- Writing in Criminal Justice
- District Attorney’s Office v. Osborne (2009) 557 U.S. 52
- Food
- Recipe: Pasta Salad
- Recipe: Banana Nut Bread (cake)
- Recipe: Barbeque Baked Beans
- Recipe: Buttermilk Pie
- Recipe: Cajun Seasoning
- Recipe: Cheese and Sausage Balls
- Recipe: Chocolate Cake
- Recipe: Chocolate Ganache
- Recipe: Crab Cakes
- Recipe: Crawfish Étouffée
- Recipe: Dirty Rice
- Recipe: Doc’s Jerky Sticks
- Recipe: Doc’s Pork Rub
- Recipe: Doc’s Sweet Southern BBQ Sauce
- Recipe: Easy French Bread
- Recipe: Easy Pancakes
- Recipe: Grandma Cathy’s Chocolate Pie
- Recipe: Grandma Cathy’s No Bake Fruitcake
- Recipe: Gumbo
- Recipe: Human Puppy Chow
- Recipe: Indian Curry Powder
- Recipe: Millionaire Pie
- Recipe: Pumpkin Bread (cake)
- Recipe: Purple Pickled Eggs
- Recipe: Slim Jim Clone Jerky Sticks
- Recipe: Smothered Cabbage
- Recipe: Southern Chicken Pot Pie
- Recipe: Spicy Meatloaf
- Recipe: Standard Jerky Marinade
- Recipe: Super Easy Fudge
- Recipe: Sweet and Savory Meatball Sauce
- Recipe: Turnip Green Soup
- Review: LEM 10-tray Dehydrator
- Review: VacMaster VP215 Chamber Vacuum Sealer
- Food
- Doc’s Brewing Glossary
- A Brief History of Pale Ale
- ABV (Alcohol By Volume)
- Acetic Acid Bacteria | Definition
- Acidity | Definition
- Adhumulone
- adjunct
- Adjunct Aromas | Definition
- Aeration
- Ale
- Ales
- alpha acid percentage
- Alpha Acids
- Altbier
- Amarillo Hops
- Amber Ales
- American Amber Ales
- American Hops
- American Lager
- American Light Lager
- American Pale Ales
- American Wheat Beer
- Appearance | Definition
- Aroma | Definition
- Australian & New Zealand Hops
- Australian and New Zealand Pale Ales
- Australian Sparkling Ale
- Baltic Porter
- Barley
- Base Beer Style | Definition
- Basic Brewing Terms
- Beer | Definition
- Beer Styles & Recipes
- Belgian-Style Ales
- Best Bitter
- Bitterness
- Bocks
- Body | Definition
- Boiling | Definition
- brew kettle | Definition
- Brewhouse Efficiency | Definition
- Brewing | Definition
- Brewing Ingredients
- Brewing Pale Ales
- Brewing Processes & Techniques
- British Brown Ale
- British Golden Ale
- Brix | Definition
- Brown Ales
- Carbonation | Definition
- carboy | Definition
- Cascade Hops
- Centennial Hops
- Chinook Hops
- Cider
- Citra Hops
- Clarity | Definition
- cold break | Definition
- Color | Definition
- Conditioning | Definition
- Contamination | Definition
- Conversion Efficiency | Definition
- Craft Beer Movement | Definition
- craft brewery | Definition
- Cream Ale
- Cream Ales
- Czech Amber Lager
- Czech Dark Lager
- Czech Pale Lager
- Czech Premium Pale Lager
- Dark Lagers
- Dark Mild
- decoction | Definition
- Diacetyl | Definition
- Doppelbock
- Double and Triple IPAs
- dry hopping | Definition
- Dunkel | Definition
- Dunkles Bock
- Dunkles Weissbier
- Eisbock
- English Amber Ales
- English Hops
- English India Pale Ale (IPA)
- English Pale Ales
- English Porter
- enzyme | Definition
- Esters | Definition
- European Brewery Convention (EBC) | Definition
- Extract | Definition
- Fermentable Sugars | Definition
- Fermentation | Definition
- Fermenting | Definition
- Festbier
- Filtration | Definition
- Final gravity (FG) | Definition
- Fining | Definition
- Flavor | Definition
- Foam | Definition
- German Helles Exportbier
- German Leichtbier
- German Pils
- German/Czech/Continental Hops
- Gose | Definition
- grain bill | Definition
- Grist | Definition
- growler | Definition
- Head Formation | Definition
- Head Retention | Definition
- Hefeweizen | Definition
- Helles Bock
- HERMS | Definition
- Homebrewing | Definition
- Hop Aromas | Definition
- Hops | Definition
- Hops: The Spice of Beer
- hot break | Definition
- Hybrid Beers: The Renegades of the Beer World
- hydrometer | Definition
- IBU (International Bitterness Units) | Definition
- Imperial | Definition
- India Pale Ales (IPAs)
- infusion mashing | Definition
- Ingredient Quality | Definition
- Initial Impression | Definition
- International Amber Lager
- International Dark Lager
- International Pale Lager
- Irish Extra Stout
- Irish Red Ale
- Irish Stout
- Isinglass | Definition
- Jacob’s Ladder | Definition
- Jockey Box | Definition
- jug yeast | Definition
- Juicy | Definition
- Kettle | Definition
- Kit | Definition
- Kölsch
- Kölsch | Definition
- Krausen | Definition
- Kveik Yeastery K.1 Voss
- Kveik Yeastery K.14 Eitrheim
- Kveik Yeastery K.22 Stalljen
- Kveik Yeastery K.9 Ebbegarden
- Lacing | Definition
- Lactic Acid Bacteria | Definition
- Lactose | Definition
- Lager | Definition
- lagers
- LalBrew® Belle Saison
- Lauter Tun | Definition
- Lautering | Definition
- Lautering Efficiency | Definition
- light exposure | Definition
- Malt | Definition
- Malt Aromas | Definition
- Malting | Definition
- Märzen
- Mash Efficiency | Definition
- Mash Temperatures | Definition
- Mash Tun | Definition
- Mashing | Definition
- Mead
- Mead & Cider: Journey into Ancient Brews
- Mead | Definition
- Mosaic Hops
- Mouthfeel | Definition
- Munich Dunkel
- Munich Helles
- New England IPAs
- Ninkasi | Definition
- Nitrogen | Definition
- Noble Hops | Definition
- Nut Brown Ale | Definition
- Oast House | Definition
- Oatmeal Stout
- Off-Flavors | Definition
- Ordinary Bitter
- Original Gravity (OG) | Definition
- Other Amber Ales
- Other Styles: The Misfits, Mavericks, and Mad Scientists
- Overall Balance | Definition
- Oxidation | Definition
- Oxygen Exposure | Definition
- Packaging | Definition
- Pale Ale Profile
- Pale Ales
- Pale Lagers
- Pasteurization | Definition
- Perry
- Pilsner | Definition
- Pilsners
- Popular Dry Yeast Strains
- Popular Liquid Yeast Strains
- Porter | Definition
- Porters & Stouts
- Priming Sugar | Definition
- Quaffable | Definition
- Quality Control | Definition
- Quality Indicators | Definition
- Quenching | Definition
- Quick Beer | Definition
- Racking | Definition
- Rauchbier
- Recirculating Infusion Mash | Definition
- Red Ales
- Reinheitsgebot | Definition
- Residual Sugar | Definition
- Sanitation | Definition
- Schwarzbier
- Scottish Export
- Scottish Heavy
- Scottish Light
- Sensory Experience | Definition
- Session IPAs
- Session Pale Ales
- Shelf Life of Beer | Definition
- Simcoe Hops
- Sour Beers
- Sparging | Definition
- Specialty Beers
- Specialty IPAs
- Specialty Pale Ales
- Spoilage | Definition
- Strong Bitter
- Sweet Stout
- Sweetness | Definition
- Texture | Definition
- Tropical Stout
- Umami | Definition
- Vienna Lager
- Weissbier
- Weizenbock
- West Coast IPAs
- Wild & Mixed Fermentation Beers
- Yeast
- Yeast | Definition
- Yeast Aromas | Definition
- Doc’s Things and Stuff
- Fat and Sick
- Fiction
- Archetypes
- Beginnings
- Characters
- Conclusion
- Conflict and Relationships
- Crafting Compelling Villains: Exploring the Dark Triad of Personality
- Description
- Dialogue
- Diversity In Fiction
- Drafting & Editing
- Dynamic Character Arcs
- Emotion
- Emotional Intelligence
- Fantasy Mindscape
- Fantasy Writer’s Guide to Using Personality Traits
- Fiction Concepts
- Group Dynamics Hierarchies
- Magic Systems
- Memory and Perception
- Moral Ambiguity
- Multidimensional Characters
- Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
- Nature vs. Nurture
- Personality Traits and Behavior
- Plot
- Psychology and Writing Advice
- Publishing (Traditional)
- Romance & Relationships
- Scenes
- Scenes: Arguments
- Scenes: Death
- Scenes: Fights
- Scenes: Sex
- Self Publishing
- Short Fiction
- Social Dynamics and Groups
- Swords, Horses, and Such
- Tension and Catharsis
- The Art of Writing Consistently
- The Business of Writing
- The Dark Triad: Crafting Complex Antagonists
- The DSM for Fantasy Writers
- The Psychology of Magic
- The Psychology of Villainy
- The Synergy of Character, Plot, and Setting
- Theories of Crime and Deviance
- Tools of the Trade
- Trauma and Character
- Tropes
- Understanding Personality Traits
- Viewpoint [POV]
- What Not to Do
- What Readers Hate
- Wordcraft
- Worldbuilding
- Finance Stuff
- Fundamentals of Personal Finance
- Personal Finance (Sec. 6.3)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 6.4)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 6.5)
- Section 1.2: Your Career
- Section 1.3: Thinking About Money
- Section 1.4: Love and Money
- Section 1.5: Planning for the Future
- Personal Finance (Sec. 2.4)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 2.5)
- Section 2: Big Ticket Items
- Section 2.1: Houses
- Section 2.2: Vehicles
- Section 2.3: College
- Personal Finance (Sec. 3.1)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 3.2)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 3.3)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 3.4)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 3.5)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 3)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 4.1)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 4.2)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 4.3)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 4.4)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 4.5)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 4)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 5.1)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 5.2)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 5.3)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 5.4)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 5.5)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 5)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 6.1)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 6.2)
- Personal Finance (Sec. 6)
- Market Investing
- Market Investing | Preface
- Section 1
- Beyond Cash
- Cash
- Conclusions (1)
- How Am I Doing?
- I Cannot Do This!
- Investing Basics – Conclusions
- Market Investing | Our Goals
- Section 1.1
- Section 1.2
- Section 1.3
- Section 1.4
- Section 1.5
- Bond Mutual Funds and ETFs
- Common Features
- Conclusions (1.5)
- Developing a Trading Strategy
- Eaters of Profit
- Finding Information on a Fund
- How Do I Make Money?
- Managed versus Index Funds
- Pitfalls to Avoid
- Risk v. Reward
- Stock Mutual Funds and ETFs
- Things to Consider
- Types of Investment Strategies
- Types of Mutual Funds and ETFs
- Some Big Ideas
- The Magic of Compounding
- Types of Investments
- Section 2
- Section 3
- Section 4
- Section 5
- Section 6
- Section 6.1
- Section 6.2
- Section 6.3
- Section 6.4
- 120 Minus Your Age Strategy
- Catching Up on Retirement Savings
- Company Loyalty
- Investment Costs are Negligible
- My Home is My Most Significant Investment
- The 4% Rule
- The Life Insurance Rule
- There Are Signs
- Why You Can’t Beat the Market
- X Goes Up When Y Goes Down
- You Must Be Rich to Invest
- Your Friendly Financial Advisor
- Section 6.5
- Your Financial Bookshelf
- Fundamentals of Personal Finance
- Fixing Policing
- Chapter 1: Is Policing Broken?
- Chapter 10: Principles
- Chapter 11: Policy Prescriptions
- Chapter 2: Towards a Better Way
- Chapter 3: Community Partnerships
- Chapter 4: Problem Solving
- Chapter 5: Procedural Fairness
- Chapter 6: Proscribed Scope
- Chapter 7: Protection
- Chapter 8: Professionalism
- Chapter 9: Purpose
- 4th Amendment Cases
- Section 1 | Fourth Amendment Cases
- Advisory Opinions
- Analyzing Court Cases
- Appellate Outcomes
- Appellate Process
- Case Law
- Case Treatment
- Constitutions
- Doctrine of Precedent
- Effects of Judicial Decisions
- Federal Supremacy
- Federal v. State
- Holding v. Dictum
- Jurisdiction
- Mandatory Authority
- Overview of the Appeals Process
- Sources of the Law
- Stare Decisis
- The Appellate Role
- The Interplay between Sources
- Writ of Habeas Corpus
- Section 2 | Fourth Amendment Cases
- Atwater v. City of Lago Vista, 532 U.S. 318 (2001)
- California v. Hodari D., 499 U.S. 621 (1991)
- Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969)
- Draper v. United States, 358 U.S. 307 (1959)
- Florida v. Bostick, 501 U.S. 429 (1991)
- Florida v. J.L., 529 U.S. 266 (2000)
- Florida v. Royer, 460 U.S. 491 (1983)
- Illinois v. Wardlow, 528 U.S. 119 (2000)
- Standards of Evidence
- United States v. Arvizu, 534 U.S. 266 (2002)
- United States v. Chadwick, 433 U.S. 1 (1977)
- United States v. Place, 462 U.S. 696 (1983)
- Section 3 | Search Warrants
- Chambers v. Maroney, 39 U.S. 42 (1970)
- Chimel v. California, 395 U.S. 752 (1969)
- Cupp v. Murphy, 412 U.S. 291 (1979)
- Go-Bart Importing Co. v. United States, 282 U.S. 344 (1931)
- Horton v. California, 496 U.S. 128 (1990)
- Katz v. the United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967)
- Marron v. United States, 275 U.S. 192 (1927)
- Schmerber v. California, 384 U.S. 757 (1966)
- United States v. Edwards, 415 U.S. 800 (1974)
- United States v. Leon, 468 U.S. 897 (1984)
- Warden v. Hayden, 387 U.S. 294 (1967)
- Wilson v. Arkansas, 515 U.S. 927 (1995)
- Ybarra v. Illinois, 444 U.S. 85 (1979)
- Section 4 | Investigations
- Abel v. United States, 362 U.S. 217 (1960)
- California v. Acevedo, 500 U.S. 565 (1991)
- Kyllo v. United States, 533 U.S. 27 (2001)
- New York v. Belton, 453 U.S. 454 (1981)
- United States v. Jacobsen, 466 U.S. 109 (1984)
- United States v. Ross, 456 U.S. 798 (1982)
- United States v. White, 401 U.S. 745 (1971)
- Section 1 | Fourth Amendment Cases
- Advanced Statistics
- Advanced Statistics | Section 1.1
- Advanced Statistics | Section 1.2
- Advanced Statistics | Section 1.3
- Advanced Statistics | Section 1.4
- Advanced Statistics | Section 1.5
- Advanced Statistics | Section 2
- Advanced Statistics | Section 2.1
- Advanced Statistics | Section 2.2
- Advanced Statistics | Section 2.3
- Advanced Statistics | Section 2.4
- Advanced Statistics | Section 2.5
- Advanced Statistics | Section 3
- Advanced Statistics | Section 3.1
- Advanced Statistics | Section 3.2
- Advanced Statistics | Content
- Blackboard Ultra Quick Guides
- Comparative CJ
- Section 1: Comparative Criminal Justice
- Section 1: Comparative Criminal Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: The Value of Comparative Studies
- Section 1.1: The Value of Comparative Studies [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Overview of the American System
- Section 1.2: Overview of the American System [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Major Aspects of Criminal Justice
- Section 1.3: Major Aspects of Criminal Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: Legal Traditions Around the World
- Section 1.4: Legal Traditions Around the World [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Methodologies for Comparative Analysis
- Section 1.5: Methodologies for Comparative Analysis [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: The United States
- Section 2: The United States [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: Defining Crime in U.S. Criminal Law
- Section 2.1: Defining Crime in U.S. Criminal Law [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: Government Structure and Criminal Justice
- Section 2.2: Government Structure and Criminal Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: Law Enforcement in the U.S.
- Section 2.3: Law Enforcement in the U.S. [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: The U.S. Court System
- Section 2.4: The U.S. Court System [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Corrections and Rehabilitation
- Section 2.5: Corrections and Rehabilitation [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Criminal Justice in The United Kingdom
- Section 3: Criminal Justice in The United Kingdom [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.1: The UK’s Legal System Overview
- Section 3.1: The UK’s Legal System Overview [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: Specification of Crimes in the UK
- Section 3.3: Policing in the UK
- Section 3.4: UK Courts and Judicial Processes
- Section 3.5: UK Corrections and Penal Policy
- Section 4: Criminal Justice in France
- Section 4.1: Overview of the French Criminal Justice System
- Section 4.2: Defining Crimes in French Law
- Section 4.3: French Law Enforcement Agencies
- Section 4.4: The French Judiciary and Trial Process
- Section 4.5: Corrections and Rehabilitation in France
- Section 5: Criminal Justice in Japan
- Section 5.1: The Japanese Criminal Justice Framework
- Section 5.2: Criminal Law in Japan
- Section 5.3: Japanese Policing Strategies
- Section 5.4: The Japanese Court System
- Section 5.5: Corrections in Japan
- Section 6: Saudi Arabia – An Islamic Law Paradigm
- Section 6.1: The Legal System Based on Sharia
- Section 6.2: Classification of Crimes under Sharia
- Section 6.3: Law Enforcement Agencies
- Section 6.4: Judicial Process and Courts
- Section 6.5: Punishments and Corrections
- Section 7: Criminal Justice in The Philippines
- Section 7.1: The Philippine Justice System
- Section 7.2: Criminal Law in The Philippines
- Section 7.3: Policing in The Philippines
- Section 7.4: The Philippine Court System
- Section 7.5: Corrections in The Philippines
- Section 8: Comparative Analysis of Global Systems
- Section 8.1: Common Law vs. Civil Law Systems
- Section 8.2: The Role of Religion and Custom in Law
- Section 8.3: Centralized vs. Decentralized Justice Systems
- Section 8.4: International Cooperation in Criminal Justice
- Section 8.5: Future Trends and Challenges
- Creating Clear Assignments
- Criminal Investigations
- Criminal Investigation
- Section 1: Introduction to Criminal Investigations
- Section 1.1: Criminal Law & Investigations
- Section 1.1: Criminal Law & Investigations [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Evidence Law & Investigations
- Section 1.2: Evidence Law & Investigations [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Preliminary Investigations
- Section 1.3: Preliminary Investigations [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: The Investigator at the Crime Scene
- Section 1.4: The Investigator at the Crime Scene [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Crime Scene Procedures
- Section 1.5: Crime Scene Procedures [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: Crime Scene Documentation
- Section 2.1: Crime Scene Photography
- Section 2.1: Crime Scene Photography
- Section 2.2: Crime Scene Sketching
- Section 2.2: Crime Scene Sketching [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: Crime Scene Note Taking
- Section 2.3: Crime Scene Note Taking
- Section 2.4: The Case File
- Section 2.4: The Case File [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Conducting Searches
- Section 2.5: Conducting Searches
- Section 3: Physical Evidence
- Section 3.1: Evidence Handling & Personal Safety
- Section 3.1: Evidence Handling and Safety
- Section 3.2: Forensic Science & The Crime Lab
- Section 3.2: The Crime Lab [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: Blood and Biological Evidence
- Section 3.3: Blood and Biological Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: DNA Evidence
- Section 3.4: DNA Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Hair Evidence
- Section 3.5: Hair Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 4: Trace Evidence
- Section 4.1: Fiber Evidence
- Section 4.1: Fiber Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Glass & Soil Evidence
- Section 4.2: Glass Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Paint Evidence
- Section 4.3: Paint Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Drug & Chemical Evidence
- Section 4.4: Drug Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Document & Voice Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Document and Voice Evidence
- Section 5: Evidence Handling
- Section 5.1: Packaging & Drying Wet Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.1: Packaging and Drying Wet Evidence
- Section 5.2: Item Specific Packaging Procedures
- Section 5.2: Item Specific Packaging Procedures [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: Packaging Trace Evidence
- Section 5.3: Packaging Trace Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Firearm & Toolmark Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Firearms and Toolmarks
- Section 5.5: Impression Evidence
- Section 5.5: Impression Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 6: Information From People
- Section 6.1: Interviews & Interrogations
- Section 6.1: Interviews and Interrogations
- Section 6.2: Eyewitness Identification
- Section 6.2: Eyewitness Identification [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Fingerprint Evidence
- Section 6.3: Fingerprint Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Surveillance
- Section 6.4: Surveillance [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Report Writing & Testimony [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Report Writing and Testimony
- Section 7: Crime-specific Investigations
- Section 7.1: Crimes Against Persons
- Section 7.1: Crimes Against Persons [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.2: Homicide [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.2: Homicide Investigations
- Section 7.3: Crimes Against Property [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.3: Property Crime Investigation
- Section 7.4: Drug Evidence [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.4: Drug Investigations
- Section 7.5: Digital Evidence
- Section 7.5: Electronic Crimes [Learning Resources]
- Criminal Law
- Contents
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 1.1
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 1.2
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 1.3
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 1.4
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 1.5
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 2.1
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 2.2
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 2.3
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 2.4
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 2.5
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 3.1
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 3.2
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 3.3
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 3.4
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 3.5
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 4.1
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 4.2
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 4.3
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 4.4
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 4.5
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 5.1
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 5.2
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 5.3
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 5.4
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 5.5
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 6.1
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 6.2
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 6.3
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 6.4
- Criminal Law | Resources | Sec. 6.5
- Section 1: The Legal Framework
- Section 1.1: The Nature of the Law
- Section 1.2: Constitutional Limits on Criminal Law
- Section 1.3: The Criminal Act
- Section 1.4: The Mental Element
- Section 1.5: Concurrence, Causation, and Harm
- Section 2: Complexities and Defenses in Criminal Liability
- Section 2.1: Complicity
- Section 2.2: Attempt and Solicitation
- Section 2.3: Conspiracy
- Section 2.4: Justification Defenses
- Section 2.5: Excuse Defenses
- Section 3: Crimes Against Persons
- Section 3.1: Criminal Homicide
- Section 3.2: Sex Offenses and Domestic Crimes
- Section 3.3: Kidnapping and False Arrest
- Section 3.4: Robbery and Related Offenses
- Section 3.5: Assault and Related Offenses
- Section 4
- Section 4: Special Victims and Dangerous Crimes
- Section 4.1: Crimes against Children
- Section 4.2
- Section 4.2: Domestic Violence
- Section 4.3: Extortion and Related Offenses
- Section 4.4: Burglary
- Section 4.5: Arson
- Section 5: Non-violent Offenses
- Section 5.1: Theft
- Section 5.2: Forgery and Related Offenses
- Section 5.3: Drugs and Alcohol
- Section 5.4: Crimes against Public Order
- Section 5.5: Crimes Against Judicial Process
- Section 6: Crimes of the Modern Era
- Section 6.1: Traffic Offenses
- Section 6.2
- Section 6.3: Computer Crime
- Section 6.4: Crimes against Morals
- Section 6.5: White-collar crime
- Criminology
- Criminology | Contents
- Criminology | Section 1
- OER TOC | Contents
- Section 2: Western Political Philosophy
- Section 1: What is Theory? – Learning Resources
- Section 1.1: Criminological Theories
- Section 1.1: Thinking about Theory – Learning Resources
- Section 1.2: The Mythology of Criminal Justice
- Section 1.2: The Mythology of Criminal Justice – Learning Resources
- Section 1.3: Criminology and Science
- Section 1.3: Criminology and Science – Learning Resources
- Section 1.4: What Makes a Good Theory? – Learning Resources
- Section 1.4: What Makes a Good Theory?
- Section 1.5: Classification of Theories – Learning Resources
- Section 1.5: Theories and Crime Typologies
- Section 2: Western Political Philosophy – Learning Resources
- Section 2.1: The Natural Law
- Section 2.1: The Natural Law – Learning Resources
- Section 2.2: The Greeks and Romans
- Section 2.2: The Greeks and Romans – Learning Resources
- Section 2.3: Natural Law and Christianity
- Section 2.3: Natural Law and Christianity – Learning Resources
- Section 2.4: Hobbes versus Locke
- Section 2.4: Hobbes versus Locke – Learning Resources
- Section 2.5: The Decline of Natural Law
- Section 2.5: The Decline of Natural Law – Learning Resources
- Section 3: Classical Criminology – Learning Resources
- SECTION 3: Classical Criminology
- Section 3.1: The Nasty, Brutish, and Short Era
- Section 3.1: The Nasty, Brutish, and Short Era – Learning Resources
- Section 3.2: Justice Reform Movements
- Section 3.2: Justice Reform Movements – Learning Resources
- Section 3.3: Bentham and the Utilitarians
- Section 3.3: Bentham and the Utilitarians – Learning Resources
- Section 3.4: Modern Deterrence Theory
- Section 3.4: Modern Deterrence Theory – Learning Resources
- Section 3.5: Rational Choice Theory
- Section 3.5: Rational Choice Theory – Learning Resources
- Section 4: Biological Theories of Crime
- Section 4: Biological Theories of Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 4.1: The Positivists
- Section 4.1: The Positivists – Learning Resources
- Section 4.2: Hormones and Criminal Tendencies
- Section 4.2: Hormones and Criminal Tendencies – Learning Resources
- Section 4.3: Intelligence and Crime
- Section 4.3: Intelligence and Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 4.4: Genetics and Crime
- Section 4.4: Genetics and Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 4.5: Brain Physiology and Crime
- Section 4.5: Brain Physiology and Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 5: Psychological Theories of Crime
- Section 5: Psychological Theories of Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 5.1: Psychoanalytic Theory
- Section 5.1: Psychoanalytic Theory – Learning Resources
- Section 5.2: Personality Theory
- Section 5.2: Personality Theory – Learning Resources
- Section 5.3: Cognitive Theory
- Section 5.3: Cognitive Theory – Learning Resources
- Section 5.4: Psychopathology and Crime
- Section 5.4: Psychopathology and Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 5.5: Substance Abuse and Crime
- Section 5.5: Substance Abuse and Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 6: Sociological Theories of Crime
- Section 6: Sociological Theories of Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 6.1: Labeling Theory
- Section 6.1: Labeling Theory – Learning Resources
- Section 6.2: Anomie and Strain Theories
- Section 6.2: Anomie and Strain Theories – Learning Resources
- Section 6.3: Social Learning Theories
- Section 6.3: Social Learning Theories – Learning Resources
- Section 6.4: Social Disorganization Theories
- Section 6.4: Social Disorganization Theories – Learning Resources
- Section 6.5: Integrated Theories
- Section 6.5: Integrated Theories – Learning Resources
- Section 7: Crime Science
- Section 7: Crime Science – Learning Resources
- Section 7.1: Situational Crime Prevention
- Section 7.1: Situational Crime Prevention – Learning Resources
- Section 7.2: Criminal Decision Making
- Section 7.2: Criminal Decision Making – Learning Resources
- Section 7.3: Felson’s Chemistry of Crime
- Section 7.3: Felson’s Chemistry of Crime – Learning Resources
- Section 7.4: Clarke’s Hot Products
- Section 7.4: Clarke’s Hot Products – Learning Resources
- Section 7.5: Crime and Place
- Section 7.5: Crime and Place – Learning Resources
- Section 8: Victimology
- Section 8: Victimology – Learning Resources
- Section 8.1: Introduction to Victimology
- Section 8.1: Introduction to Victimology – Learning Resources
- Section 8.2: Theories of Victimization
- Section 8.2: Theories of Victimization – Learning Resources
- Section 8.3: Types of Victims and Victimizations
- Section 8.3: Types of Victims and Victimizations – Learning Resources
- Section 8.4: The Impact of Victimization
- Section 8.4: The Impact of Victimization – Learning Resources
- Section 8.5: Responding to Victimization
- Section 8.5: Responding to Victimization – Learning Resources
- Designing Course Banners with ChatGPT’s DALL-E
- Encyclopedia of the Future
- Call for Articles
- Section 1: Framing the Future
- Section 1.1: Welcome to the Future
- Section 1.10: Futures Literacy
- Section 1.2: Thinking About Time
- Section 1.3: Exponential Growth
- Section 1.4: The S-Curve of Change
- Section 1.5: Forecasting the Future
- Section 1.6: Systems Thinking
- Section 1.7: Mental Models
- Section 1.8: Cognitive Biases
- Section 1.9: The Psychology of the Future
- Section 10: Global Challenges
- Section 10.1: A World in Crisis
- Section 10.10: Global Cooperation
- Section 10.2: Climate Change
- Section 10.3: Global Health
- Section 10.4: Inequality and Poverty
- Section 10.5: Conflict and Violence
- Section 10.6: Environmental Degradation
- Section 10.7: Food Security
- Section 10.8: Water Scarcity
- Section 10.9: Migration and Displacement
- Section 11: Mapping the Technium
- Section 11.1: The Technium
- Section 11.10: Shaping a World of Flourishing
- Section 11.2: A Brief History of Technology
- Section 11.3: The Laws of the Technium
- Section 11.4: Technological Convergence
- Section 11.5: A Symbiotic Relationship
- Section 11.6: Future of Consciousness
- Section 11.7: The Future of Creativity
- Section 11.8: The Future of Ethics
- Section 11.9: Future Trajectories
- Section 2: Artificial Intelligence
- Section 2.1: What is Artificial Intelligence?
- Section 2.10: AI Literacy
- Section 2.2: Machine Learning
- Section 2.3: Deep Learning
- Section 2.4: AI Applications Across Industries
- Section 2.5: The Future of Work
- Section 2.6: Ethical and Social Implications
- Section 2.7: AI Safety and Security
- Section 2.8: The Future of AI
- Section 2.9: AI and the Human Mind
- Section 3: Biotechnology
- Section 3.1: The Essence of Life
- Section 3.10: Biotechnology Literacy
- Section 3.2: Rewriting the Code of Life
- Section 3.3: Designing Life from Scratch
- Section 3.4: Biotechnology in Medicine
- Section 3.5: Feeding the Future
- Section 3.6: The Bioeconomy
- Section 3.7: Bioethics
- Section 3.8: The Future of Biotechnology
- Section 3.9: Biotechnology And The Environment
- Section 4: Nanotechnology
- Section 4.1: The Nanoworld
- Section 4.10: Nanotechnology Literacy
- Section 4.2: Exploring the Nanoscale
- Section 4.3: Nanomaterials
- Section 4.4: Nanotechnology in Medicine
- Section 4.5: Nanotechnology in Electronics
- Section 4.6: Nanotechnology and the Environment
- Section 4.7: Nanotechnology in Manufacturing
- Section 4.8: The Future of Nanotechnology
- Section 4.9: Ethical and Societal Implications
- Section 5: Digital Technologies
- Section 5.1: The Digital Revolution
- Section 5.10: Digital Literacy
- Section 5.2: The Internet
- Section 5.3: The World Wide Web
- Section 5.4: Social Media
- Section 5.5: Virtual and Augmented Reality
- Section 5.6: Blockchain Technology
- Section 5.7: Cybersecurity
- Section 5.8: The Metaverse
- Section 5.9: The Future of Digital Technologies
- Section 6: Physical Technologies
- Section 6.1: Shaping Our Physical Reality
- Section 6.10: Sustainability
- Section 6.2: Robotics
- Section 6.3: The Rise of Intelligent Machines
- Section 6.4: 3D Printing
- Section 6.5: Advanced Materials
- Section 6.6: Energy Technologies
- Section 6.7: Transportation Technology
- Section 6.8: Space Exploration
- Section 6.9: The Future of Technology
- Section 7: Cognitive Technologies
- Section 7.1: The Mind-Machine Interface
- Section 7.10: The Future of Society
- Section 7.2: Neurotechnology
- Section 7.3: Cognitive Enhancement
- Section 7.4: The Extended Mind
- Section 7.5: Artificial Consciousness
- Section 7.6: The Future of Learning
- Section 7.7: The Workplace
- Section 7.8: What It Means to Be Human
- Section 7.9: Ethics of Cognitive Enhancement
- Section 8: The Future of Work
- Section 8.1: Work in the Age of Transformation
- Section 8.10: Work and Well-being
- Section 8.2: The Changing Nature of Jobs
- Section 8.3: The Gig Economy
- Section 8.4: The Skills of the Future
- Section 8.5: The Future of Organizations
- Section 8.6: The Future of Leadership
- Section 8.7: The Future of Careers
- Section 8.8: Universal Basic Income
- Section 8.9: The Meaning of Work
- Section 9: The Future of Society
- Section 9.1: Envisioning Future Societies
- Section 9.10: Building a Better Future
- Section 9.2: The Future of Cities
- Section 9.3: The Future of Governance
- Section 9.4: The Future of Community
- Section 9.5: The Future of Culture
- Section 9.6: The Future of Identity
- Section 9.7: The Future of Inequality
- Section 9.8: The Future of Globalization
- Section 9.9: The Future of Conflict
- errata
- Ethics and Cultural Competence
- Section 1: Introduction
- Section 1: Introduction [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: Defining Concepts
- Section 1.1: Defining Concepts [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Historical Evolution of Ethics
- Section 1.2: Historical Evolution of Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Theoretical Frameworks of Ethics
- Section 1.3: Theoretical Frameworks of Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: Cultural Competence
- Section 1.4: Cultural Competence [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Intersections of Ethics and Culture
- Section 1.5: Intersections of Ethics and Culture [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: Ethical Decision Making
- Section 2: Ethical Decision Making [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: Overview of Ethical Decisions
- Section 2.1: Overview of Ethical Decisions [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: Bias and Reasoning in Decisions
- Section 2.2: Bias and Reasoning in Decisions [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: Analyzing Ethical Dilemmas
- Section 2.3: Analyzing Ethical Dilemmas [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: Tools for Ethical Decision-Making
- Section 2.4: Tools for Ethical Decision-Making [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Case Studies in Ethical Decisions [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: In-Depth Analysis of Ethical Decisions
- Section 3: Cultural Awareness [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity
- Section 3.1: Understanding Cultural Norms
- Section 3.1: Understanding Cultural Norms [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: Cultural Bias and Stereotypes
- Section 3.2: Cultural Bias and Stereotypes [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: Strategies for Cultural Sensitivity
- Section 3.3: Strategies for Cultural Sensitivity [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: Assessing Cultural Competence
- Section 3.4: Assessing Cultural Competence [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Exercises in Cultural Sensitivity [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Expanded Cultural Sensitivity Strategies
- Section 4: Ethics and Law
- Section 4: Ethics and Law [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.1: Legal vs. Ethical Frameworks
- Section 4.1: Legal vs. Ethical Frameworks [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Ethics in Professional Practice
- Section 4.2: Ethics in Professional Practice [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Regulatory Bodies and Ethics
- Section 4.3: Regulatory Bodies and Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Consequences of Ethical Breaches
- Section 4.4: Consequences of Ethical Breaches [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Global Ethical Standards
- Section 4.5: Global Ethical Standards [Learning Resources]
- Section 5: Ethics in the Global Context
- Section 5: Ethics in the Global Context [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.1: Globalization Challenges
- Section 5.1: Globalization Challenges [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Cross-Cultural Ethics
- Section 5.2: Cross-Cultural Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: Human Rights Issues
- Section 5.3: Human Rights Issues [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Corporate Social Responsibility
- Section 5.4: Corporate Social Responsibility [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Case Studies
- Section 5.5: Case Studies [Learning Resources]
- Section 6: Implementation and Practice
- Section 6: Implementation and Practice [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.1: Educational Strategies for Ethics
- Section 6.1: Educational Strategies for Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Creating Ethical Cultures
- Section 6.2: Creating Ethical Cultures [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Leadership Roles in Ethics
- Section 6.3: Leadership Roles in Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Monitoring and Evaluating Ethics
- Section 6.4: Monitoring and Evaluating Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Future Trends
- Section 6.5: Future Trends [Learning Resources]
- Fundamentals of Corrections
- Section 1: Introduction to Corrections
- Section 1.1: Definitions and Scope of Corrections
- Section 1.2: History of Corrections in America
- Section 1.3: Philosophical Foundations of Corrections
- Section 1.4: The Legal Framework of Corrections
- Section 1.5: Contemporary Issues and Challenges
- Section 2: The Correctional System
- Section 2.1: Federal, State, and Local Systems
- Section 2.2: Public vs. Private Corrections
- Section 2.3: Adult vs. Juvenile Corrections
- Section 2.4: Institutional vs. Community Corrections
- Section 2.5: The Role of Professionals in Corrections
- Section 3: Incarceration
- Section 3.1: Sentencing and Punishment Theories
- Section 3.2: Types of Incarceration Facilities
- Section 3.3: Conditions of Confinement
- Section 3.4: Impact on Individuals and Families
- Section 3.5: Alternatives to Incarceration
- Section 4: Probation and Parole
- Section 4.1: Supervision Practices and Conditions
- Section 4.2: Reintegration Challenges and Programs
- Section 4.3: Revocation and Reincarceration
- Section 4.4: Effectiveness of Probation and Parole
- Section 4.5: Special Issues in Probation and Parole
- Section 5: Rehabilitation and Treatment
- Section 5.1: Theories of Correctional Rehabilitation
- Section 5.2: Evidence-Based Programs and Interventions
- Section 5.3: Specific Offender Populations
- Section 5.4: Challenges and Obstacles
- Section 5.5: Measuring Effectiveness
- Section 6: Special Topics in Corrections
- Section 6.1: Women in the Correctional System
- Section 6.2: Juvenile Delinquency and Corrections
- Section 6.3: Corrections and Mental Health
- Section 6.4: Technology and the Future of Corrections
- Section 6.5: Global Perspectives on Corrections
- Section 7: Corrections Law
- Section 7.1: Constitutional Rights
- Section 7.2: Due Process and Procedural Fairness
- Section 7.3: Eighth Amendment
- Section 7.4: Fourth Amendment
- Section 7.5: First Amendment
- Section 8: The Impact of Corrections
- Section 8.1: Public Safety and Recidivism Reduction
- Section 8.2: Economic Costs and Benefits of Corrections
- Section 8.3: Racial Disparities
- Section 8.4: Ethical Considerations in Corrections
- Section 8.5: The Future of Corrections Reform
- Fundamentals of Crime Prevention
- Section 1: Theoretical Foundations
- Section 1: Theoretical Foundations [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: Introduction to the COP System
- Section 1.1: Introduction to the COP System [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Components of Routine Activities Theory
- Section 1.2: Components of Routine Activities Theory [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Application of Routine Activities
- Section 1.3: Application of Routine Activities [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: Critiques of Routine Activities Theory
- Section 1.4: Critiques of Routine Activities Theory [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: The COP System Overview
- Section 1.5: The COP System Overview [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: Residential Crime Prevention
- Section 2: Residential Crime Prevention [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: Understanding Residential Crime
- Section 2.1: Understanding Residential Crime [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: Identifying Vulnerabilities
- Section 2.2: Identifying Vulnerabilities [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: Target Hardening Measures
- Section 2.3: Target Hardening Measures [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: Community Involvement
- Section 2.4: Community Involvement [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Developing a Residential Plan
- Section 2.5: Developing a Residential Plan [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Business Crime Prevention
- Section 3: Business Crime Prevention [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.1: Crime Affecting Businesses
- Section 3.1: Crime Affecting Businesses [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: Assessing Business Vulnerabilities
- Section 3.2: Assessing Business Vulnerabilities [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: Security Measures for Businesses
- Section 3.3: Security Measures for Businesses [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: Technology in Business Crime
- Section 3.4: Technology in Business Crime [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Developing a Business Strategy
- Section 3.5: Developing a Business Strategy [Learning Resources]
- Section 4: Public Space Crime Prevention
- Section 4: Public Space Crime Prevention [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.1: Crimes in Public Spaces
- Section 4.1: Crimes in Public Spaces [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Environmental Design (CPTED)
- Section 4.2: Environmental Design [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Enhancing Public Surveillance
- Section 4.3: Enhancing Public Surveillance [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Community Engagement
- Section 4.4: Community Engagement [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Public Space Safety Initiatives
- Section 4.5: Public Space Safety Initiatives [Learning Resources]
- Section 5: Cybercrime Prevention
- Section 5: Cybercrime Prevention [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.1: Understanding Cybercrime
- Section 5.1: Understanding Cybercrime [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Identifying Cyber Vulnerabilities
- Section 5.2: Identifying Cyber Vulnerabilities [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: Cybersecurity Measures
- Section 5.3: Cybersecurity Measures [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Role of Law Enforcement
- Section 5.4: Role of Law Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Developing Cybercrime Policies
- Section 5.5: Developing Cybercrime Policies [Learning Resources]
- Section 6: Campus Crime Prevention
- Section 6: Campus Crime Prevention [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.1: Types of Crime in Schools
- Section 6.1: Types of Crime in Schools [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Assessing School Security
- Section 6.2: Assessing School Security [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Implementing Safety Protocols
- Section 6.3: Implementing Safety Protocols [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Role of Students and Staff
- Section 6.4: Role of Students and Staff [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Creating a Safe Campus
- Section 6.5: Creating a Safe Campus [Learning Resources]
- Section 7: Crime Prevention in Transportation
- Section 7: Crime Prevention in Transportation [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.1: Transportation Crime
- Section 7.1: Transportation Crime [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.2: Identifying Risks
- Section 7.2: Identifying Risks [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.3: Enhancing Security
- Section 7.3: Enhancing Security [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.4: Role of Technology
- Section 7.4: Role of Technology [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.5: Transportation Security Strategies
- Section 7.5: Transportation Security Strategies [Learning Resources]
- Section 8: Future Directions
- Section 8: Future Directions [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.1: Emerging Trends in Crime
- Section 8.1: Emerging Trends in Crime [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.2: Innovations in Crime Prevention
- Section 8.2: Innovations in Crime Prevention [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.3: Integrating into Policy and Practice
- Section 8.3: Integrating into Policy and Practice [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.4: The Role of Research
- Section 8.4: The Role of Research [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.5: Future Challenges
- Section 8.5: Future Challenges [Learning Resources]
- Fundamentals of Criminal Courts
- Section 1: Introduction to American Courts
- Section 1.1: Civil vs. Criminal Law
- Section 1.2: Court System Overview
- Section 1.3: Legal Vocabulary 101
- Section 1.4: History of American Courts
- Section 1.5: Comparative Legal Systems
- Section 2: The Federal Court System
- Section 2.1: Federal Courts Explained
- Section 2.2: The Supreme Court
- Section 2.3: Judicial Appointments
- Section 2.4: Significant Cases and Precedents
- Section 2.5: Federal vs. State Courts
- Section 3: State Court Systems
- Section 3.1: State Court Structure
- Section 3.2: Judge Selection
- Section 3.3: State Court Case Flow
- Section 3.4: Local Court Idiosyncrasies
- Section 3.5: State vs. Federal Jurisdiction
- Section 4: Specialized Courts
- Section 4.1: Types of Specialized Courts
- Section 4.2: Family and Juvenile Courts
- Section 4.3: Drug and Mental Health Courts
- Section 4.4: Efficacy of Specialized Courts
- Section 4.5: Emerging Specialized Courts
- Section 5: The Role of the Jury
- Section 5.1: Jury Selection
- Section 5.2: The Jury’s Role in Trials
- Section 5.3: Jury Dynamics
- Section 5.4: Challenges in Jury Trials
- Section 5.5: Jury Innovations
- Section 6: Legal Professionals
- Section 6.1: Attorneys at Work
- Section 6.2: Judges and Their Staff
- Section 6.3: Court Reporters
- Section 6.4: Legal Ethics
- Section 6.5: Continuing Education in Law
- Section 7: Courtroom Procedures
- Section 7.1: Stages of a Criminal Trial
- Section 7.2: Courtroom Protocols
- Section 7.3: Trial Preparation
- Section 7.4: Evidence Presentation
- Section 7.5: Technology in the Courtroom
- Section 8: Current Issues in the Courts
- Section 8.1: Digital Innovations in Courts
- Section 8.2: Judicial Reform Debates
- Section 8.3: Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Section 8.4: High-Profile Case Studies
- Section 8.5: Future of American Courts
- Fundamentals of Drug Enforcement
- Section 1: Introduction to Drugs and Society
- Section 1: Introduction to Drugs and Society [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: History of Drug Use and Control
- Section 1.1: History of Drug Use and Control [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Societal Impact of Drugs
- Section 1.2: Societal Impact of Drugs [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Overview of Drug Categories
- Section 1.3: Overview of Drug Categories [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: Drug Culture and Subcultures
- Section 1.4: Drug Culture and Subcultures [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Introduction to Drug Enforcement
- Section 1.5: Introduction to Drug Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: The Science of Drugs and Addiction
- Section 2: The Science of Drugs and Addiction [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics
- Section 2.1: Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: The Neurobiology of Addiction
- Section 2.2: The Neurobiology of Addiction [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: Effects of Commonly Abused Drugs
- Section 2.3: Effects of Commonly Abused Drugs [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: Prescription vs. Illicit Drugs
- Section 2.4: Prescription vs. Illicit Drugs [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Treatment and Rehabilitation
- Section 2.5: Treatment and Rehabilitation [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Drug Laws and Policies
- Section 3: Drug Laws and Policies [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.1: U.S. Drug Laws Overview
- Section 3.1: U.S. Drug Laws Overview [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: International Drug Treaties
- Section 3.2: International Drug Treaties [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: The War on Drugs
- Section 3.3: The War on Drugs [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: Drug Policy Reform Movements
- Section 3.4: Drug Policy Reform Movements [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Sentencing and Judicial Discretion
- Section 3.5: Sentencing and Judicial Discretion [Learning Resources]
- Section 4: Forensic Science in Drug Cases
- Section 4: Forensic Science in Drug Cases [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.1: Drug Identification and Analysis
- Section 4.1: Drug Identification and Analysis [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Toxicology and Overdose Investigations
- Section 4.2: Toxicology and Overdose Investigations [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Evidence Collection and Chain of Custody
- Section 4.3: Evidence Collection and Chain of Custody [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Digital Forensics in Drug Crimes
- Section 4.4: Digital Forensics in Drug Crimes [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: The Role of Expert Witnesses
- Section 4.5: The Role of Expert Witnesses [Learning Resources]
- Section 5: Drug Enforcement Tactics
- Section 5: Drug Enforcement Tactics [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.1: Undercover Operations
- Section 5.1: Undercover Operations [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Controlled Buys and Stings
- Section 5.2: Controlled Buys and Stings [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: Drug Interdiction and Border Control
- Section 5.3: Drug Interdiction and Border Control [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Arrest and Search Procedures
- Section 5.4: Arrest and Search Procedures [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Agency Collaboration
- Section 5.5: Agency Collaboration [Learning Resources]
- Section 6: Community-Based Drug Enforcement
- Section 6: Community-Based Drug Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.1: Community Policing and Drug Enforcement
- Section 6.1: Community Policing and Drug Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Drug Education and Prevention Programs
- Section 6.2: Drug Education and Prevention Programs [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Problem-Oriented Policing
- Section 6.3: Problem-Oriented Policing [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Harm Reduction Strategies
- Section 6.4: Harm Reduction Strategies [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Racial and Social Equity in Drug Enforcement
- Section 6.5: Racial and Social Equity in Drug Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 7: State, National, and International
- Section 7: State, National, and International [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.1: State-Level Drug Enforcement
- Section 7.1: State-Level Drug Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.2: National Drug Enforcement
- Section 7.2: National Drug Enforcement [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.3: International Drug Trafficking
- Section 7.3: International Drug Trafficking [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.4: Organized Crime and Smuggling
- Section 7.4: Organized Crime and Smuggling [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.5: Global Drug Control Efforts
- Section 7.5: Global Drug Control Efforts [Learning Resources]
- Fundamentals of Grief and Loss
- Section 1: Understanding Grief and Loss
- Section 1: Understanding Grief and Loss [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: The Nature of Grief
- Section 1.1: The Nature of Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Types of Loss
- Section 1.2: Types of Loss [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Models and Theories [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Models and Theories of Grieving
- Section 1.4: Factors Influencing Grief
- Section 1.4: Factors Influencing Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Complicated Grief
- Section 1.5: Complicated Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: Cultural Perspectives
- Section 2: Cultural Perspectives [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: Grief in Historical Contexts
- Section 2.1: Grief in Historical Contexts [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: Cultural Variations [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: Cultural Variations in Grief
- Section 2.3: Grief Rituals and Ceremonies
- Section 2.3: Rituals and Ceremonies [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: The Role of Religion [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: The Role of Religion in Grief
- Section 2.5: Modern Shifts in Grieving
- Section 2.5: Modern Shifts in Grieving [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Psychological Aspects of Grief
- Section 3: Psychological Aspects of Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.1: Emotional Responses to Loss
- Section 3.1: Emotional Responses to Loss [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: Cognitive and Behavioral Effects
- Section 3.2: Cognitive and Behavioral Effects [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: The Impact of Grief on Mental Health
- Section 3.3: The Impact on Mental Health [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: Attachment Theory and Loss
- Section 3.4: Attachment Theory and Loss [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Resilience
- Section 3.5: Resilience [Learning Resources]
- Section 4: Physical and Social Effects of Grief
- Section 4: Physical and Social Effects of Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.1: Physical Health Consequences
- Section 4.1: Physical Health Consequences [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Grief and Social Withdrawal
- Section 4.2: Grief and Social Withdrawal [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: The Impact on Family Dynamics
- Section 4.3: The Impact on Family Dynamics [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Grief in the Workplace
- Section 4.4: Grief in the Workplace [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Support Systems
- Section 4.5: Support Systems [Learning Resources]
- Section 5: Grief Across the Lifespan
- Section 5: Grief Across the Lifespan [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.1: Childhood and Adolescent Grief
- Section 5.1: Childhood and Adolescent Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Grief in Adulthood
- Section 5.2: Grief in Adulthood [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: Elderly and Grief
- Section 5.3: Elderly and Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Grieving a Child
- Section 5.4: Grieving a Child [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Lifespan Approach
- Section 5.5: Lifespan Approach [Learning Resources]
- Section 6: Special Topics in Grief and Loss
- Section 6: Special Topics in Grief and Loss [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.1: Suicide and Grief
- Section 6.1: Suicide and Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Disenfranchised Grief
- Section 6.2: Disenfranchised Grief [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Loss of Pets
- Section 6.3: Loss of Pets [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Traumatic Loss
- Section 6.4: Traumatic Loss [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Grief and Substance Use
- Section 6.5: Grief and Substance Use [Learning Resources]
- Section 7: Therapeutic Approaches to Grieving
- Section 7: Therapeutic Approaches to Grieving [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.1: Counseling and Therapy [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.1: Grief Counseling and Therapy
- Section 7.2: Group Therapy [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.2: Group Therapy for Grief
- Section 7.3: Creative and Expressive Therapies
- Section 7.3: Creative and Expressive Therapies [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.4: Mindfulness and Meditation
- Section 7.4: Mindfulness and Meditation [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.5: Integrating Technology [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.5: Technology in Grief Counseling
- Section 8: Professional Practice and Self-Care
- Section 8: Professional Practice and Self-Care [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.1: The Role of Social Workers
- Section 8.1: The Role of Social Workers [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.2: Ethics in Grief Counseling
- Section 8.2: Ethics in Grief Counseling [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.3: Building Resilience in Clients [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.3: Building Resilience in Grief
- Section 8.4: Self-Care for Professionals
- Section 8.4: Self-Care for Professionals [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.5: Professional Development
- Section 8.5: Professional Development [Learning Resources]
- Fundamentals of Juvenile Justice
- Section 1: Introduction to Juvenile Justice
- Section 1: Introduction to Juvenile Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: History of Juvenile Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: History of Juvenile Justice Systems
- Section 1.2: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
- Section 1.2: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Key Principles of Juvenile Justice
- Section 1.3: Key Principles of Juvenile Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: The Role of the Community
- Section 1.4: The Role of the Community [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Comparative Juvenile Justice Systems
- Section 1.5: Comparative Juvenile Justice Systems [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: Legal Framework and Rights
- Section 2: Legal Framework and Rights [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: Status Offenses vs. Delinquent Offenses [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: Status vs. Delinquent Offenses
- Section 2.2: Constitutional Rights of Juveniles
- Section 2.2: Constitutional Rights of Juveniles [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: The Juvenile Court Process
- Section 2.3: The Juvenile Court Process [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: Legal Representation
- Section 2.4: Legal Representation [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Key Supreme Court Cases
- Section 2.5: Key Supreme Court Cases [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Juvenile Delinquency
- Section 3: Juvenile Delinquency [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.1: Theoretical Perspectives
- Section 3.1: Theoretical Perspectives [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: Risk Factors and Protective Factors
- Section 3.2: Risk Factors and Protective Factors [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: Early Intervention and Prevention Programs [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: Intervention and Prevention Programs
- Section 3.4: School-Based Prevention [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: School-Based Strategies
- Section 3.5: Community and Family Approaches
- Section 3.5: Community and Family-Based Approaches [Learning Resources]
- Section 4: Juvenile Court Procedures
- Section 4: Juvenile Court Procedures [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.1: Role of Juvenile Courts [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.1: The Role of Juvenile Courts
- Section 4.2: Juvenile Probation
- Section 4.2: Juvenile Probation [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Detention and Alternatives
- Section 4.3: Detention and Alternatives [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Adjudication and Disposition Hearings
- Section 4.4: Adjudication and Disposition Hearings [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Judges and Probation Officers
- Section 4.5: Judges and Probation Officers [Learning Resources]
- Section 5: Rehabilitation and Treatment Programs
- Section 5: Rehabilitation Programs [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.1: Assessment and Treatment
- Section 5.1: Assessment and Treatment [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Behavioral Interventions
- Section 5.2: Behavioral Interventions [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: Educational Programs
- Section 5.3: Educational Programs [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Family and Parenting Programs
- Section 5.4: Family Programs [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Recidivism & Program Effectiveness [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Recidivism and Program Effectiveness
- Section 6: Special Topics in Juvenile Justice
- Section 6: Special Topics in Juvenile Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.1: Juveniles and the Drug Trade
- Section 6.1: Juveniles and the Drug Trade [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Gang Involvement
- Section 6.2: Gang Involvement [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Mental Health Issues
- Section 6.3: Mental Health Issues [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Juvenile Sex Offenders
- Section 6.4: Juvenile Sex Offenders [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice
- Section 6.5: Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 7: Juvenile Justice Policy [Learning Resources]
- Section 7: Juvenile Justice Policy and Reform
- Section 7.1: Trends and Challenges
- Section 7.1: Trends and Challenges [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.2: Evidence-Based Policy
- Section 7.2: Evidence-Based Policy [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.3: Restorative Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.3: Restorative Justice Approaches
- Section 7.4: Impact of Technology [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.4: The Impact of Technology
- Section 7.5: Future Directions for Reform
- Section 7.5: Future Reform [Learning Resources]
- Section 8: Innovation in Juvenile Justice
- Section 8: Innovation in Juvenile Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.1: Digital Interventions
- Section 8.1: Digital Interventions [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.2: Electronic Monitoring [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.2: Electronic Monitoring and GPS
- Section 8.3: Data Analytics
- Section 8.3: Data Analytics in Decision Making [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.4: Social Media’s Impact
- Section 8.4: Social Media’s Impact [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.5: Careers in Juvenile Justice
- Section 8.5: Careers in Juvenile Justice [Learning Resources]
- Fundamentals of Policing
- Policing | Contents
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 1.1
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 1.2
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 1.3
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 1.4
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 1.5
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 2.1
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 2.2
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 2.3
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 2.4
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 2.5
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 3.1
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 3.2
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 3.3
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 3.4
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 3.5
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 4.1
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 4.2
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 4.3
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 4.4
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 4.5
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 5.1
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 5.2
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 5.3
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 5.4
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 5.5
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 6.1
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 6.2
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 6.3
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 6.4
- Policing | Resources | Sec. 6.5
- Section 1: The Development of Modern Policing
- Section 1.1: Policing in Ancient Times
- Section 1.2: Policing in Early America
- Section 1.3: Peel and the Met
- Section 1.4: The Political Era
- Section 1.5: The Reform Era and Its Aftermath
- Section 2: The Structure and Nature of Policing
- Section 2.1: Police Functions
- Section 2.2: Federal Law Enforcement
- Section 2.3: State Agencies
- Section 2.4: Local Agencies
- Section 2.5: Styles of Policing
- Section 3: The Legal Environment of Policing
- Section 3.1: The Role of the Constitution
- Section 3.2: The Fourth Amendment
- Section 3.3: The Fifth Amendment
- Section 3.4: The Sixth Amendment
- Section 3.5: Police Civil Liability
- Section 4: Police Methods
- Section 4.1: Patrol
- Section 4.2: Criminal Investigations
- Section 4.3: Controversial Police Methods
- Section 4.4: Specialized Units in Policing
- Section 4.5: Police Discretion
- Section 5: Administration and Culture of Policing
- Section 5.1: Recruitment, Selection, and Training
- Section 5.2: Police Administration
- Section 5.3: Police Culture
- Section 5.4: Hazards of the Job
- Section 5.5: The Crisis of Legitimacy
- Section 6: Community Policing
- Section 6.1: Development of Community Policing
- Section 6.2: Core Components of COP
- Section 6.3: Challenges to Implementing Community Policing
- Section 6.4: Community Problem Solving
- Section 6.5: Proactive Solutions
- Fundamentals of Social Research
- Fundamentals of Sociology
- Fundamentals of Sociology [Course Learning Resources]
- Section 1: Introduction to Sociology
- Section 1.1: What is Sociology?
- Section 1.1: What is Sociology? [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: History of Sociology
- Section 1.2: History of Sociology [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Sociological Methods
- Section 1.3: Sociological Methods [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: Theory in Sociology
- Section 1.4: Theory in Sociology [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Social Research
- Section 1.5: Social Research [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: Culture
- Section 2.1: What is Culture?
- Section 2.1: What is Culture? [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: Elements of Culture
- Section 2.2: Elements of Culture [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: Variant Cultures
- Section 2.3: Variant Cultures [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: Theories of Culture
- Section 2.4: Theories of Culture [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Cultural Change
- Section 2.5: Cultural Change [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Social Interaction
- Section 3.1: Types of Societies
- Section 3.1: Types of Societies [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: Theoretical Perspectives on Society
- Section 3.2: Theoretical Perspectives on Society [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: The Nature of Reality
- Section 3.3: The Nature of Reality [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: Socialization
- Section 3.4: Socialization [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Socialization Through Life
- Section 3.5: Socialization Through Life [Learning Resources]
- Section 4: Organizations and Groups
- Section 4.1: Types of Social Groups
- Section 4.1: Types of Social Groups [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Group Structures
- Section 4.2: Group Structures [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Formal Organizations
- Section 4.3: Formal Organizations [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Social Stratification
- Section 4.4: Social Stratification [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
- Section 4.5: Race, Ethnicity, and Gender [Learning Resources]
- Section 5: Crime and Deviance
- Section 5.1: Introduction to Deviance
- Section 5.1: Introduction to Deviance [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Deviance and Control
- Section 5.2: Deviance and Control [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: Theoretical Perspectives of Deviance
- Section 5.3: Theoretical Perspectives of Deviance [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Criminal Justice
- Section 5.4: Criminal Justice [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Criminal Justice Policy
- Section 5.5: Criminal Justice Policy [Learning Resources]
- Section 6: Social Institutions
- Section 6.1: Marriage and Family
- Section 6.1: Marriage and Family [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Religion
- Section 6.2: Religion [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Education
- Section 6.3: Education [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Politics and Government
- Section 6.4: Politics and Government [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Social Change
- Section 6.5: Social Change [Learning Resources]
- Section 7: Social Inequality
- Section 7.1: What is social inequality?
- Section 7.1: What is social inequality? [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.2: Types of Social Inequality
- Section 7.2: Types of Social Inequality [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.3: How Social Inequality is Created?
- Section 7.3: How Social Inequality is Created? [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.4: The Impact of Social Inequality
- Section 7.4: The Impact of Social Inequality [Learning Resources]
- Section 7.5: The Future of Social Inequality
- Section 7.5: The Future of Social Inequality [Learning Resources]
- Section 8: Sociological Research Methods
- Section 8.1: How Sociologists Collect Data
- Section 8.1: How Sociologists Collect Data [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.2: Different Types of Research Methods
- Section 8.2: Different Types of Research Methods [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.3: Research Ethics
- Section 8.3: Research Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.4: The Use of Sociological Research
- Section 8.4: The Use of Sociological Research [Learning Resources]
- Section 8.5: The Future of Sociological Research
- Section 8.5: The Future of Sociological Research [Learning Resources]
- Sociology Glossary
- Absolute Poverty | Definition
- Achieved Status | Definition
- Affirmative Action | Definition
- Age of Reason | Definition
- Aggregate | Definition
- Agrarian Societies | Definition
- Alienation | Definition
- Amalgamation | Definition
- Anomalies | Definition
- Anomie | Definition
- Anomie Theory | Definition
- Anticipatory Socialization | Definition
- Apartheid | Definition
- Ascribed Status | Definition
- Assimilation | Definition
- Association | Definition
- Auguste Comte | Definition
- Autocracy | Definition
- Baby Boom | Definition
- Behavior | Definition
- Bias | Definition
- Bicultural | Definition
- birth rate | Definition
- Bureaucracy | Definition
- calling | Definition
- Capitalism | Definition
- caste system | Definition
- centrally planned economy | Definition
- charismatic leader | Definition
- charter school | Definition
- church | Definition
- city | Definition
- Civil Law | Definition
- Civil Religion | Definition
- Class | Definition
- Class Conflict | Definition
- Class Consciousness | Definition
- class system | Definition
- closed system | Definition
- Coercion | Definition
- Cognitive Development | Definition
- Cognitive Development Theory | Definition
- cohort | Definition
- collective identity | Definition
- Commitment | Definition
- community | Definition
- Comparable Worth | Definition
- Competition | Definition
- Complementary Marriage | Definition
- Complexity | Definition
- Concentric-zone Theory | Definition
- concept | Definition
- Conflict | Definition
- conflict approach | Definition
- Conformity | Definition
- conjugal family | Definition
- Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area | Definition
- Contact Hypothesis | Definition
- Contagion Theory | Definition
- Content Analysis | Definition
- Content of Socialization | Definition
- Contest Mobility | Definition
- Context of Socialization | Definition
- control group | Definition
- controlling for | Definition
- Convergence Theory | Definition
- Cooperation | Definition
- Cooptation | Definition
- Correlation | Definition
- Counterculture | Definition
- Creationism | Definition
- credential | Definition
- Crime | Definition
- Criminal Law | Definition
- Critical Thinking | Definition
- cult | Definition
- cultural capital | Definition
- cultural change | Definition
- cultural determinism | Definition
- cultural division of labor | Definition
- cultural imposition | Definition
- cultural relativism | Definition
- cultural revolution | Definition
- cultural universals | Definition
- culture | Definition
- culture lag | Definition
- Culture of Poverty | Definition
- culture pattern theory | Definition
- cyclical theories | Definition
- Data | Definition
- Deduction | Definition
- democracy | Definition
- democratic-collective organization | Definition
- demographic transition | Definition
- demography | Definition
- denomination | Definition
- dependency theory | Definition
- dependent variable | Definition
- descriptive study | Definition
- desegregation | Definition
- Deskilling | Definition
- Deterrence Theory | Definition
- deviance | Definition
- deviant career | Definition
- Differential Association | Definition
- Diffusion | Definition
- Discrimination | Definition
- division of labor | Definition
- dominant status | Definition
- double standard | Definition
- Dramaturgical Analysis | Definition
- dual economy | Definition
- dual-career families | Definition
- dual-career responsibilities | Definition
- dyad | Definition
- dysfunction | Definition
- ecological paradigm | Definition
- ecological succession | Definition
- Ecology | Definition
- economic core | Definition
- economic growth | Definition
- economic institution | Definition
- economic periphery | Definition
- Economics | Definition
- ecosystem | Definition
- Education | Definition
- egalitarian marriage | Definition
- ego | Definition
- elderly dependency ratio | Definition
- emergent norm theory | Definition
- Émile Durkheim | Definition
- empirical evidence | Definition
- enlightenment | Definition
- equilibrium | Definition
- ethnic group | Definition
- ethnocentrism | Definition
- ethnography | Definition
- ethnomethodology | Definition
- evangelicalism | Definition
- evolutionary theories | Definition
- Exchange | Definition
- Exchange Theory | Definition
- experiment | Definition
- experimental group | Definition
- explanatory study | Definition
- expressive leader | Definition
- expressive role | Definition
- extended family | Definition
- Face-work | Definition
- Fads | Definition
- family | Definition
- Fashion | Definition
- Feminism | Definition
- Figuration | Definition
- Flow | Definition
- Folkways | Definition
- formal organizations | Definition
- formal sanction | Definition
- functional approach | Definition
- functional equivalent | Definition
- Fundamentalism | Definition
- Gender | Definition
- gender differences | Definition
- gender gap | Definition
- gender stratification | Definition
- gender-role expectations | Definition
- generalizable results | Definition
- generalized other | Definition
- Genocide | Definition
- gentrification | Definition
- global economy | Definition
- globalization | Definition
- government | Definition
- Green Revolution | Definition
- groups | Definition
- groupthink | Definition
- Health Maintenance Organizations | Definition
- healthcare | Definition
- Herbert Spencer | Definition
- heterosexual | Definition
- hierarchy | Definition
- hispanic | Definition
- homosexual | Definition
- horizontal mobility | Definition
- horticultural societies | Definition
- hospice | Definition
- hunting and gathering societies | Definition
- hybrid economy | Definition
- hyperinflation | Definition
- hypothesis | Definition
- id | Definition
- ideal values | Definition
- identification theories | Definition
- ideology | Definition
- Immanuel Kant | Definition
- impression management | Definition
- incest | Definition
- incest taboo | Definition
- income | Definition
- independent variable | Definition
- individualism | Definition
- induction | Definition
- Industrial Revolution | Definition
- industrialization | Definition
- industrialized societies | Definition
- inflation | Definition
- informal sanction | Definition
- innovation | Definition
- Instinct | Definition
- institution of science | Definition
- institutionalized | Definition
- institutions | Definition
- instrumental leader | Definition
- Instrumental roles | Definition
- interaction | Definition
- interest group | Definition
- intergenerational mobility | Definition
- intermittent reinforcement | Definition
- internalization | Definition
- interpretive approach | Definition
- interpretive framework | Definition
- interrelated parts | Definition
- interview | Definition
- invention | Definition
- John Locke | Definition
- Karl Marx | Definition
- Keynesian economics | Definition
- kinship | Definition
- Labeling Theory | Definition
- labor-market segmentation | Definition
- laissez-faire economics | Definition
- Language | Definition
- latent function | Definition
- laws | Definition
- learning theory | Definition
- legal protection | Definition
- legitimate | Definition
- lesbian | Definition
- Liberty | Definition
- life chances | Definition
- life course | Definition
- life expectancy | Definition
- life table | Definition
- life-course analysis | Definition
- Lifestyle | Definition
- line job | Definition
- literature review | Definition
- Lobbying | Definition
- logical reasoning | Definition
- looking-glass self | Definition
- macro level | Definition
- magic | Definition
- manifest function | Definition
- Marriage | Definition
- marriage rate | Definition
- marriage squeeze | Definition
- Marxian approach | Definition
- mass hysteria | Definition
- mass media | Definition
- Matthew Effect | Definition
- Max Weber | Definition
- Medicaid | Definition
- Medicare | Definition
- method of comparison | Definition
- Methodology | Definition
- Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) | Definition
- micro level | Definition
- Migration | Definition
- minority group | Definition
- Modeling | Definition
- Modernization | Definition
- Monopoly | Definition
- Mores | Definition
- mortality rate | Definition
- Multinational Corporation (MNC) | Definition
- multiple-nuclei theory | Definition
- Nation | Definition
- nation-state | Definition
- natural rights | Definition
- negative sanctions | Definition
- Negotiation | Definition
- Nomadic | Definition
- nonverbal communication | Definition
- norm | Definition
- normal science | Definition
- nuclear family | Definition
- Objectivity | Definition
- Occupation | Definition
- occupational segregation | Definition
- Oligarchy | Definition
- Oligopoly | Definition
- open system | Definition
- operational definition | Definition
- Opportunity | Definition
- organization | Definition
- organizational ritualism | Definition
- organizational waste | Definition
- Panic | Definition
- paradigm | Definition
- parallel marriage | Definition
- participant observation | Definition
- pastoral societies | Definition
- patriarchal family | Definition
- peer group | Definition
- Play | Definition
- Pluralism | Definition
- policy research | Definition
- Political Economy Model | Definition
- Political Order | Definition
- Political Party | Definition
- Population | Definition
- population exclusion | Definition
- population transfer | Definition
- positive sanctions | Definition
- Positivist | Definition
- postindustrial society | Definition
- Power | Definition
- power dynamics | Definition
- power elite | Definition
- Prejudice | Definition
- Prestige | Definition
- primary deviance | Definition
- primary economic sector | Definition
- primary groups | Definition
- principle of cumulative advantage | Definition
- Privatization | Definition
- Profession | Definition
- Projection | Definition
- Property | Definition
- proposition | Definition
- Prostitution | Definition
- qualitative research | Definition
- quantitative research | Definition
- Race | Definition
- Racism | Definition
- random sample | Definition
- Rape | Definition
- Rate of Natural Increase | Definition
- Rationalization | Definition
- real values | Definition
- Rebellion | Definition
- reference group | Definition
- reform movement | Definition
- regressive movement | Definition
- relative poverty | Definition
- Religion | Definition
- religious movement | Definition
- research design | Definition
- Resocialization | Definition
- Resource Mobilization Theory | Definition
- Retreatism | Definition
- Revolution | Definition
- Revolutionary Movement | Definition
- Riot | Definition
- Rising Expectations | Definition
- Ritual | Definition
- Ritualism | Definition
- Rival Hypothesis | Definition
- role | Definition
- Role Accumulation | Definition
- Role Conflict | Definition
- Role Exit | Definition
- Role Expectations | Definition
- Role Performance | Definition
- Role Set | Definition
- Rowdyism | Definition
- Ruling Class | Definition
- Rumor | Definition
- sanction | Definition
- Scapegoating | Definition
- Schooling | Definition
- Science | Definition
- scientific method | Definition
- Scientific Revolution | Definition
- Secondary deviance | Definition
- secondary economic sector | Definition
- secondary group | Definition
- sect | Definition
- sector theory | Definition
- Secularization | Definition
- self-classification | Definition
- self-fulfilling prophecy | Definition
- Sex | Definition
- Sibling | Definition
- Skepticism | Definition
- social categories | Definition
- social change | Definition
- social class | Definition
- social cohesion | Definition
- social construction of reality | Definition
- social context | Definition
- social control | Definition
- social facts | Definition
- social forces | Definition
- social inequality | Definition
- social institutions | Definition
- social interaction | Definition
- Social Learning Theory | Definition
- social mobility | Definition
- social movement | Definition
- social network | Definition
- social patterns | Definition
- social phenomenon | Definition
- social psychology | Definition
- social reforms | Definition
- social sciences | Definition
- social stratification | Definition
- social structure | Definition
- social symbols | Definition
- social ties | Definition
- social values | Definition
- socialist societies | Definition
- Socialization | Definition
- Society | Definition
- Sociobiology | Definition
- Socioeconomic Status (SES) | Definition
- sociological imagination | Definition
- sociological lens | Definition
- sociological methods | Definition
- sociological perspective | Definition
- sociological study | Definition
- sociologist | Definition
- sociology | Definition
- Sovereignty | Definition
- sponsored mobility | Definition
- staff jobs | Definition
- stage theory | Definition
- state | Definition
- state sector | Definition
- state terrorism | Definition
- statistical analysis | Definition
- Status | Definition
- status group | Definition
- status inconsistency | Definition
- status-attainment model | Definition
- stigmatization | Definition
- structural change | Definition
- structural-functional theory | Definition
- subculture | Definition
- subjective meanings | Definition
- Subjective Social Class | Definition
- Subjectivity | Definition
- Suburb | Definition
- Suicide | Definition
- Sunbelt | Definition
- superego | Definition
- survey | Definition
- symbol | Definition
- Symbolic Interactionism | Definition
- Systematic Research | Definition
- Taboo | Definition
- Technological Determinism | Definition
- Technology | Definition
- Tension Release Theory | Definition
- Terrorism | Definition
- tertiary economic sector | Definition
- Theoretical Approach | Definition
- Theory | Definition
- Theory X | Definition
- Theory Y | Definition
- Theory Z | Definition
- Thomas Hobbes | Definition
- Total Fertility Rate | Definition
- total institution | Definition
- Totalitarianism | Definition
- Triad | Definition
- Underemployment | Definition
- underground economy | Definition
- Unemployment | Definition
- unit of analysis | Definition
- Urbanization | Definition
- Validity | Definition
- Value-added theory | Definition
- values | Definition
- variable | Definition
- vertical integration | Definition
- vertical mobility | Definition
- Voltaire | Definition
- Wealth | Definition
- Weberian approach | Definition
- white ethnics | Definition
- white-collar crime | Definition
- world-systems analysis | Definition
- Zero population growth (ZPG) | Definition
- How to Copy an Existing Course Shell into a New Term in Blackboard Ultra
- Juvenile Justice
- Legal Research
- Legal Research | Contents
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 1.1
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 1.2
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 1.3
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 1.4
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 1.5
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- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 2.2
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- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 3.1
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 3.2
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 3.3
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 3.4
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 3.5
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 4.1
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 4.2
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 4.3
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 4.4
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 4.5
- Legal Research | Resources | Sec. 5.1
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- Legal Research | Section 1.1
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- Legal Research | Section 2.1
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- Legal Research | Section 2.3
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- Legal Research | Section 3.1
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- Legal Research | Section 4.1
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- Legal Research | Section 5.1
- Legal Research | Section 5.2
- Legal Research | Section 5.3
- Legal Research | Section 5.4
- Legal Research | Section 5.5
- Legal Research | Section 6.1
- Legal Research | Section 6.2
- Legal Research | Section 6.3
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- Legal Research | Section 6.5
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- Police Methods
- Police Methods | Contents
- Section 1.1: The Rise and Fall of Traditional Patrol
- Section 1.2: Purposes of Patrol
- Section 1.3: Civilianization
- Section 1.4: Recruitment
- Section 1.5: Intelligence-Led Policing
- Section 2.1: Why We Need C.O.P.
- Section 2.2: Elements of Community Policing
- Section 2.3: Government Partnerships
- Section 2.4: Changing Police Organizations
- Section 2.5: CompStat and COP
- Section 3.1: What is a Community?
- Section 3.2: Perceptions of the Police
- Section 3.3: Police and Crime
- Section 3.4: Fear of Crime
- Section 3.5: Building Partnerships
- Section 4.1: Crime Science
- Section 4.2: C.P.T.E.D.
- Section 4.3: Crackdowns
- Section 4.4: Hot Products
- Section 4.5: Policing the Mentally Ill
- Section 5.1: Problem-oriented Policing
- Section 5.2: COP and Crime Prevention
- Section 5.3: Community Crime Prevention
- Section 5.4: Assessment and Response
- Section 5.5: Order Maintenance vs. Civil Rights
- Section 6.1: Police Communications
- Section 6.2: COP in Schools
- Section 6.3: Dealing with Bullying & Racism
- Section 6.4: Language, Race, & Cultural Barriers
- Section 6.5: Prescriptions for Change
- Preface | Research
- Procedural Law
- Procedural Law | Section 4.3
- Procedural Law | SECTION 5
- Procedural Law | Section 1
- Procedural Law | Section 1.5
- Procedural Law | SECTION 2
- Procedural Law | SECTION 3
- Procedural Law Contents
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 1.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 1.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 1.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 1.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 1.5
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 2.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 2.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 2.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 2.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 2.5
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 3.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 3.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 3.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 3.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 3.5
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 4.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 4.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 4.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 4.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 4.5
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 5.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 5.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 5.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 5.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 5.5
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 6.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 6.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 6.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 6.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 6.5
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 7.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 7.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 7.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 7.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 7.5
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 8.1
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 8.2
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 8.3
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 8.4
- Procedure | Resources | Sec. 8.5
- Section 4: Investigations and the Law
- Section 1.1: Sources of the Law
- Section 1.2: Primary vs. Secondary Sources
- Section 1.3: Electronic Legal Research
- Section 1.4: Case Law
- Section 2.1: Fourth Amendment
- Section 2.2: Stop and Frisk
- Section 2.3: Arrest
- Section 2.4: Search Incident to Arrest
- Section 2.5: Seizures
- Section 3.1: Obtaining a Warrant
- Section 3.2: Warrant Issuance
- Section 3.3: Warrant Service
- Section 3.4: Search Warrant Exceptions
- Section 3.5: Searches of People
- Section 4.1: Searches of Vehicles
- Section 4.2: Miscellaneous Searches
- Section 4.4: Police Interrogations
- Section 4.5: Miranda Warnings
- Section 5.1: Right to Counsel
- Section 5.2: Issues with Counsel
- Section 5.3: Civil Remedies
- Section 5.4: Criminal Procedural Remedies
- Section 5.5: Pretrial and Trial Rights
- Section 6.1: Identification Procedures
- Section 6.2: Bail and Pretrial Release
- Section 6.3: Pretrial Procedures
- Section 6.4: Probation and Parole
- Section 6.5: Criminal Punishments
- Section 7: Use of Force and Police Procedures
- Bias and Use of Force Disparities
- Body-worn Cameras and Video Evidence
- Constitutional Rights and Use of Force
- Deadly Force and Lethal Weapons
- Internal Affairs Investigations and External Oversight
- Non-lethal Force Options
- Police Use of Force Policies
- Qualified Immunity and Excessive Force
- Reasonableness in Police Use of Force
- Reporting Use of Force
- Section 7.1: Introduction to Police Use of Force
- Section 7.2: Levels of Force and Justifications
- Section 7.3: Police Use of Force and Accountability
- Section 7.4: Police Training and Policies
- Section 7.5: Emerging Issues and Future Trends
- Use of Force Continuum
- Use of Force in Mental Health Crisis Response
- Use of Force Principles
- Use of Force Training
- Section 8: Post-Conviction Remedies
- Available Post-Conviction Remedies
- Effect of Newly Discovered Evidence on Convictions
- Establishing Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
- Exonerations and Wrongful Convictions
- Grounds for Habeas Corpus Relief
- Habeas Corpus Procedures
- Importance of Newly Discovered Evidence
- Importance of Post-Conviction Relief
- Introduction to Actual Innocence Claims
- Purpose and Scope of Post-Conviction Remedies
- Remedies for Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
- Requirements for Introducing Newly Discovered Evidence
- Right to Effective Assistance of Counsel
- Section 8.1: Overview of Post-Conviction Remedies
- Section 8.2: Habeas Corpus Petitions
- Section 8.3: Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Claims
- Section 8.4: Newly Discovered Evidence
- Section 8.5: Actual Innocence Claims
- Standards and Burden of Proof for Actual Innocence Claims
- Understanding Habeas Corpus
- Procedure Cases
- Procedure Section 1
- Procedure Section 2
- Cuyler v. Sullivan, 446 U.S. 335 (1980)
- Harlow v. Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. 800 (1982)
- Illinois v. Allen, 397 U.S. 337 (1970)
- Lugar v. Edmondson Oil Co., 457 U.S. 922 (1982)
- Massiah v. United States, 377 U.S. 201 (1964)
- McNeil v. Wisconsin, 501 U.S. 171 (1991)
- Monell v. Department of Social Services (1978) 436 U.S. 658
- Patterson v. Illinois, 487 U.S. 285 (1988)
- Ross v. Moffit, 417 U.S. 600 (1974)
- Stone v. Powell, 428 U.S. 465 (1976)
- Strickland v. Washington, 466 U.S. 668 (1984)
- United States v. Calandra, 414 U.S. 338 (1974)
- United States v. Ewell, 383 U.S. 116 (1966)
- United States v. Lanier, 520 U.S. 259 (1997)
- Ward v. Monroeville, 409 U.S. 57 (1972)
- Procedure Section 3
- ATKINS V. VIRGINIA, 536 U.S. 304 (2002)
- AUSTIN V. UNITED STATES, 509 U.S. 602 (1993)
- BOYKIN V. ALABAMA, 395 U.S. 238 (1969)
- BURNS V. UNITED STATES, 287 U.S. 216 (1932)
- COOPER V. OKLAHOMA, 517 U.S. 348 (1996)
- GARDNER V. FLORIDA, 430 U.S. 349 (1977)
- JACKSON V. DENNO, 378 U.S. 368 (1964)
- KANSAS V. HENDRICKS, 521 U.S. 346 (1997)
- SIMMONS V. UNITED STATES, 390 U.S. 377 (1968)
- STACK V. BOYLE, 342 U.S. 1 (1951)
- UNITED STATES V. DIONISIO, 410 U.S. 1 (1973)
- UNITED STATES V. SALERNO, 481 US 739 (1987)
- United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 218 (1967)
- Research Tools
- APA Professional Paper (7th ed.) Template
- Find DOI Numbers
- How Do I Find ‘Peer-Reviewed Empirical Research Reports’ in Criminal Justice?
- How do I know if an article is ‘peer reviewed’?
- How do I set up those hanging indents that APA requires for Reference pages in MS Word?
- How is a stand alone scientific literature review different from a research proposal?
- How to Write a Case Brief
- Literature Review Grading Rubric (100% Scale)
- Literature Review Outline [Experimental Study]
- Mastering Academic Database Searches: A Guide for Students
- Research Methods Project Requirements Summary [Undergraduate]
- Sample APA Literature Review Outline
- Stand-alone Literature Review Example
- The Craft of Scientific Writing
- What do you mean by ‘testable hypothesis’?!
- What do you mean by ‘true experiment’?!
- What is the literature review component of a social science research report?
- Why is currency important when citing journal articles?
- Why is it important to cite only peer-reviewed empirical research reports in academic research?
- Worksheet: Peer-Reviewed Empirical Research Report Checklist
- Worksheet: Verifying an Experimental Hypotheses
- Section 1: Science, Constructs, and Definitions
- Section 1: Science, Constructs, and Definitions [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.1: What is (Social) Science? [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.2: Making Sense of Numbers [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.3: Definitions and Constructs [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.4: Research Ethics [Learning Resources]
- Section 1.5: Finding Information [Learning Resources]
- Section 2: Foundations of Scientific Literature
- Section 2: Foundations of Scientific Literature [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.1: The Scientific Literature [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.2: The Research Writing Process [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.3: Analyzing the Literature [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.4: Methodological Concerns [Learning Resources]
- Section 2.5: Citation Systems [Learning Resources]
- Section 3: Variables and Hypotheses
- Section 3: Variables and Hypotheses [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.1: Writing Research Hypotheses [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.2: Variables [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.3: Scales of Measurement [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.4: Sampling and Generalizability [Learning Resources]
- Section 3.5: Hypothesis Testing [Learning Resources]
- Section 4: Writing for Research
- Section 4: Writing For Research [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.1: Synthesis of the Literature [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.2: Quoting and Paraphrasing [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.3: Elements of a Literature Review [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.4: Your Own Style [Learning Resources]
- Section 4.5: Writing to Style [Learning Resources]
- Section 5: Research Designs
- Section 5: Research Designs [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.1: Quantitative Research [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.2: Experimental Designs [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.3: True Experiments [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.4: Quasi-experimental Designs [Learning Resources]
- Section 5.5: Qualitative Designs [Learning Resources]
- Section 6: Data Collection and Qualitative Designs
- Appendix A: Advanced Concepts in Research Ethics
- Appendix B: How to Write a Case Brief
- Appendix C: How to Write an Incident Report
- Appendix D: Writing Probation and Parole Reports
- Appendix E: Writing for Court Testimony
- Appendix F: Grant Writing in Criminal Justice
- Appendix G: Communication with the Public
- Appendix H: Policy Manuals in Criminal Justice
- Section 6.1: Qualitative and Historical Research
- Section 6.2: Existing Data and Archives
- Section 6.3: Observational Research
- Section 6.4: Surveys and Interviews
- Section 6.5: Program Evaluation & Applied Research
- Section 6: Data Collection and Qualitative Designs [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.1: Qualitative and Historical Research [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.2: Existing Data and Archival Records [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.3: Observational Research [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.4: Surveys and Interviews [Learning Resources]
- Section 6.5: Applied Research [Learning Resources]
- Statistics
- Chi-Square Test for Independence
- Chi-Square Test Overview
- Correlation Matrix Overview
- Dependent t-Test Overview
- Descriptive Statistics Overview
- Distribution Analysis Overview
- Fisher Exact Test for Larger Contingency Tables Overview
- Fisher Exact Test Overview
- Fundamentals of Social Statistics | Preface
- Independent t-Test Overview
- Logistic Regression Overview
- Multiple Regression Overview
- One-Sample t-Test Overview
- One-Way ANOVA Overview
- Pearson Correlation Overview
- Regression Analysis Overview
- Section 1: Basic Concepts
- Section 2
- Section 3: Describing Variables
- Section 4
- Section 5: Hypothesis Testing
- Section 6: Testing Null Hypotheses
- Section 7
- Selector > Mixed Data > Analyzing Relationships
- Selector > Mixed Data > Summarizing/Comparing Data
- Selector > Numerical Data > More than Two Variables
- Selector > Numerical Data > One Variable
- Selector > Numerical Data > Two Variables
- Spearman Correlation Overview
- Statistical Method Selector
- Statistical Method Selector > Categorical Data
- Statistical Method Selector > Categorical Data > More than Two Categories
- Statistical Method Selector > Categorical Data > Two Categories
- Statistical Method Selector > Mixed Data
- Statistical Method Selector > Numerical Data
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 1.1
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 1.2
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 1.3
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 1.4
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 1.5
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 2.1
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 2.2
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 2.3
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 2.4
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 2.5
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 3.1
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 3.2
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 3.3
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 3.4
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 3.5
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 4.1
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 4.2
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 4.3
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 4.4
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 4.5
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 5.1
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 5.2
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 5.3
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 5.4
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 5.5
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 6.1
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 6.2
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 6.3
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 6.4
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 6.5
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 7.1
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 7.2
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 7.3
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 7.4
- Statistics | Learning Resources | Sec. 7.5
- Two-Way ANOVA Overview
- The OER Research
- 4th Amendment Cases
- Personal Finance
- Privacy & Cookie Policy
- Section 1.1: The High Cost of Helping
- The Technology Powering DocMcKee.com
- The World of Black Watch
- Altheria
- Black Watch Names
- Black Watch Organization
- Chandan
- Kingdom of Durshan
- Kingdom of Hanan
- Nishan Federation
- Order of Sevak
- Order of Sevak
- Port Daegal
- Port Daegal
- Scroll of the Amber Path
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Celestial Veil – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription XI
- Scroll of the Coiling Serpent – Inscription XII
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Ebony Vale – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Enduring Oak
- Scroll of the Enduring Oak – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Enduring Oak – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Enduring Oak – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Forging Hammer
- Scroll of the Golden Aegis
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Harrowing Abyss – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Healing Grove
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription XI
- Scroll of the Infernal Dawn – Inscription XII
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription XI
- Scroll of the Iron Mountain – Inscription XII
- Scroll of the Just Scale
- Scroll of the Obsidian River
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Obsidian River – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription XI
- Scroll of the Raven’s Cry – Inscription XII
- Scroll of the Sheltering Baobab
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Shrouded Moon – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Silent Winds
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Silent Winds – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Silver Concord
- Scroll of the Tranquil Pond
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription I
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription II
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription III
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription IV
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription IX
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription V
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription VI
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription VII
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription VIII
- Scroll of the Twin Shadows – Inscription X
- Scroll of the Whispering
- Scroll of the Whispering Winds
- Scroll of the Woven Parchment
- Scroll of the Woven Silk
- Scrolls of the Shunya
- The Luminar Empire
- The Scroll of the Azure Flame
- The Ships of Black Watch
- The Spirit Veil
- The Supernatural
- Traveling Altheria’s Expanse
- Vanier
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- Vetala
- Vishodan Empire
- Vokara
- Travel
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- UAM Stuff
Posts by category
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- The Role Of Credit In The Economy (According to Ray Dalio)
- How the Economy Works (According to Ray Dalio)
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